Clean up help and usage

This commit is contained in:
erdgeist 2007-04-07 00:24:17 +00:00
parent 5c18293c9c
commit 77e5241cf8

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@ -485,20 +485,22 @@ static void graceful( int s ) {
static void usage( char *name ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [-i serverip] [-p serverport] [-d serverdirectory]"
"\n", name );
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [-i ip] [-p port] [-P port] [-d dir] [-A ip]\n", name );
#define HELPLINE(opt,desc) fprintf(stderr, "\t%-10s%s\n",opt,desc)
static void help( char *name ) {
usage( name );
fprintf( stderr, "\t-i serverip\tspecify ip to bind to (default: *, you may specify more than one)\n"
"\t-p serverport\tspecify tcp port to bind to (default: 6969, you may specify more than one)\n"
"\t-P serverport\tspecify udp port to bind to (default: 6969, you may specify more than one)\n"
"\t-d serverdir\tspecify directory containing white- or black listed torrent info_hashes (default: \".\")\n"
"\t-A adminip\tbless an ip address as admin address (e.g. to allow snycs from this address)\n"
"\nExample: ./opentracker -i -p 6969 -P 6969 -i -p 2710 -p 80\n"
HELPLINE("-i ip","specify ip to bind to (default: *, you may specify more than one)");
HELPLINE("-p port","specify tcp port to bind to (default: 6969, you may specify more than one)");
HELPLINE("-P port","specify udp port to bind to (default: 6969, you may specify more than one)");
HELPLINE("-d dir","specify directory containing white- or black listed torrent info_hashes (default: \".\")");
HELPLINE("-A ip","bless an ip address as admin address (e.g. to allow syncs from this address)");
fprintf( stderr, "\nExample: ./opentracker -i -p 6969 -P 6969 -i -p 2710 -p 80\n" );
static void handle_read( const int64 clientsocket ) {
struct http_data* h = io_getcookie( clientsocket );