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2023-04-04 14:11:09 +08:00
package dfinder
import (
var dfpath, dfreg, dfoutpath string
var dfonlyname, dfshow bool
func init() {
Cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&dfoutpath, "outpath", "o", "", "outpath")
Cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&dfpath, "path", "p", "./", "path you want to search")
Cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&dfreg, "regexp", "r", ".*", "search regexp")
Cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&dfonlyname, "only-filter-name", "f", false, "only regexp for name not path")
Cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&dfshow, "show", "s", true, "show on the stdout")
var Cmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "dfinder",
Short: "查找nfts磁盘文件",
Long: "查找nfts磁盘文件",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
os.Exit(fileFinder(dfpath, dfreg, dfonlyname, dfoutpath, dfshow))
func fileFinder(path string, reg string, onlyFilterName bool, outpath string, show bool) int {
fullPath, err := filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
starlog.Criticalln("filepath not a vaild path", path, err)
return 1
vol := filepath.VolumeName(fullPath) + `\`
if staros.IsFile(fullPath) {
fullPath = filepath.Dir(fullPath)
fmt.Println("consider folder is", fullPath)
fileLists, err := mft.GetFileListsByMftFn(vol, func(name string, isFolder bool) bool {
if isFolder {
return true
if onlyFilterName {
if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(reg, name); matched {
return true
return false
return true
if err != nil {
starlog.Errorln("read mft failed", err)
return 3
getSize := func(size uint64) string {
floatSize := float64(size)
var sizeC = []string{"byte", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"}
if floatSize < 1024 {
return ""
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
if floatSize/math.Pow(1024, float64(i+1)) < 1024 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.4f%s", floatSize/math.Pow(1024, float64(i+1)), sizeC[i+1])
return ""
fp := new(os.File)
if outpath != "" {
fp, err = os.Create(outpath)
if err != nil {
} else {
defer fp.Close()
fp.WriteString(`名称,路径,大小,大小(格式化),修改时间,是否是文件夹` + "\n")
newReg := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
for _, v := range fileLists {
if !strings.Contains(v.Path, fullPath) {
if onlyFilterName {
if show {
fmt.Printf("name:%-10s path:%-20s size:%-10s modTime:%v\n", v.Name, v.Path, getSize(v.Size), v.ModTime)
if fp != nil {
fp.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s,%v,%s,%v,%v\n", v.Name, v.Path, v.Size, getSize(v.Size), v.ModTime, v.IsDir))
} else {
if newReg.MatchString(v.Path) {
if show {
fmt.Printf("name:%-10s path:%-20s size:%-10s modTime:%v\n", v.Name, v.Path, getSize(v.Size), v.ModTime)
if fp != nil {
fp.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s,%v,%s,%v,%v\n", v.Name, v.Path, v.Size, getSize(v.Size), v.ModTime, v.IsDir))
return 0