You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

667 lines
14 KiB

5 years ago
package starainrt
import (
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
func ReWriteFileByKV(filepath, rem, conn, ret string, kv map[string]string) bool {
var outputstr string
var ataru bool = false
if (!Exists(filepath)) || (!IsFile(filepath)) {
return false
fso, err := os.Open(filepath)
if err != nil {
return false
rempar := regexp.MustCompile("^" + rem)
buf := bufio.NewReader(fso)
for {
bytxt, _, eof := buf.ReadLine()
if eof == io.EOF {
txt := strings.TrimSpace(string(bytxt))
if rempar.Match([]byte(txt)) {
outputstr += txt + ret
for k, v := range kv {
keypar := regexp.MustCompile("^" + k)
if keypar.Match([]byte(txt)) {
ataru = true
outputstr += k + conn + v + ret
delete(kv, k)
if ataru {
ataru = false
} else {
outputstr += txt + ret
if len(kv) != 0 {
for k, v := range kv {
outputstr += k + conn + v + ret
delete(kv, k)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath, []byte(outputstr), 0755)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
func GetINIValue(filepath, rem, conn string, kv []string) (bool, map[string]string) {
outputstr := make(map[string]string)
if (!Exists(filepath)) || (!IsFile(filepath)) {
return false, outputstr
fso, err := os.Open(filepath)
if err != nil {
return false, outputstr
rempar := regexp.MustCompile("^" + rem)
buf := bufio.NewReader(fso)
for {
bytxt, _, eof := buf.ReadLine()
if eof == io.EOF {
txt := strings.TrimSpace(string(bytxt))
if rempar.Match([]byte(txt)) {
var i int = 0
var v2 string
for k, v := range kv {
if v == "" {
v2 = ""
for _, b := range []byte(v) {
switch string(b) {
case ".":
v2 += "\\."
case "\\":
v2 += "\\"
case "-":
v2 += "\\-"
case "(":
v2 += "\\("
case ")":
v2 += "\\)"
case "{":
v2 += "\\{"
case "}":
v2 += "\\}"
case "[":
v2 += "\\["
case "]":
v2 += "\\]"
case "$":
v2 += "\\]$"
case "^":
v2 += "\\^"
v2 += string(b)
keypar := regexp.MustCompile("^" + v2 + ".*?" + conn + "(.*?)" + "(" + rem + "|$)")
5 years ago
if keypar.Match([]byte(txt)) {
kekka := keypar.FindSubmatch([]byte(txt))
outputstr[v] = string(kekka[1])
kv[k] = ""
if i != len(kv) {
for _, v := range kv {
if v != "" {
outputstr[v] = ""
return true, outputstr
func ReadINIConfig(filepath string) (map[string]map[string]string, error) {
var result map[string]map[string]string
result = make(map[string]map[string]string)
if !Exists(filepath) {
return result, errors.New("file not exists")
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath)
if err != nil {
return result, nil
strdata := string(data)
datas := strings.Split(strdata, "\n")
var inseg, nolabel bool = false, false
var segname string
if nolabel {
segname = "unnamed"
inseg = true
for _, v := range datas {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString("^#", v); ok {
segfind := regexp.MustCompile(`^\[(.*)\]`)
if !inseg {
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(`(.*?)=(.*)`, v); ok {
nolabel = true
goto jump
if !segfind.MatchString(v) {
} else {
tmp := segfind.FindStringSubmatch(v)
segname = tmp[1]
inseg = true
} else {
if segfind.MatchString(v) {
tmp := segfind.FindStringSubmatch(v)
segname = tmp[1]
inseg = true
if fn := strings.Index(v, "#"); fn >= 0 {
v = v[0:fn]
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(`(.*?)=(.*)`, v); ok {
regtmp := regexp.MustCompile(`(.*?)=(.*)`)
tmp := regtmp.FindStringSubmatch(v)
if result[segname] == nil {
result[segname] = make(map[string]string)
result[segname][strings.TrimSpace(tmp[1])] = strings.TrimSpace(tmp[2])
} else {
return result, nil
type StarCfg struct {
Data []*CfgSegment
segmap map[string]int
//nodemap map[int]map[string]int
segid int
type CfgNode struct {
Key string
Value string
Comment string
type CfgSegment struct {
Name string
cmap map[string]int
Comment string
Node []*CfgNode
nodeid int
//InsertNode []*CfgNode
func (this *StarCfg) ParseFromFile(filepath string) error {
if !Exists(filepath) {
return errors.New(filepath + " 不存在")
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (this *StarCfg) WriteToFile(filepath string) error {
data := this.Build()
return ioutil.WriteFile(filepath, data, 0644)
// Parse 生成INI文件结构
func (this *StarCfg) Parse(data []byte) {
var newnode *CfgNode
this.segid = 0 //segment序号
nodeint := 0
this.segmap = make(map[string]int) //segment名 序号
//this.nodemap = make(map[int]map[string]int)
nodemap := make(map[string]int)
strdata := string(data) //转换成字符串
list := strings.Split(strdata, "\n") //分割
newseg := new(CfgSegment)
newseg.Name = "unnamed" //默认名
//newseg.InsertNode = []*CfgNode{}
this.segmap["unnamed"] = 0
lastiseg := true
for _, v := range list {
istrans := false
isseg := false //是否为新seg
isnote := false //是否为注释
isequal := false // 是否为等号
tmp1 := []rune{}
tmp2 := []rune{}
note := []rune{}
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if len(v) > 0 && v[0:1] == ";" {
isnote = true //首字母是;时,代表注释
for k, v2 := range v {
if k == 0 {
if v2 == '[' {
isseg = true
if v2 == '=' && (!istrans && !isnote && !isequal) {
isequal = true
if v2 == ']' && (!istrans && !isnote) {
if v2 == '#' && (!istrans && !isnote) {
isnote = true
if v2 == '\\' && (!istrans && !isnote) {
istrans = true
if istrans {
istrans = false
if !isnote && (!isequal) {
tmp1 = append(tmp1, v2)
} else if !isnote && isequal {
tmp2 = append(tmp2, v2)
} else if isnote {
note = append(note, v2)
if isseg {
this.Data = append(this.Data, newseg)
newseg.nodeid = nodeint
//newseg.cmap = make(map[string]int)
newseg.cmap = nodemap
nodemap = make(map[string]int)
newseg = new(CfgSegment)
//newseg.InsertNode = []*CfgNode{}
newseg.Name = strings.TrimSpace(string(tmp1))
if isnote {
newseg.Comment = strings.TrimSpace(string(note))
this.segmap[newseg.Name] = this.segid
nodeint = 0
lastiseg = true
if isequal {
newnode = new(CfgNode)
newnode.Key = strings.TrimSpace(string(tmp1))
newnode.Value = strings.TrimSpace(string(tmp2))
if isnote {
newnode.Comment = strings.TrimSpace(string(note))
newseg.Node = append(newseg.Node, newnode)
nodemap[newnode.Key] = nodeint
lastiseg = false
if isnote {
comment := strings.TrimSpace(string(note))
if lastiseg {
newseg.Comment += "\n" + comment
} else {
newnode.Comment += "\n" + comment
newseg.nodeid = nodeint
//newseg.cmap = make(map[string]int)
newseg.cmap = nodemap
this.Data = append(this.Data, newseg)
// Unmarshal 输出结果到结构体中
func (cfg *StarCfg) Unmarshal(ins interface{}) error {
var structSet func(t reflect.Type, v reflect.Value) error
t := reflect.TypeOf(ins)
v := reflect.ValueOf(ins).Elem()
if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return errors.New("Not a Struct")
if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || !v.CanSet() {
return errors.New("Cannot Write!")
t = t.Elem()
structSet = func(t reflect.Type, v reflect.Value) error {
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
tp := t.Field(i)
vl := v.Field(i)
if !vl.CanSet() {
if vl.Type().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
structSet(vl.Type(), vl)
seg := tp.Tag.Get("seg")
key := tp.Tag.Get("key")
if seg == "" || key == "" {
if _, ok := cfg.segmap[seg]; !ok {
segs := cfg.Data[cfg.segmap[seg]]
if segs.Get(key) == "" {
switch vl.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
case reflect.Bool:
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
return nil
return structSet(t, v)
// Marshal 输出结果到结构体中
func (cfg *StarCfg) Marshal(ins interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
var structSet func(t reflect.Type, v reflect.Value)
t := reflect.TypeOf(ins)
v := reflect.ValueOf(ins)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil, errors.New("Not a Struct")
if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
t = t.Elem()
v = v.Elem()
structSet = func(t reflect.Type, v reflect.Value) {
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
var seg, key, comment string = "", "", ""
tp := t.Field(i)
vl := v.Field(i)
if vl.Type().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
structSet(vl.Type(), vl)
seg = tp.Tag.Get("seg")
key = tp.Tag.Get("key")
comment = tp.Tag.Get("comment")
if seg == "" || key == "" {
if _, ok := cfg.segmap[seg]; !ok {
cfg.Seg(seg).Set(key, fmt.Sprint(vl), comment)
structSet(t, v)
return cfg.Build(), nil
func (this *StarCfg) Seg(name string) *CfgSegment {
if _, ok := this.segmap[name]; !ok {
return nil
seg := this.Data[this.segmap[name]]
return seg
func (cfg *StarCfg) AddSeg(name string) *CfgSegment {
if _, ok := cfg.segmap[name]; !ok {
newseg := new(CfgSegment)
newseg.Name = name
newseg.cmap = make(map[string]int)
cfg.Data = append(cfg.Data, newseg)
if cfg.segmap == nil {
cfg.segid = 0
cfg.segmap = make(map[string]int)
cfg.segmap[newseg.Name] = cfg.segid
return newseg
seg := cfg.Data[cfg.segmap[name]]
return seg
func (cfg *StarCfg) DeleteSeg(name string) error {
if _, ok := cfg.segmap[name]; !ok {
return errors.New("Seg Not Exists")
cfg.Data[cfg.segmap[name]] = nil
delete(cfg.segmap, name)
return nil
func (this *StarCfg) Build() []byte {
var res, comm string
for _, v := range this.Data {
comm = ""
if v == nil {
if v.Name != "unnamed" {
res += `[ ` + this.repkv(v.Name) + ` ]`
if v.Comment != "" {
comm = strings.Replace(v.Comment, "\n", "\n#", -1)
if comm[0:1] != "\n" {
comm = " #" + comm
res += comm + "\n"
for _, v2 := range v.Node {
comm = ""
if v2 == nil {
res += this.repkv(v2.Key) + " = " + this.repkv(v2.Value)
if v2.Comment != "" {
comm = strings.Replace(v2.Comment, "\n", "\n#", -1)
if comm[0:1] != "\n" {
comm = " #" + comm
res += comm + "\n"
return []byte(strings.TrimSpace(res))
func (this *StarCfg) repkv(value string) string {
value = strings.Replace(value, `\`, `\\`, -1)
value = strings.Replace(value, `#`, `\#`, -1)
//value = strings.Replace(value, `=`, `\=`, -1)
value = strings.Replace(value, `[`, `\[`, -1)
value = strings.Replace(value, `]`, `\]`, -1)
return value
func (this *CfgSegment) GetComment(key string) string {
if v, ok := this.cmap[key]; !ok {
return ""
} else {
return this.Node[v].Comment
func (this *CfgSegment) SetComment(key, comment string) error {
if v, ok := this.cmap[key]; !ok {
return errors.New("Key Not Exists")
} else {
this.Node[v].Comment = comment
return nil
func (this *CfgSegment) Exist(key string) bool {
if _, ok := this.cmap[key]; !ok {
return false
} else {
return true
func (this *CfgSegment) Get(key string) string {
if v, ok := this.cmap[key]; !ok {
return ""
} else {
return this.Node[v].Value
func (this *CfgSegment) Int(key string) int {
val := this.Get(key)
if val == "" {
return 0
res, _ := strconv.Atoi(val)
return res
func (this *CfgSegment) Int64(key string) int64 {
val := this.Get(key)
if val == "" {
return 0
res, _ := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
return res
func (this *CfgSegment) Int32(key string) int32 {
val := this.Get(key)
if val == "" {
return 0
res, _ := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 32)
return int32(res)
func (this *CfgSegment) Float64(key string) float64 {
val := this.Get(key)
if val == "" {
return 0
res, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64)
return res
func (this *CfgSegment) Float32(key string) float32 {
val := this.Get(key)
if val == "" {
return 0
res, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 32)
return float32(res)
func (this *CfgSegment) Bool(key string) bool {
val := this.Get(key)
if val == "" {
return false
res, _ := strconv.ParseBool(val)
return res
func (this *CfgSegment) SetBool(key string, value bool, comment string) error {
res := strconv.FormatBool(value)
return this.Set(key, res, comment)
func (this *CfgSegment) SetFloat64(key string, prec int, value float64, comment string) error {
res := strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', prec, 64)
return this.Set(key, res, comment)
func (this *CfgSegment) SetFloat32(key string, prec int, value float32, comment string) error {
res := strconv.FormatFloat(float64(value), 'f', prec, 32)
return this.Set(key, res, comment)
func (this *CfgSegment) SetInt64(key string, value int64, comment string) error {
res := strconv.FormatInt(value, 10)
return this.Set(key, res, comment)
func (this *CfgSegment) SetInt32(key string, value int32, comment string) error {
res := strconv.FormatInt(int64(value), 10)
return this.Set(key, res, comment)
func (this *CfgSegment) SetInt(key string, value int, comment string) error {
res := strconv.Itoa(value)
return this.Set(key, res, comment)
func (this *CfgSegment) Set(key, value, comment string) error {
if v, ok := this.cmap[key]; !ok {
node := new(CfgNode)
node.Key = key
node.Value = value
node.Comment = comment
this.Node = append(this.Node, node)
this.cmap[key] = this.nodeid
return nil
} else {
this.Node[v].Value = value
if comment != "" {
this.Node[v].Comment = comment
return nil
func (this *CfgSegment) Delete(key string) error {
if v, ok := this.cmap[key]; !ok {
return errors.New("Key not exists!")
} else {
this.Node[v] = nil
delete(this.cmap, key)
return nil