You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package xlsx
import (
type DataValidationType int
// Data validation types
const (
_DataValidationType = iota
typeNone //inline use
dataValidationTypeList //inline use
// DataValidationTypeWhole Integer
const (
// dataValidationFormulaStrLen 255 characters+ 2 quotes
dataValidationFormulaStrLen = 257
// dataValidationFormulaStrLenErr
dataValidationFormulaStrLenErr = "data validation must be 0-255 characters"
type DataValidationErrorStyle int
// Data validation error styles
const (
_ DataValidationErrorStyle = iota
// Data validation error styles
const (
styleStop = "stop"
styleWarning = "warning"
styleInformation = "information"
// DataValidationOperator operator enum
type DataValidationOperator int
// Data validation operators
const (
_DataValidationOperator = iota
// NewXlsxCellDataValidation return data validation struct
func NewXlsxCellDataValidation(allowBlank bool) *xlsxCellDataValidation {
return &xlsxCellDataValidation{
AllowBlank: allowBlank,
// SetError set error notice
func (dd *xlsxCellDataValidation) SetError(style DataValidationErrorStyle, title, msg *string) {
dd.ShowErrorMessage = true
dd.Error = msg
dd.ErrorTitle = title
strStyle := styleStop
switch style {
case StyleStop:
strStyle = styleStop
case StyleWarning:
strStyle = styleWarning
case StyleInformation:
strStyle = styleInformation
dd.ErrorStyle = &strStyle
// SetInput set prompt notice
func (dd *xlsxCellDataValidation) SetInput(title, msg *string) {
dd.ShowInputMessage = true
dd.PromptTitle = title
dd.Prompt = msg
// SetDropList sets a hard coded list of values that the drop down will choose from.
// List validations do not work in Apple Numbers.
func (dd *xlsxCellDataValidation) SetDropList(keys []string) error {
formula := "\"" + strings.Join(keys, ",") + "\""
if dataValidationFormulaStrLen < len(formula) {
return fmt.Errorf(dataValidationFormulaStrLenErr)
dd.Formula1 = formula
dd.Type = convDataValidationType(dataValidationTypeList)
return nil
// SetInFileList is like SetDropList, excel that instead of having a hard coded list,
// a reference to a part of the file is accepted and the list is automatically taken from there.
// Setting y2 to -1 will select all the way to the end of the column. Selecting to the end of the
// column will cause Google Sheets to spin indefinitely while trying to load the possible drop down
// values (more than 5 minutes).
// List validations do not work in Apple Numbers.
func (dd *xlsxCellDataValidation) SetInFileList(sheet string, x1, y1, x2, y2 int) error {
start := GetCellIDStringFromCoordsWithFixed(x1, y1, true, true)
if y2 < 0 {
y2 = Excel2006MaxRowIndex
end := GetCellIDStringFromCoordsWithFixed(x2, y2, true, true)
// Escape single quotes in the file name.
// Single quotes are escaped by replacing them with two single quotes.
sheet = strings.Replace(sheet, "'", "''", -1)
formula := "'" + sheet + "'" + externalSheetBangChar + start + cellRangeChar + end
dd.Formula1 = formula
dd.Type = convDataValidationType(dataValidationTypeList)
return nil
// SetDropList data validation range
func (dd *xlsxCellDataValidation) SetRange(f1, f2 int, t DataValidationType, o DataValidationOperator) error {
formula1 := fmt.Sprintf("%d", f1)
formula2 := fmt.Sprintf("%d", f2)
switch o {
case DataValidationOperatorBetween:
if f1 > f2 {
tmp := formula1
formula1 = formula2
formula2 = tmp
case DataValidationOperatorNotBetween:
if f1 > f2 {
tmp := formula1
formula1 = formula2
formula2 = tmp
dd.Formula1 = formula1
dd.Formula2 = formula2
dd.Type = convDataValidationType(t)
dd.Operator = convDataValidationOperatior(o)
return nil
// convDataValidationType get excel data validation type
func convDataValidationType(t DataValidationType) string {
typeMap := map[DataValidationType]string{
typeNone: "none",
DataValidationTypeCustom: "custom",
DataValidationTypeDate: "date",
DataValidationTypeDecimal: "decimal",
dataValidationTypeList: "list",
DataValidationTypeTextLeng: "textLength",
DataValidationTypeTime: "time",
DataValidationTypeWhole: "whole",
return typeMap[t]
// convDataValidationOperatior get excel data validation operator
func convDataValidationOperatior(o DataValidationOperator) string {
typeMap := map[DataValidationOperator]string{
DataValidationOperatorBetween: "between",
DataValidationOperatorEqual: "equal",
DataValidationOperatorGreaterThan: "greaterThan",
DataValidationOperatorGreaterThanOrEqual: "greaterThanOrEqual",
DataValidationOperatorLessThan: "lessThan",
DataValidationOperatorLessThanOrEqual: "lessThanOrEqual",
DataValidationOperatorNotBetween: "notBetween",
DataValidationOperatorNotEqual: "notEqual",
return typeMap[o]