package main import ( "" "" "" "" "encoding/binary" "errors" "fmt" "io" "log" _ "net/http/pprof" "regexp" "runtime" "time" ) func main() { f, size, err := mft.GetMFTFile(`C:\`) if err != nil { panic(err) } recordSize := int64(1024) i := int64(0) starlog.Infoln("start size is", size) alreadyGot := int64(0) maxRecordSize := size / recordSize if maxRecordSize > 1024 { maxRecordSize = 1024 } for { for { if (size - alreadyGot) < maxRecordSize*recordSize { maxRecordSize-- } else { break } } if maxRecordSize < 10 { maxRecordSize = 1 } buf := make([]byte, maxRecordSize*recordSize) got, err := io.ReadFull(f, buf) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { break } log.Fatalln("Unable to read record data", err) } alreadyGot += int64(got) for j := int64(0); j < 1024*maxRecordSize; j += 1024 { record, err := mft.ParseRecord(buf[j : j+1024]) if err != nil { // fmt.Println("Unable to parse MFT record", err) continue } fname := record.FindAttributes(mft.AttributeTypeFileName) for _, v := range fname { if (record.Flags&mft.RecordFlagIsIndex)>>3 == 0 && record.Flags&mft.RecordFlagInUse == 1 { filename := utf16.DecodeString(v.Data[66:], binary.LittleEndian) //data:=utf16.DecodeString(v.Data, binary.LittleEndian) if filename != "" { attbr := record.FindAttributes(mft.AttributeTypeStandardInformation) if len(attbr) == 0 { break } stand, _ := mft.ParseStandardInformation(attbr[0].Data) if stand.FileAttributes&mft.FileAttributeNormal == 1 { i++ } //oo:=record.FindAttributes(mft.AttributeTypeData) //if len(oo)!=0 { // fmt.Println(oo[0].ActualSize) //} //r := binutil.NewLittleEndianReader(v.Data[:8]) //fmt.Println(record.FileReference.ToUint64(), r.Uint64(0)) //fmt.Println(filename) //log.Println("Read MFT record") } } } } } starlog.Infoln(i) //go http.ListenAndServe("", nil) starlog.Debugln("开始获取Windows磁盘列表") lists, err := wincmd.ListDrivers() if err != nil { panic(err) } info := []wincmd.DiskInfo{} for _, v := range lists { data, err := wincmd.GetDiskInfo(v) if err != nil { continue } fmt.Println("获取到磁盘信息:", data) info = append(info, data) } starlog.Warningln("忽略非NTFS磁盘") var m runtime.MemStats for _, v := range info { if v.Format == "NTFS" && v.Driver == `C:\` { starlog.Infoln("开始获取NTFS USN日志,磁盘:", v.Driver) fileLists, err := wincmd.ListUsnFileFn(v.Driver, func(name string, typed uint8) bool { return true if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(`\.exe$`, name); ok { return true } return false }) if err != nil { starlog.Panicln("获取失败", err) } fmt.Println(len(fileLists)) return for k, _ := range fileLists { fmt.Println(k) } runtime.ReadMemStats(&m) log.Printf("Alloc = %v TotalAlloc = %v Sys = %v NumGC = %v\n", m.Alloc/1024, m.TotalAlloc/1024, m.Sys/1024, m.NumGC) runtime.GC() p := time.After(time.Second * 86400) for { select { case <-p: return case <-time.After(time.Second * 10): runtime.ReadMemStats(&m) log.Printf("Alloc = %v TotalAlloc = %v Sys = %v NumGC = %v\n", m.Alloc/1024, m.TotalAlloc/1024, m.Sys/1024, m.NumGC) } } } } }