.TH iob_new_autofree 3 .SH NAME iob_new_autofree \- create new I/O batch with autofree flag set .SH SYNTAX .B #include io_batch* \fBiob_new_autofree\fP(size_t hint_entries); .SH DESCRIPTION iob_new_autofree creates a new I/O batch with enough space allocated for \fIhint_entries\fR entries (buffers or files). This is purely a performance hint. If you are unsure just pass 1. The autofree flag will be set, which means resources will be freed in \fIiob_send\fR once they have been sent out, not only once you call \fIiob_reset\fR or \fIiob_free\fR at the end. You still have to call those as autofree only frees resources to be sent in the batch, not the resources of the batch itself. You can add buffers, strings and files to an I/O batch and then send it all at once using iob_send. The benefit of the I/O batch API is that it exploits platform specific APIs like FreeBSD's sendfile. The file contents will always be sent in a way that allows the operating systems to perform zero copy TCP, and the buffers will always be sent using as few syscalls as possible and avoiding unnecessary copying (using writev). .SH "RETURN VALUE" iob_new_autofree returns a pointer to an I/O batch data structure. If there was a memory allocation error, it returns NULL instead. .SH "SEE ALSO" iob_new(3), iob_init(3), iob_reset(3), iob_send(3), iob_addbuf(3), iob_adds_free(3), iob_addfile(3)