/* This software was written by Dirk Engling <erdgeist@erdgeist.org> It is considered beerware. Prost. Skol. Cheers or whatever. $id$ */ /* System */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sys/uio.h> /* Libowfat */ #include "byte.h" #include "io.h" /* Opentracker */ #include "trackerlogic.h" #include "ot_mutex.h" /* Clean a single torrent return 1 if torrent timed out */ int clean_single_torrent( ot_torrent *torrent ) { ot_peerlist *peer_list = torrent->peer_list; size_t peers_count = 0, seeds_count; time_t timedout = (int)( NOW - peer_list->base ); int i; #ifdef WANT_SYNC_BATCH char *new_peers; #endif if( !timedout ) return 0; /* Torrent has idled out */ if( timedout > OT_TORRENT_TIMEOUT ) return 1; /* Nothing to be cleaned here? Test if torrent is worth keeping */ if( timedout > OT_POOLS_COUNT ) { if( !peer_list->peer_count ) return peer_list->down_count ? 0 : 1; timedout = OT_POOLS_COUNT; } /* Release vectors that have timed out */ for( i = OT_POOLS_COUNT - timedout; i < OT_POOLS_COUNT; ++i ) free( peer_list->peers[i].data); /* Shift vectors back by the amount of pools that were shifted out */ memmove( peer_list->peers + timedout, peer_list->peers, sizeof( ot_vector ) * ( OT_POOLS_COUNT - timedout ) ); byte_zero( peer_list->peers, sizeof( ot_vector ) * timedout ); /* Shift back seed counts as well */ memmove( peer_list->seed_counts + timedout, peer_list->seed_counts, sizeof( size_t ) * ( OT_POOLS_COUNT - timedout ) ); byte_zero( peer_list->seed_counts, sizeof( size_t ) * timedout ); #ifdef WANT_SYNC_BATCH /* Save the block modified within last OT_POOLS_TIMEOUT */ if( peer_list->peers[1].size && ( new_peers = realloc( peer_list->changeset.data, sizeof( ot_peer ) * peer_list->peers[1].size ) ) ) { memmove( new_peers, peer_list->peers[1].data, peer_list->peers[1].size ); peer_list->changeset.data = new_peers; peer_list->changeset.size = sizeof( ot_peer ) * peer_list->peers[1].size; } else { free( peer_list->changeset.data ); memset( &peer_list->changeset, 0, sizeof( ot_vector ) ); } #endif peers_count = seeds_count = 0; for( i = 0; i < OT_POOLS_COUNT; ++i ) { peers_count += peer_list->peers[i].size; seeds_count += peer_list->seed_counts[i]; } peer_list->seed_count = seeds_count; peer_list->peer_count = peers_count; if( peers_count ) peer_list->base = NOW; else { /* When we got here, the last time that torrent has been touched is OT_POOLS_COUNT units before */ peer_list->base = NOW - OT_POOLS_COUNT; } return 0; } static void clean_make() { int bucket; for( bucket = OT_BUCKET_COUNT - 1; bucket >= 0; --bucket ) { ot_vector *torrents_list = mutex_bucket_lock( bucket ); size_t toffs; for( toffs=0; toffs<torrents_list->size; ++toffs ) { ot_torrent *torrent = ((ot_torrent*)(torrents_list->data)) + toffs; if( clean_single_torrent( torrent ) ) { vector_remove_torrent( torrents_list, torrent ); --toffs; continue; } } mutex_bucket_unlock( bucket ); } } /* Clean up all peers in current bucket, remove timedout pools and torrents */ static void * clean_worker( void * args ) { args = args; while( 1 ) { ot_tasktype tasktype = TASK_CLEAN; ot_taskid taskid = mutex_workqueue_poptask( &tasktype ); clean_make( ); mutex_workqueue_pushsuccess( taskid ); } return NULL; } void clean_all_torrents( ) { mutex_workqueue_pushtask( 0, TASK_CLEAN ); } static pthread_t thread_id; void clean_init( void ) { pthread_create( &thread_id, NULL, clean_worker, NULL ); } void clean_deinit( void ) { pthread_cancel( thread_id ); } const char *g_version_clean_c = "$Source$: $Revision$\n";