2023-05-24 16:43:11 +08:00

423 lines
17 KiB

package xlsx
import (
// xlsxWorksheet directly maps the worksheet element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxWorksheet struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main worksheet"`
SheetPr xlsxSheetPr `xml:"sheetPr"`
Dimension xlsxDimension `xml:"dimension"`
SheetViews xlsxSheetViews `xml:"sheetViews"`
SheetFormatPr xlsxSheetFormatPr `xml:"sheetFormatPr"`
Cols *xlsxCols `xml:"cols,omitempty"`
SheetData xlsxSheetData `xml:"sheetData"`
DataValidations *xlsxCellDataValidations `xml:"dataValidations"`
AutoFilter *xlsxAutoFilter `xml:"autoFilter,omitempty"`
MergeCells *xlsxMergeCells `xml:"mergeCells,omitempty"`
PrintOptions xlsxPrintOptions `xml:"printOptions"`
PageMargins xlsxPageMargins `xml:"pageMargins"`
PageSetUp xlsxPageSetUp `xml:"pageSetup"`
HeaderFooter xlsxHeaderFooter `xml:"headerFooter"`
// xlsxHeaderFooter directly maps the headerFooter element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxHeaderFooter struct {
DifferentFirst bool `xml:"differentFirst,attr"`
DifferentOddEven bool `xml:"differentOddEven,attr"`
OddHeader []xlsxOddHeader `xml:"oddHeader"`
OddFooter []xlsxOddFooter `xml:"oddFooter"`
// xlsxOddHeader directly maps the oddHeader element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxOddHeader struct {
Content string `xml:",chardata"`
// xlsxOddFooter directly maps the oddFooter element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxOddFooter struct {
Content string `xml:",chardata"`
// xlsxPageSetUp directly maps the pageSetup element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxPageSetUp struct {
PaperSize string `xml:"paperSize,attr"`
Scale int `xml:"scale,attr"`
FirstPageNumber int `xml:"firstPageNumber,attr"`
FitToWidth int `xml:"fitToWidth,attr"`
FitToHeight int `xml:"fitToHeight,attr"`
PageOrder string `xml:"pageOrder,attr"`
Orientation string `xml:"orientation,attr"`
UsePrinterDefaults bool `xml:"usePrinterDefaults,attr"`
BlackAndWhite bool `xml:"blackAndWhite,attr"`
Draft bool `xml:"draft,attr"`
CellComments string `xml:"cellComments,attr"`
UseFirstPageNumber bool `xml:"useFirstPageNumber,attr"`
HorizontalDPI float32 `xml:"horizontalDpi,attr"`
VerticalDPI float32 `xml:"verticalDpi,attr"`
Copies int `xml:"copies,attr"`
// xlsxPrintOptions directly maps the printOptions element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxPrintOptions struct {
Headings bool `xml:"headings,attr"`
GridLines bool `xml:"gridLines,attr"`
GridLinesSet bool `xml:"gridLinesSet,attr"`
HorizontalCentered bool `xml:"horizontalCentered,attr"`
VerticalCentered bool `xml:"verticalCentered,attr"`
// xlsxPageMargins directly maps the pageMargins element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxPageMargins struct {
Left float64 `xml:"left,attr"`
Right float64 `xml:"right,attr"`
Top float64 `xml:"top,attr"`
Bottom float64 `xml:"bottom,attr"`
Header float64 `xml:"header,attr"`
Footer float64 `xml:"footer,attr"`
// xlsxSheetFormatPr directly maps the sheetFormatPr element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxSheetFormatPr struct {
DefaultColWidth float64 `xml:"defaultColWidth,attr,omitempty"`
DefaultRowHeight float64 `xml:"defaultRowHeight,attr"`
OutlineLevelCol uint8 `xml:"outlineLevelCol,attr,omitempty"`
OutlineLevelRow uint8 `xml:"outlineLevelRow,attr,omitempty"`
// xlsxSheetViews directly maps the sheetViews element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxSheetViews struct {
SheetView []xlsxSheetView `xml:"sheetView"`
// xlsxSheetView directly maps the sheetView element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxSheetView struct {
WindowProtection bool `xml:"windowProtection,attr"`
ShowFormulas bool `xml:"showFormulas,attr"`
ShowGridLines bool `xml:"showGridLines,attr"`
ShowRowColHeaders bool `xml:"showRowColHeaders,attr"`
ShowZeros bool `xml:"showZeros,attr"`
RightToLeft bool `xml:"rightToLeft,attr"`
TabSelected bool `xml:"tabSelected,attr"`
ShowOutlineSymbols bool `xml:"showOutlineSymbols,attr"`
DefaultGridColor bool `xml:"defaultGridColor,attr"`
View string `xml:"view,attr"`
TopLeftCell string `xml:"topLeftCell,attr"`
ColorId int `xml:"colorId,attr"`
ZoomScale float64 `xml:"zoomScale,attr"`
ZoomScaleNormal float64 `xml:"zoomScaleNormal,attr"`
ZoomScalePageLayoutView float64 `xml:"zoomScalePageLayoutView,attr"`
WorkbookViewId int `xml:"workbookViewId,attr"`
Pane *xlsxPane `xml:"pane"`
Selection []xlsxSelection `xml:"selection"`
// xlsxSelection directly maps the selection element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxSelection struct {
Pane string `xml:"pane,attr"`
ActiveCell string `xml:"activeCell,attr"`
ActiveCellId int `xml:"activeCellId,attr"`
SQRef string `xml:"sqref,attr"`
// xlsxSelection directly maps the selection element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxPane struct {
XSplit float64 `xml:"xSplit,attr"`
YSplit float64 `xml:"ySplit,attr"`
TopLeftCell string `xml:"topLeftCell,attr"`
ActivePane string `xml:"activePane,attr"`
State string `xml:"state,attr"` // Either "split" or "frozen"
// xlsxSheetPr directly maps the sheetPr element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxSheetPr struct {
FilterMode bool `xml:"filterMode,attr"`
PageSetUpPr []xlsxPageSetUpPr `xml:"pageSetUpPr"`
// xlsxPageSetUpPr directly maps the pageSetupPr element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxPageSetUpPr struct {
FitToPage bool `xml:"fitToPage,attr"`
// xlsxCols directly maps the cols element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxCols struct {
Col []xlsxCol `xml:"col"`
// xlsxCol directly maps the col element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxCol struct {
Collapsed bool `xml:"collapsed,attr"`
Hidden bool `xml:"hidden,attr"`
Max int `xml:"max,attr"`
Min int `xml:"min,attr"`
Style int `xml:"style,attr"`
Width float64 `xml:"width,attr"`
CustomWidth bool `xml:"customWidth,attr,omitempty"`
OutlineLevel uint8 `xml:"outlineLevel,attr,omitempty"`
// xlsxDimension directly maps the dimension element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxDimension struct {
Ref string `xml:"ref,attr"`
// xlsxSheetData directly maps the sheetData element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxSheetData struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"sheetData"`
Row []xlsxRow `xml:"row"`
// xlsxCellDataValidations excel cell data validation
type xlsxCellDataValidations struct {
DataValidation []*xlsxCellDataValidation `xml:"dataValidation"`
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
// xlsxCellDataValidation
// A single item of data validation defined on a range of the worksheet.
// The list validation type would more commonly be called "a drop down box."
type xlsxCellDataValidation struct {
// A boolean value indicating whether the data validation allows the use of empty or blank
//entries. 1 means empty entries are OK and do not violate the validation constraints.
AllowBlank bool `xml:"allowBlank,attr,omitempty"`
// A boolean value indicating whether to display the input prompt message.
ShowInputMessage bool `xml:"showInputMessage,attr,omitempty"`
// A boolean value indicating whether to display the error alert message when an invalid
// value has been entered, according to the criteria specified.
ShowErrorMessage bool `xml:"showErrorMessage,attr,omitempty"`
// The style of error alert used for this data validation.
// warning, infomation, or stop
// Stop will prevent the user from entering data that does not pass validation.
ErrorStyle *string `xml:"errorStyle,attr"`
// Title bar text of error alert.
ErrorTitle *string `xml:"errorTitle,attr"`
// The relational operator used with this data validation.
// The possible values for this can be equal, notEqual, lessThan, etc.
// This only applies to certain validation types.
Operator string `xml:"operator,attr,omitempty"`
// Message text of error alert.
Error *string `xml:"error,attr"`
// Title bar text of input prompt.
PromptTitle *string `xml:"promptTitle,attr"`
// Message text of input prompt.
Prompt *string `xml:"prompt,attr"`
// The type of data validation.
// none, custom, date, decimal, list, textLength, time, whole
Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
// Range over which data validation is applied.
// Cell or range, eg: A1 OR A1:A20
Sqref string `xml:"sqref,attr,omitempty"`
// The first formula in the Data Validation dropdown. It is used as a bounds for 'between' and
// 'notBetween' relational operators, and the only formula used for other relational operators
// (equal, notEqual, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual), or for custom
// or list type data validation. The content can be a formula or a constant or a list series (comma separated values).
Formula1 string `xml:"formula1"`
// The second formula in the DataValidation dropdown. It is used as a bounds for 'between' and
// 'notBetween' relational operators only.
Formula2 string `xml:"formula2,omitempty"`
// minRow and maxRow are zero indexed
minRow int //`xml:"-"`
maxRow int //`xml:"-"`
//minCol int `xml:"-"` //spare
//maxCol int `xml:"-"` //spare
// xlsxRow directly maps the row element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxRow struct {
R int `xml:"r,attr"`
Spans string `xml:"spans,attr,omitempty"`
Hidden bool `xml:"hidden,attr,omitempty"`
C []xlsxC `xml:"c"`
Ht string `xml:"ht,attr,omitempty"`
CustomHeight bool `xml:"customHeight,attr,omitempty"`
OutlineLevel uint8 `xml:"outlineLevel,attr,omitempty"`
type xlsxAutoFilter struct {
Ref string `xml:"ref,attr"`
type xlsxMergeCell struct {
Ref string `xml:"ref,attr"` // ref: horiz "A1:C1", vert "B3:B6", both "D3:G4"
type xlsxMergeCells struct {
XMLName xml.Name //`xml:"mergeCells,omitempty"`
Count int `xml:"count,attr,omitempty"`
Cells []xlsxMergeCell `xml:"mergeCell,omitempty"`
// Return the cartesian extent of a merged cell range from its origin
// cell (the closest merged cell to the to left of the sheet.
func (mc *xlsxMergeCells) getExtent(cellRef string) (int, int, error) {
if mc == nil {
return 0, 0, nil
for _, cell := range mc.Cells {
if strings.HasPrefix(cell.Ref, cellRef+cellRangeChar) {
parts := strings.Split(cell.Ref, cellRangeChar)
startx, starty, err := GetCoordsFromCellIDString(parts[0])
if err != nil {
return -1, -1, err
endx, endy, err := GetCoordsFromCellIDString(parts[1])
if err != nil {
return -2, -2, err
return endx - startx, endy - starty, nil
return 0, 0, nil
// xlsxC directly maps the c element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxC struct {
XMLName xml.Name
R string `xml:"r,attr"` // Cell ID, e.g. A1
S int `xml:"s,attr,omitempty"` // Style reference.
T string `xml:"t,attr,omitempty"` // Type.
F *xlsxF `xml:"f,omitempty"` // Formula
V string `xml:"v,omitempty"` // Value
Is *xlsxSI `xml:"is,omitempty"` // Inline String.
// xlsxF directly maps the f element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxF struct {
Content string `xml:",chardata"`
T string `xml:"t,attr,omitempty"` // Formula type
Ref string `xml:"ref,attr,omitempty"` // Shared formula ref
Si int `xml:"si,attr,omitempty"` // Shared formula index
// Create a new XLSX Worksheet with default values populated.
// Strictly for internal use only!
func newXlsxWorksheet() (worksheet *xlsxWorksheet) {
worksheet = &xlsxWorksheet{}
worksheet.SheetPr.FilterMode = false
worksheet.SheetPr.PageSetUpPr = make([]xlsxPageSetUpPr, 1)
worksheet.SheetPr.PageSetUpPr[0] = xlsxPageSetUpPr{FitToPage: false}
worksheet.SheetViews.SheetView = make([]xlsxSheetView, 1)
worksheet.SheetViews.SheetView[0] = xlsxSheetView{
ColorId: 64,
DefaultGridColor: true,
RightToLeft: false,
Selection: make([]xlsxSelection, 1),
ShowFormulas: false,
ShowGridLines: true,
ShowOutlineSymbols: true,
ShowRowColHeaders: true,
ShowZeros: true,
TabSelected: false,
TopLeftCell: "A1",
View: "normal",
WindowProtection: false,
WorkbookViewId: 0,
ZoomScale: 100,
ZoomScaleNormal: 100,
ZoomScalePageLayoutView: 100}
worksheet.SheetViews.SheetView[0].Selection[0] = xlsxSelection{
Pane: "topLeft",
ActiveCell: "A1",
ActiveCellId: 0,
SQRef: "A1"}
worksheet.SheetFormatPr.DefaultRowHeight = 12.85
worksheet.PrintOptions.Headings = false
worksheet.PrintOptions.GridLines = false
worksheet.PrintOptions.GridLinesSet = true
worksheet.PrintOptions.HorizontalCentered = false
worksheet.PrintOptions.VerticalCentered = false
worksheet.PageMargins.Left = 0.7875
worksheet.PageMargins.Right = 0.7875
worksheet.PageMargins.Top = 1.05277777777778
worksheet.PageMargins.Bottom = 1.05277777777778
worksheet.PageMargins.Header = 0.7875
worksheet.PageMargins.Footer = 0.7875
worksheet.PageSetUp.PaperSize = "9"
worksheet.PageSetUp.Scale = 100
worksheet.PageSetUp.FirstPageNumber = 1
worksheet.PageSetUp.FitToWidth = 1
worksheet.PageSetUp.FitToHeight = 1
worksheet.PageSetUp.PageOrder = "downThenOver"
worksheet.PageSetUp.Orientation = "portrait"
worksheet.PageSetUp.UsePrinterDefaults = false
worksheet.PageSetUp.BlackAndWhite = false
worksheet.PageSetUp.Draft = false
worksheet.PageSetUp.CellComments = "none"
worksheet.PageSetUp.UseFirstPageNumber = true
worksheet.PageSetUp.HorizontalDPI = 300
worksheet.PageSetUp.VerticalDPI = 300
worksheet.PageSetUp.Copies = 1
worksheet.HeaderFooter.OddHeader = make([]xlsxOddHeader, 1)
worksheet.HeaderFooter.OddHeader[0] = xlsxOddHeader{Content: `&C&"Times New Roman,Regular"&12&A`}
worksheet.HeaderFooter.OddFooter = make([]xlsxOddFooter, 1)
worksheet.HeaderFooter.OddFooter[0] = xlsxOddFooter{Content: `&C&"Times New Roman,Regular"&12Page &P`}