erdgeist 9297967f85 Add a stat option the count bucket stalls
Add an iterator for all torrents. It's slower but for stats it's okay.
Move some stats collection stuff to the new iterator. More to come.
Start a "report all stats" page.
Start fixing the code to identify "busy" networks.
Add the concept of hosts allowed to proxy.
Add a parser for the X-Forwarded-For: HTTP header.
Clean up HTTP Header handling code. (Remove some left overs of now vanished sync code).
2009-03-04 14:35:21 +00:00

533 lines
16 KiB

/* This software was written by Dirk Engling <>
It is considered beerware. Prost. Skol. Cheers or whatever.
Some of the stuff below is stolen from Fefes example libowfat httpd.
$Id$ */
/* System */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
/* Libowfat */
#include "socket.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "iob.h"
#include "byte.h"
#include "scan.h"
#include "ip6.h"
/* Opentracker */
#include "trackerlogic.h"
#include "ot_mutex.h"
#include "ot_http.h"
#include "ot_udp.h"
#include "ot_accesslist.h"
#include "ot_stats.h"
#include "ot_livesync.h"
/* Globals */
time_t g_now_seconds;
char * g_redirecturl = NULL;
uint32_t g_tracker_id;
volatile int g_opentracker_running = 1;
int g_self_pipe[2];
static char * g_serverdir = NULL;
static void panic( const char *routine ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s\n", routine, strerror(errno) );
exit( 111 );
static void signal_handler( int s ) {
if( s == SIGINT ) {
/* Any new interrupt signal quits the application */
signal( SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
/* Tell all other threads to not acquire any new lock on a bucket
but cancel their operations and return */
g_opentracker_running = 0;
exit( 0 );
} else if( s == SIGALRM ) {
/* Maintain our copy of the clock. time() on BSDs is very expensive. */
g_now_seconds = time(NULL);
static void usage( char *name ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [-i ip] [-p port] [-P port] [-r redirect] [-d dir] [-A ip] [-f config] [-s livesyncport]"
" [-b blacklistfile]"
#elif defined ( WANT_ACCESSLIST_WHITE )
" [-w whitelistfile]"
"\n", name );
#define HELPLINE(opt,desc) fprintf(stderr, "\t%-10s%s\n",opt,desc)
static void help( char *name ) {
usage( name );
HELPLINE("-f config","include and execute the config file");
HELPLINE("-i ip","specify ip to bind to (default: *, you may specify more than one)");
HELPLINE("-p port","specify tcp port to bind to (default: 6969, you may specify more than one)");
HELPLINE("-P port","specify udp port to bind to (default: 6969, you may specify more than one)");
HELPLINE("-r redirecturl","specify url where / should be redirected to (default none)");
HELPLINE("-d dir","specify directory to try to chroot to (default: \".\")");
HELPLINE("-A ip","bless an ip address as admin address (e.g. to allow syncs from this address)");
HELPLINE("-b file","specify blacklist file.");
#elif defined( WANT_ACCESSLIST_WHITE )
HELPLINE("-w file","specify whitelist file.");
fprintf( stderr, "\nExample: ./opentracker -i -p 6969 -P 6969 -f ./opentracker.conf -i -p 2710 -p 80\n" );
static void handle_dead( const int64 sock ) {
struct http_data* cookie=io_getcookie( sock );
if( cookie ) {
if( cookie->flag & STRUCT_HTTP_FLAG_IOB_USED )
iob_reset( &cookie->data.batch );
if( cookie->flag & STRUCT_HTTP_FLAG_ARRAY_USED )
array_reset( &cookie->data.request );
mutex_workqueue_canceltask( sock );
free( cookie );
io_close( sock );
static ssize_t handle_read( const int64 sock, struct ot_workstruct *ws ) {
struct http_data* cookie = io_getcookie( sock );
ssize_t byte_count;
if( ( byte_count = io_tryread( sock, ws->inbuf, G_INBUF_SIZE ) ) <= 0 ) {
handle_dead( sock );
return 0;
/* If we get the whole request in one packet, handle it without copying */
if( !array_start( &cookie->data.request ) ) {
if( memchr( ws->inbuf, '\n', byte_count ) ) {
ws->request = ws->inbuf;
ws->request_size = byte_count;
return http_handle_request( sock, ws );
/* ... else take a copy */
array_catb( &cookie->data.request, ws->inbuf, byte_count );
return 0;
array_catb( &cookie->data.request, ws->inbuf, byte_count );
if( array_failed( &cookie->data.request ) ||
array_bytes( &cookie->data.request ) > 8192 )
return http_issue_error( sock, ws, CODE_HTTPERROR_500 );
if( !memchr( array_start( &cookie->data.request ), '\n', array_bytes( &cookie->data.request ) ) )
return 0;
ws->request = array_start( &cookie->data.request );
ws->request_size = array_bytes( &cookie->data.request );
return http_handle_request( sock, ws );
static void handle_write( const int64 sock ) {
struct http_data* cookie=io_getcookie( sock );
if( !cookie || ( iob_send( sock, &cookie->data.batch ) <= 0 ) )
handle_dead( sock );
static void handle_accept( const int64 serversocket ) {
struct http_data *cookie;
int64 sock;
ot_ip6 ip;
uint16 port;
tai6464 t;
while( ( sock = socket_accept6( serversocket, ip, &port, NULL ) ) != -1 ) {
/* Put fd into a non-blocking mode */
io_nonblock( sock );
if( !io_fd( sock ) ||
!( cookie = (struct http_data*)malloc( sizeof(struct http_data) ) ) ) {
io_close( sock );
io_setcookie( sock, cookie );
io_wantread( sock );
memset(cookie, 0, sizeof( struct http_data ) );
stats_issue_event( EVENT_ACCEPT, FLAG_TCP, (uintptr_t)ip);
/* That breaks taia encapsulation. But there is no way to take system
time this often in FreeBSD and libowfat does not allow to set unix time */
taia_uint( &t, 0 ); /* Clear t */
tai_unix( &(t.sec), (g_now_seconds + OT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT) );
io_timeout( sock, t );
if( errno == EAGAIN )
io_eagain( serversocket );
static void server_mainloop( ) {
struct ot_workstruct ws;
time_t next_timeout_check = g_now_seconds + OT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_CHECKINTERVAL;
struct iovec *iovector;
int iovec_entries;
/* Initialize our "thread local storage" */
ws.inbuf = malloc( G_INBUF_SIZE );
ws.outbuf = malloc( G_OUTBUF_SIZE );
ws.debugbuf= malloc( G_DEBUGBUF_SIZE );
if( !ws.inbuf || !ws.outbuf )
panic( "Initializing worker failed" );
for( ; ; ) {
int64 sock;
while( ( sock = io_canread( ) ) != -1 ) {
const void *cookie = io_getcookie( sock );
if( (intptr_t)cookie == FLAG_TCP )
handle_accept( sock );
else if( (intptr_t)cookie == FLAG_UDP )
handle_udp6( sock, &ws );
else if( (intptr_t)cookie == FLAG_SELFPIPE )
io_tryread( sock, ws.inbuf, G_INBUF_SIZE );
handle_read( sock, &ws );
while( ( sock = mutex_workqueue_popresult( &iovec_entries, &iovector ) ) != -1 )
http_sendiovecdata( sock, &ws, iovec_entries, iovector );
while( ( sock = io_canwrite( ) ) != -1 )
handle_write( sock );
if( g_now_seconds > next_timeout_check ) {
while( ( sock = io_timeouted() ) != -1 )
handle_dead( sock );
next_timeout_check = g_now_seconds + OT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_CHECKINTERVAL;
/* Enforce setting the clock */
signal_handler( SIGALRM );
static int64_t ot_try_bind( ot_ip6 ip, uint16_t port, PROTO_FLAG proto ) {
int64 sock = proto == FLAG_TCP ? socket_tcp6( ) : socket_udp6( );
#ifndef WANT_V6
if( !ip6_isv4mapped(ip) ) {
exerr( "V4 Tracker is V4 only!" );
if( ip6_isv4mapped(ip) ) {
exerr( "V6 Tracker is V6 only!" );
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *protos[] = {"TCP","UDP","UDP mcast"};
char _debug[512];
int off = snprintf( _debug, sizeof(_debug), "Binding socket type %s to address [", protos[proto] );
off += fmt_ip6( _debug+off, ip);
snprintf( _debug + off, sizeof(_debug)-off, "]:%d...", port);
fputs( _debug, stderr );
if( socket_bind6_reuse( sock, ip, port, 0 ) == -1 )
panic( "socket_bind6_reuse" );
if( ( proto == FLAG_TCP ) && ( socket_listen( sock, SOMAXCONN) == -1 ) )
panic( "socket_listen" );
if( !io_fd( sock ) )
panic( "io_fd" );
io_setcookie( sock, (void*)proto );
io_wantread( sock );
#ifdef _DEBUG
fputs( " success.\n", stderr);
return sock;
char * set_config_option( char **option, char *value ) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "Setting config option: %s\n", value );
while( isspace(*value) ) ++value;
free( *option );
return *option = strdup( value );
static int scan_ip6_port( const char *src, ot_ip6 ip, uint16 *port ) {
const char *s = src;
int off, bracket = 0;
while( isspace(*s) ) ++s;
if( *s == '[' ) ++s, ++bracket; /* for v6 style notation */
if( !(off = scan_ip6( s, ip ) ) )
return 0;
s += off;
if( *s == 0 || isspace(*s)) return s-src;
if( *s == ']' && bracket ) ++s;
if( !ip6_isv4mapped(ip)){
if( ( bracket && *(s) != ':' ) || ( *(s) != '.' ) ) return 0;
} else {
if( *(s++) != ':' ) return 0;
if( !(off = scan_ushort (s, port ) ) )
return 0;
return off+s-src;
int parse_configfile( char * config_filename ) {
FILE * accesslist_filehandle;
char inbuf[512];
ot_ip6 tmpip;
int bound = 0;
accesslist_filehandle = fopen( config_filename, "r" );
if( accesslist_filehandle == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Warning: Can't open config file: %s.", config_filename );
return 0;
while( fgets( inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), accesslist_filehandle ) ) {
char *newl;
char *p = inbuf;
/* Skip white spaces */
while(isspace(*p)) ++p;
/* Ignore comments and empty lines */
if((*p=='#')||(*p=='\n')||(*p==0)) continue;
/* chomp */
if(( newl = strchr(p, '\n' ))) *newl = 0;
/* Scan for commands */
if(!byte_diff(p,15,"tracker.rootdir" ) && isspace(p[15])) {
set_config_option( &g_serverdir, p+16 );
} else if(!byte_diff(p,14,"listen.tcp_udp" ) && isspace(p[14])) {
uint16_t tmpport = 6969;
if( !scan_ip6_port( p+15, tmpip, &tmpport )) goto parse_error;
ot_try_bind( tmpip, tmpport, FLAG_TCP ); ++bound;
ot_try_bind( tmpip, tmpport, FLAG_UDP ); ++bound;
} else if(!byte_diff(p,10,"listen.tcp" ) && isspace(p[10])) {
uint16_t tmpport = 6969;
if( !scan_ip6_port( p+11, tmpip, &tmpport )) goto parse_error;
ot_try_bind( tmpip, tmpport, FLAG_TCP );
} else if(!byte_diff(p, 10, "listen.udp" ) && isspace(p[10])) {
uint16_t tmpport = 6969;
if( !scan_ip6_port( p+11, tmpip, &tmpport )) goto parse_error;
ot_try_bind( tmpip, tmpport, FLAG_UDP );
} else if(!byte_diff(p, 16, "access.whitelist" ) && isspace(p[16])) {
set_config_option( &g_accesslist_filename, p+17 );
#elif defined( WANT_ACCESSLIST_BLACK )
} else if(!byte_diff(p, 16, "access.blacklist" ) && isspace(p[16])) {
set_config_option( &g_accesslist_filename, p+17 );
} else if(!byte_diff(p, 12, "access.stats" ) && isspace(p[12])) {
if( !scan_ip6( p+13, tmpip )) goto parse_error;
accesslist_blessip( tmpip, OT_PERMISSION_MAY_STAT );
} else if(!byte_diff(p, 12, "access.proxy" ) && isspace(p[12])) {
if( !scan_ip6( p+13, tmpip )) goto parse_error;
accesslist_blessip( tmpip, OT_PERMISSION_MAY_PROXY );
} else if(!byte_diff(p, 20, "tracker.redirect_url" ) && isspace(p[20])) {
set_config_option( &g_redirecturl, p+21 );
} else if(!byte_diff(p, 24, "livesync.cluster.node_ip" ) && isspace(p[24])) {
if( !scan_ip6( p+25, tmpip )) goto parse_error;
accesslist_blessip( tmpip, OT_PERMISSION_MAY_LIVESYNC );
} else if(!byte_diff(p, 23, "livesync.cluster.listen" ) && isspace(p[23])) {
uint16_t tmpport = LIVESYNC_PORT;
if( !scan_ip6_port( p+24, tmpip, &tmpport )) goto parse_error;
livesync_bind_mcast( tmpip, tmpport );
} else
fprintf( stderr, "Unhandled line in config file: %s\n", inbuf );
fprintf( stderr, "Parse error in config file: %s\n", inbuf);
fclose( accesslist_filehandle );
return bound;
int drop_privileges (const char * const serverdir) {
struct passwd *pws = NULL;
/* Grab pws entry before chrooting */
pws = getpwnam( "nobody" );
if( geteuid() == 0 ) {
/* Running as root: chroot and drop privileges */
if(chroot( serverdir )) {
fprintf( stderr, "Could not chroot to %s, because: %s\n", serverdir, strerror(errno) );
return -1;
panic("chdir() failed after chrooting: ");
if( !pws ) {
setegid( (gid_t)-2 ); setgid( (gid_t)-2 );
setuid( (uid_t)-2 ); seteuid( (uid_t)-2 );
else {
setegid( pws->pw_gid ); setgid( pws->pw_gid );
setuid( pws->pw_uid ); seteuid( pws->pw_uid );
if( geteuid() == 0 || getegid() == 0 )
panic("Still running with root privileges?!");
else {
/* Normal user, just chdir() */
if(chdir( serverdir )) {
fprintf( stderr, "Could not chroot to %s, because: %s\n", serverdir, strerror(errno) );
return -1;
return 0;
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
ot_ip6 serverip, tmpip;
int bound = 0, scanon = 1;
uint16_t tmpport;
memset( serverip, 0, sizeof(ot_ip6) );
#ifndef WANT_V6
while( scanon ) {
switch( getopt( argc, argv, ":i:p:A:P:d:r:s:f:v"
#elif defined( WANT_ACCESSLIST_WHITE )
"h" ) ) {
case -1 : scanon = 0; break;
case 'i':
if( !scan_ip6( optarg, serverip )) { usage( argv[0] ); exit( 1 ); }
case 'b': set_config_option( &g_accesslist_filename, optarg); break;
#elif defined( WANT_ACCESSLIST_WHITE )
case 'w': set_config_option( &g_accesslist_filename, optarg); break;
case 'p':
if( !scan_ushort( optarg, &tmpport)) { usage( argv[0] ); exit( 1 ); }
ot_try_bind( serverip, tmpport, FLAG_TCP ); bound++; break;
case 'P':
if( !scan_ushort( optarg, &tmpport)) { usage( argv[0] ); exit( 1 ); }
ot_try_bind( serverip, tmpport, FLAG_UDP ); bound++; break;
case 's':
if( !scan_ushort( optarg, &tmpport)) { usage( argv[0] ); exit( 1 ); }
livesync_bind_mcast( serverip, tmpport); break;
case 'd': set_config_option( &g_serverdir, optarg ); break;
case 'r': set_config_option( &g_redirecturl, optarg ); break;
case 'A':
if( !scan_ip6( optarg, tmpip )) { usage( argv[0] ); exit( 1 ); }
accesslist_blessip( tmpip, 0xffff ); /* Allow everything for now */
case 'f': bound += parse_configfile( optarg ); break;
case 'h': help( argv[0] ); exit( 0 );
case 'v': {
char buffer[8192];
stats_return_tracker_version( buffer );
fputs( buffer, stderr );
exit( 0 );
case '?': usage( argv[0] ); exit( 1 );
/* Bind to our default tcp/udp ports */
if( !bound) {
ot_try_bind( serverip, 6969, FLAG_TCP );
ot_try_bind( serverip, 6969, FLAG_UDP );
if( drop_privileges( g_serverdir ? g_serverdir : "." ) == -1 )
panic( "drop_privileges failed, exiting. Last error");
signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );
signal( SIGINT, signal_handler );
signal( SIGALRM, signal_handler );
g_now_seconds = time( NULL );
/* Create our self pipe which allows us to interrupt mainloops
io_wait in case some data is available to send out */
if( pipe( g_self_pipe ) == -1 )
panic( "selfpipe failed: " );
if( !io_fd( g_self_pipe[0] ) )
panic( "selfpipe io_fd failed: " );
io_setcookie( g_self_pipe[0], (void*)FLAG_SELFPIPE );
io_wantread( g_self_pipe[0] );
/* Init all sub systems. This call may fail with an exit() */
trackerlogic_init( );
/* Kick off our initial clock setting alarm */
server_mainloop( );
return 0;
const char *g_version_opentracker_c = "$Source$: $Revision$\n";