#include <unistd.h> #include <sys/time.h> #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #else #include <poll.h> #endif #include <errno.h> #include "io_internal.h" #include "byte.h" #ifdef __MINGW32__ /* In Windows, I/O works differently. */ /* Instead of calling read until it says EAGAIN, you call read in * overlapping mode, and then wait for it to finish. * We map this to our API by having the first call to io_tryread always * return EAGAIN, wait for the I/O completion port to tell us the read * is finished, and then return the data we actually read the next time * we are called. */ int64 io_tryread(int64 d,char* buf,int64 len) { io_entry* e=array_get(&io_fds,sizeof(io_entry),d); if (!e) { errno=EBADF; return -3; } if (len<0) { errno=EINVAL; return -3; } if (e->readqueued==2) { int x=e->bytes_read; if (e->errorcode) { errno=e->errorcode; e->canread=0; return -3; } if (x>len) x=len; if (x) { byte_copy(buf,x,e->inbuf); byte_copy(e->inbuf,e->bytes_read-x,e->inbuf+x); e->bytes_read-=x; } if (!e->bytes_read) { e->canread=0; if (len>x) { /* queue next read */ if (len>sizeof(e->inbuf)) len=sizeof(e->inbuf); fprintf(stderr,"Queueing ReadFile on handle %p...",d); if (ReadFile((HANDLE)d,e->inbuf,len,0,&e->or)) { fprintf(stderr," got immediate answer\n"); e->canread=1; e->readqueued=2; e->next_write=first_writeable; first_writeable=d; } else if ((e->errorcode=GetLastError())==ERROR_IO_PENDING) { fprintf(stderr," OK\n"); e->readqueued=1; e->errorcode=0; } else { fprintf(stderr," error!\n"); e->canread=1; e->readqueued=2; e->next_write=first_writeable; first_writeable=d; } } } return x; } if (!e->readqueued) { fprintf(stderr,"!e->readqueued\n"); if (len>sizeof(e->inbuf)) len=sizeof(e->inbuf); if (ReadFile((HANDLE)d,e->inbuf,len,0,&e->or)) { e->readqueued=1; fprintf(stderr,"ReadFile returned nonzero\n"); } else fprintf(stderr,"ReadFile returned zero\n"); } errno=EAGAIN; return -1; } #else int64 io_tryread(int64 d,char* buf,int64 len) { long r; struct itimerval old,new; struct pollfd p; io_entry* e=array_get(&io_fds,sizeof(io_entry),d); if (!e) { errno=EBADF; return -3; } if (!e->nonblock) { p.fd=d; if (p.fd != d) { errno=EBADF; return -3; } /* catch overflow */ p.events=POLLIN; switch (poll(&p,1,0)) { case -1: return -3; case 0: errno=EAGAIN; e->canread=0; e->next_read=-1; return -1; } new.it_interval.tv_usec=10000; new.it_interval.tv_sec=0; new.it_value.tv_usec=10000; new.it_value.tv_sec=0; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&new,&old); } r=read(d,buf,len); if (!e->nonblock) { setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&old,0); } if (r==-1) { if (errno==EINTR) errno=EAGAIN; if (errno!=EAGAIN) r=-3; } if (r==-1 || r==0) { e->canread=0; #ifdef HAVE_SIGIO if (d==alt_firstread) { debug_printf(("io_tryread: dequeueing %ld from alt read queue (next is %ld)\n",d,e->next_read)); alt_firstread=e->next_read; } #endif e->next_read=-1; } return r; } #endif