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2023-05-24 16:43:11 +08:00
// xslx is a package designed to help with reading data from
// spreadsheets stored in the XLSX format used in recent versions of
// Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet.
// For a concise example of how to use this library why not check out
// the source for xlsx2csv here: https://github.com/tealeg/xlsx2csv
package xlsx
import (
// Excel styles can reference number formats that are built-in, all of which
// have an id less than 164.
const builtinNumFmtsCount = 163
// Excel styles can reference number formats that are built-in, all of which
// have an id less than 164. This is a possibly incomplete list comprised of as
// many of them as I could find.
var builtInNumFmt = map[int]string{
0: "general",
1: "0",
2: "0.00",
3: "#,##0",
4: "#,##0.00",
9: "0%",
10: "0.00%",
11: "0.00e+00",
12: "# ?/?",
13: "# ??/??",
14: "mm-dd-yy",
15: "d-mmm-yy",
16: "d-mmm",
17: "mmm-yy",
18: "h:mm am/pm",
19: "h:mm:ss am/pm",
20: "h:mm",
21: "h:mm:ss",
22: "m/d/yy h:mm",
37: "#,##0 ;(#,##0)",
38: "#,##0 ;[red](#,##0)",
39: "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)",
40: "#,##0.00;[red](#,##0.00)",
41: `_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)`,
42: `_("$"* #,##0_);_("$* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_)`,
43: `_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)`,
44: `_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)`,
45: "mm:ss",
46: "[h]:mm:ss",
47: "mmss.0",
48: "##0.0e+0",
49: "@",
// These are the color annotations from number format codes that contain color names.
// Also possible are [color1] through [color56]
var numFmtColorCodes = []string{
var builtInNumFmtInv = make(map[string]int, 40)
func init() {
for k, v := range builtInNumFmt {
builtInNumFmtInv[v] = k
const (
builtInNumFmtIndex_GENERAL = int(0)
builtInNumFmtIndex_INT = int(1)
builtInNumFmtIndex_FLOAT = int(2)
builtInNumFmtIndex_DATE = int(14)
builtInNumFmtIndex_STRING = int(49)
// xlsxStyle directly maps the styleSheet element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxStyleSheet struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main styleSheet"`
Fonts xlsxFonts `xml:"fonts,omitempty"`
Fills xlsxFills `xml:"fills,omitempty"`
Borders xlsxBorders `xml:"borders,omitempty"`
CellStyles *xlsxCellStyles `xml:"cellStyles,omitempty"`
CellStyleXfs *xlsxCellStyleXfs `xml:"cellStyleXfs,omitempty"`
CellXfs xlsxCellXfs `xml:"cellXfs,omitempty"`
NumFmts xlsxNumFmts `xml:"numFmts,omitempty"`
theme *theme
sync.RWMutex // protects the following
styleCache map[int]*Style
numFmtRefTable map[int]xlsxNumFmt
parsedNumFmtTable map[string]*parsedNumberFormat
func newXlsxStyleSheet(t *theme) *xlsxStyleSheet {
return &xlsxStyleSheet{
theme: t,
styleCache: make(map[int]*Style),
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) reset() {
styles.Fonts = xlsxFonts{}
styles.Fills = xlsxFills{}
styles.Borders = xlsxBorders{}
// Microsoft seems to want an emtpy border to start with
Left: xlsxLine{Style: "none"},
Right: xlsxLine{Style: "none"},
Top: xlsxLine{Style: "none"},
Bottom: xlsxLine{Style: "none"},
styles.CellStyleXfs = &xlsxCellStyleXfs{}
// add default xf
styles.CellXfs = xlsxCellXfs{Count: 1, Xf: []xlsxXf{{}}}
styles.NumFmts = xlsxNumFmts{}
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) getStyle(styleIndex int) *Style {
style, ok := styles.styleCache[styleIndex]
if ok {
return style
style = new(Style)
var namedStyleXf xlsxXf
xfCount := styles.CellXfs.Count
if styleIndex > -1 && xfCount > 0 && styleIndex <= xfCount {
xf := styles.CellXfs.Xf[styleIndex]
if xf.XfId != nil && styles.CellStyleXfs != nil {
namedStyleXf = styles.CellStyleXfs.Xf[*xf.XfId]
style.NamedStyleIndex = xf.XfId
} else {
namedStyleXf = xlsxXf{}
style.ApplyBorder = xf.ApplyBorder || namedStyleXf.ApplyBorder
style.ApplyFill = xf.ApplyFill || namedStyleXf.ApplyFill
style.ApplyFont = xf.ApplyFont || namedStyleXf.ApplyFont
style.ApplyAlignment = xf.ApplyAlignment || namedStyleXf.ApplyAlignment
if xf.BorderId > -1 && xf.BorderId < styles.Borders.Count {
var border xlsxBorder
border = styles.Borders.Border[xf.BorderId]
style.Border.Left = border.Left.Style
style.Border.LeftColor = border.Left.Color.RGB
style.Border.Right = border.Right.Style
style.Border.RightColor = border.Right.Color.RGB
style.Border.Top = border.Top.Style
style.Border.TopColor = border.Top.Color.RGB
style.Border.Bottom = border.Bottom.Style
style.Border.BottomColor = border.Bottom.Color.RGB
if xf.FillId > -1 && xf.FillId < styles.Fills.Count {
xFill := styles.Fills.Fill[xf.FillId]
style.Fill.PatternType = xFill.PatternFill.PatternType
style.Fill.FgColor = styles.argbValue(xFill.PatternFill.FgColor)
style.Fill.BgColor = styles.argbValue(xFill.PatternFill.BgColor)
if xf.FontId > -1 && xf.FontId < styles.Fonts.Count {
xfont := styles.Fonts.Font[xf.FontId]
style.Font.Size, _ = strconv.Atoi(xfont.Sz.Val)
style.Font.Name = xfont.Name.Val
style.Font.Family, _ = strconv.Atoi(xfont.Family.Val)
style.Font.Charset, _ = strconv.Atoi(xfont.Charset.Val)
style.Font.Color = styles.argbValue(xfont.Color)
if bold := xfont.B; bold != nil && bold.Val != "0" {
style.Font.Bold = true
if italic := xfont.I; italic != nil && italic.Val != "0" {
style.Font.Italic = true
if underline := xfont.U; underline != nil && underline.Val != "0" {
style.Font.Underline = true
if xf.Alignment.Horizontal != "" {
style.Alignment.Horizontal = xf.Alignment.Horizontal
if xf.Alignment.Vertical != "" {
style.Alignment.Vertical = xf.Alignment.Vertical
style.Alignment.WrapText = xf.Alignment.WrapText
style.Alignment.TextRotation = xf.Alignment.TextRotation
styles.styleCache[styleIndex] = style
return style
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) argbValue(color xlsxColor) string {
if color.Theme != nil && styles.theme != nil {
return styles.theme.themeColor(int64(*color.Theme), color.Tint)
return color.RGB
// Excel styles can reference number formats that are built-in, all of which
// have an id less than 164. This is a possibly incomplete list comprised of as
// many of them as I could find.
func getBuiltinNumberFormat(numFmtId int) string {
return builtInNumFmt[numFmtId]
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) getNumberFormat(styleIndex int) (string, *parsedNumberFormat) {
var numberFormat string = "general"
if styles.CellXfs.Xf != nil {
if styleIndex > -1 && styleIndex <= styles.CellXfs.Count {
xf := styles.CellXfs.Xf[styleIndex]
if builtin := getBuiltinNumberFormat(xf.NumFmtId); builtin != "" {
numberFormat = builtin
} else {
if styles.numFmtRefTable != nil {
numFmt := styles.numFmtRefTable[xf.NumFmtId]
numberFormat = numFmt.FormatCode
parsedFmt, ok := styles.parsedNumFmtTable[numberFormat]
if !ok {
if styles.parsedNumFmtTable == nil {
styles.parsedNumFmtTable = map[string]*parsedNumberFormat{}
parsedFmt = parseFullNumberFormatString(numberFormat)
styles.parsedNumFmtTable[numberFormat] = parsedFmt
return numberFormat, parsedFmt
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) addFont(xFont xlsxFont) (index int) {
var font xlsxFont
if xFont.Name.Val == "" {
return 0
for index, font = range styles.Fonts.Font {
if font.Equals(xFont) {
return index
styles.Fonts.Font = append(styles.Fonts.Font, xFont)
index = styles.Fonts.Count
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) addFill(xFill xlsxFill) (index int) {
var fill xlsxFill
for index, fill = range styles.Fills.Fill {
if fill.Equals(xFill) {
return index
styles.Fills.Fill = append(styles.Fills.Fill, xFill)
index = styles.Fills.Count
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) addBorder(xBorder xlsxBorder) (index int) {
var border xlsxBorder
for index, border = range styles.Borders.Border {
if border.Equals(xBorder) {
return index
styles.Borders.Border = append(styles.Borders.Border, xBorder)
index = styles.Borders.Count
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) addCellStyleXf(xCellStyleXf xlsxXf) (index int) {
var cellStyleXf xlsxXf
if styles.CellStyleXfs == nil {
styles.CellStyleXfs = &xlsxCellStyleXfs{Count: 0}
for index, cellStyleXf = range styles.CellStyleXfs.Xf {
if cellStyleXf.Equals(xCellStyleXf) {
return index
styles.CellStyleXfs.Xf = append(styles.CellStyleXfs.Xf, xCellStyleXf)
index = styles.CellStyleXfs.Count
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) addCellXf(xCellXf xlsxXf) (index int) {
var cellXf xlsxXf
for index, cellXf = range styles.CellXfs.Xf {
if cellXf.Equals(xCellXf) {
return index
styles.CellXfs.Xf = append(styles.CellXfs.Xf, xCellXf)
index = styles.CellXfs.Count
// newNumFmt generate a xlsxNumFmt according the format code. When the FormatCode is built in, it will return a xlsxNumFmt with the NumFmtId defined in ECMA document, otherwise it will generate a new NumFmtId greater than 164.
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) newNumFmt(formatCode string) xlsxNumFmt {
if compareFormatString(formatCode, "general") {
return xlsxNumFmt{NumFmtId: 0, FormatCode: "general"}
// built in NumFmts in xmlStyle.go, traverse from the const.
numFmtId, ok := builtInNumFmtInv[formatCode]
if ok {
return xlsxNumFmt{NumFmtId: numFmtId, FormatCode: formatCode}
// find the exist xlsxNumFmt
for _, numFmt := range styles.NumFmts.NumFmt {
if formatCode == numFmt.FormatCode {
return numFmt
// The user define NumFmtId. The one less than 164 in built in.
numFmtId = builtinNumFmtsCount + 1
defer styles.Unlock()
for {
// get a unused NumFmtId
if _, ok = styles.numFmtRefTable[numFmtId]; ok {
} else {
styles.addNumFmt(xlsxNumFmt{NumFmtId: numFmtId, FormatCode: formatCode})
return xlsxNumFmt{NumFmtId: numFmtId, FormatCode: formatCode}
// addNumFmt add xlsxNumFmt if its not exist.
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) addNumFmt(xNumFmt xlsxNumFmt) {
// don't add built in NumFmt
if xNumFmt.NumFmtId <= builtinNumFmtsCount {
_, ok := styles.numFmtRefTable[xNumFmt.NumFmtId]
if !ok {
if styles.numFmtRefTable == nil {
styles.numFmtRefTable = make(map[int]xlsxNumFmt)
styles.NumFmts.NumFmt = append(styles.NumFmts.NumFmt, xNumFmt)
styles.numFmtRefTable[xNumFmt.NumFmtId] = xNumFmt
func (styles *xlsxStyleSheet) Marshal() (string, error) {
result := xml.Header + `<styleSheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main">`
xNumFmts, err := styles.NumFmts.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return "", err
result += xNumFmts
outputFontMap := make(map[int]int)
xfonts, err := styles.Fonts.Marshal(outputFontMap)
if err != nil {
return "", err
result += xfonts
outputFillMap := make(map[int]int)
xfills, err := styles.Fills.Marshal(outputFillMap)
if err != nil {
return "", err
result += xfills
outputBorderMap := make(map[int]int)
xborders, err := styles.Borders.Marshal(outputBorderMap)
if err != nil {
return "", err
result += xborders
if styles.CellStyleXfs != nil {
xcellStyleXfs, err := styles.CellStyleXfs.Marshal(outputBorderMap, outputFillMap, outputFontMap)
if err != nil {
return "", err
result += xcellStyleXfs
xcellXfs, err := styles.CellXfs.Marshal(outputBorderMap, outputFillMap, outputFontMap)
if err != nil {
return "", err
result += xcellXfs
if styles.CellStyles != nil {
xcellStyles, err := styles.CellStyles.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return "", err
result += xcellStyles
return result + "</styleSheet>", nil
// xlsxNumFmts directly maps the numFmts element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxNumFmts struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
NumFmt []xlsxNumFmt `xml:"numFmt,omitempty"`
func (numFmts *xlsxNumFmts) Marshal() (result string, err error) {
if numFmts.Count > 0 {
result = fmt.Sprintf(`<numFmts count="%d">`, numFmts.Count)
for _, numFmt := range numFmts.NumFmt {
var xNumFmt string
xNumFmt, err = numFmt.Marshal()
if err != nil {
result += xNumFmt
result += `</numFmts>`
// xlsxNumFmt directly maps the numFmt element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxNumFmt struct {
NumFmtId int `xml:"numFmtId,attr,omitempty"`
FormatCode string `xml:"formatCode,attr,omitempty"`
func (numFmt *xlsxNumFmt) Marshal() (result string, err error) {
formatCode := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := xml.EscapeText(formatCode, []byte(numFmt.FormatCode)); err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf(`<numFmt numFmtId="%d" formatCode="%s"/>`, numFmt.NumFmtId, formatCode), nil
// xlsxFonts directly maps the fonts element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxFonts struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"fonts"`
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
Font []xlsxFont `xml:"font,omitempty"`
func (fonts *xlsxFonts) Marshal(outputFontMap map[int]int) (result string, err error) {
emittedCount := 0
subparts := ""
for i, font := range fonts.Font {
var xfont string
xfont, err = font.Marshal()
if err != nil {
if xfont != "" {
outputFontMap[i] = emittedCount
subparts += xfont
if emittedCount > 0 {
result = fmt.Sprintf(`<fonts count="%d">`, fonts.Count)
result += subparts
result += `</fonts>`
// xlsxFont directly maps the font element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxFont struct {
Sz xlsxVal `xml:"sz,omitempty"`
Name xlsxVal `xml:"name,omitempty"`
Family xlsxVal `xml:"family,omitempty"`
Charset xlsxVal `xml:"charset,omitempty"`
Color xlsxColor `xml:"color,omitempty"`
B *xlsxVal `xml:"b,omitempty"`
I *xlsxVal `xml:"i,omitempty"`
U *xlsxVal `xml:"u,omitempty"`
func (font *xlsxFont) Equals(other xlsxFont) bool {
if (font.B == nil && other.B != nil) || (font.B != nil && other.B == nil) {
return false
if (font.I == nil && other.I != nil) || (font.I != nil && other.I == nil) {
return false
if (font.U == nil && other.U != nil) || (font.U != nil && other.U == nil) {
return false
return font.Sz.Equals(other.Sz) && font.Name.Equals(other.Name) && font.Family.Equals(other.Family) && font.Charset.Equals(other.Charset) && font.Color.Equals(other.Color)
func (font *xlsxFont) Marshal() (result string, err error) {
result = "<font>"
if font.Sz.Val != "" {
result += fmt.Sprintf(`<sz val="%s"/>`, font.Sz.Val)
if font.Name.Val != "" {
result += fmt.Sprintf(`<name val="%s"/>`, font.Name.Val)
if font.Family.Val != "" {
result += fmt.Sprintf(`<family val="%s"/>`, font.Family.Val)
if font.Charset.Val != "" {
result += fmt.Sprintf(`<charset val="%s"/>`, font.Charset.Val)
if font.Color.RGB != "" {
result += fmt.Sprintf(`<color rgb="%s"/>`, font.Color.RGB)
if font.B != nil {
result += "<b/>"
if font.I != nil {
result += "<i/>"
if font.U != nil {
result += "<u/>"
return result + "</font>", nil
// xlsxVal directly maps the val element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxVal struct {
Val string `xml:"val,attr,omitempty"`
func (val *xlsxVal) Equals(other xlsxVal) bool {
return val.Val == other.Val
// xlsxFills directly maps the fills element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxFills struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
Fill []xlsxFill `xml:"fill,omitempty"`
func (fills *xlsxFills) Marshal(outputFillMap map[int]int) (string, error) {
var subparts string
var emittedCount int
for i, fill := range fills.Fill {
xfill, err := fill.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if xfill != "" {
outputFillMap[i] = emittedCount
subparts += xfill
var result string
if emittedCount > 0 {
result = fmt.Sprintf(`<fills count="%d">`, emittedCount)
result += subparts
result += `</fills>`
return result, nil
// xlsxFill directly maps the fill element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxFill struct {
PatternFill xlsxPatternFill `xml:"patternFill,omitempty"`
func (fill *xlsxFill) Equals(other xlsxFill) bool {
return fill.PatternFill.Equals(other.PatternFill)
func (fill *xlsxFill) Marshal() (result string, err error) {
if fill.PatternFill.PatternType != "" {
var xpatternFill string
result = `<fill>`
xpatternFill, err = fill.PatternFill.Marshal()
if err != nil {
result += xpatternFill
result += `</fill>`
// xlsxPatternFill directly maps the patternFill element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxPatternFill struct {
PatternType string `xml:"patternType,attr,omitempty"`
FgColor xlsxColor `xml:"fgColor,omitempty"`
BgColor xlsxColor `xml:"bgColor,omitempty"`
func (patternFill *xlsxPatternFill) Equals(other xlsxPatternFill) bool {
return patternFill.PatternType == other.PatternType && patternFill.FgColor.Equals(other.FgColor) && patternFill.BgColor.Equals(other.BgColor)
func (patternFill *xlsxPatternFill) Marshal() (result string, err error) {
result = fmt.Sprintf(`<patternFill patternType="%s"`, patternFill.PatternType)
ending := `/>`
terminator := ""
subparts := ""
if patternFill.FgColor.RGB != "" {
ending = `>`
terminator = "</patternFill>"
subparts += fmt.Sprintf(`<fgColor rgb="%s"/>`, patternFill.FgColor.RGB)
if patternFill.BgColor.RGB != "" {
ending = `>`
terminator = "</patternFill>"
subparts += fmt.Sprintf(`<bgColor rgb="%s"/>`, patternFill.BgColor.RGB)
result += ending
result += subparts
result += terminator
// xlsxColor is a common mapping used for both the fgColor and bgColor
// elements in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxColor struct {
RGB string `xml:"rgb,attr,omitempty"`
Theme *int `xml:"theme,attr,omitempty"`
Tint float64 `xml:"tint,attr,omitempty"`
func (color *xlsxColor) Equals(other xlsxColor) bool {
return color.RGB == other.RGB
// xlsxBorders directly maps the borders element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxBorders struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
Border []xlsxBorder `xml:"border"`
func (borders *xlsxBorders) Marshal(outputBorderMap map[int]int) (result string, err error) {
result = ""
emittedCount := 0
subparts := ""
for i, border := range borders.Border {
var xborder string
xborder, err = border.Marshal()
if err != nil {
if xborder != "" {
outputBorderMap[i] = emittedCount
subparts += xborder
if emittedCount > 0 {
result += fmt.Sprintf(`<borders count="%d">`, emittedCount)
result += subparts
result += `</borders>`
// xlsxBorder directly maps the border element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxBorder struct {
Left xlsxLine `xml:"left,omitempty"`
Right xlsxLine `xml:"right,omitempty"`
Top xlsxLine `xml:"top,omitempty"`
Bottom xlsxLine `xml:"bottom,omitempty"`
func (border *xlsxBorder) Equals(other xlsxBorder) bool {
return border.Left.Equals(other.Left) && border.Right.Equals(other.Right) && border.Top.Equals(other.Top) && border.Bottom.Equals(other.Bottom)
// To get borders to work correctly in Excel, you have to always start with an
// empty set of borders. There was logic in this function that would strip out
// empty elements, but unfortunately that would cause the border to fail.
func (border *xlsxBorder) Marshal() (result string, err error) {
subparts := ""
subparts += fmt.Sprintf(`<left style="%s">`, border.Left.Style)
if border.Left.Color.RGB != "" {
subparts += fmt.Sprintf(`<color rgb="%s"/>`, border.Left.Color.RGB)
subparts += `</left>`
subparts += fmt.Sprintf(`<right style="%s">`, border.Right.Style)
if border.Right.Color.RGB != "" {
subparts += fmt.Sprintf(`<color rgb="%s"/>`, border.Right.Color.RGB)
subparts += `</right>`
subparts += fmt.Sprintf(`<top style="%s">`, border.Top.Style)
if border.Top.Color.RGB != "" {
subparts += fmt.Sprintf(`<color rgb="%s"/>`, border.Top.Color.RGB)
subparts += `</top>`
subparts += fmt.Sprintf(`<bottom style="%s">`, border.Bottom.Style)
if border.Bottom.Color.RGB != "" {
subparts += fmt.Sprintf(`<color rgb="%s"/>`, border.Bottom.Color.RGB)
subparts += `</bottom>`
result += `<border>`
result += subparts
result += `</border>`
// xlsxLine directly maps the line style element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxLine struct {
Style string `xml:"style,attr,omitempty"`
Color xlsxColor `xml:"color,omitempty"`
func (line *xlsxLine) Equals(other xlsxLine) bool {
return line.Style == other.Style && line.Color.Equals(other.Color)
type xlsxCellStyles struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cellStyles"`
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
CellStyle []xlsxCellStyle `xml:"cellStyle,omitempty"`
func (cellStyles *xlsxCellStyles) Marshal() (result string, err error) {
if cellStyles.Count > 0 {
result = fmt.Sprintf(`<cellStyles count="%d">`, cellStyles.Count)
for _, cellStyle := range cellStyles.CellStyle {
var xCellStyle []byte
xCellStyle, err = xml.Marshal(cellStyle)
if err != nil {
result += string(xCellStyle)
result += `</cellStyles>`
type xlsxCellStyle struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cellStyle"`
BuiltInId *int `xml:"builtInId,attr,omitempty"`
CustomBuiltIn *bool `xml:"customBuiltIn,attr,omitempty"`
Hidden *bool `xml:"hidden,attr,omitempty"`
ILevel *bool `xml:"iLevel,attr,omitempty"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
XfId int `xml:"xfId,attr"`
// xlsxCellStyleXfs directly maps the cellStyleXfs element in the
// namespace http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main
// - currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as
// much as I need.
type xlsxCellStyleXfs struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
Xf []xlsxXf `xml:"xf,omitempty"`
func (cellStyleXfs *xlsxCellStyleXfs) Marshal(outputBorderMap, outputFillMap, outputFontMap map[int]int) (result string, err error) {
if cellStyleXfs.Count > 0 {
result = fmt.Sprintf(`<cellStyleXfs count="%d">`, cellStyleXfs.Count)
for _, xf := range cellStyleXfs.Xf {
var xxf string
xxf, err = xf.Marshal(outputBorderMap, outputFillMap, outputFontMap)
if err != nil {
result += xxf
result += `</cellStyleXfs>`
// xlsxCellXfs directly maps the cellXfs element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxCellXfs struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
Xf []xlsxXf `xml:"xf,omitempty"`
func (cellXfs *xlsxCellXfs) Marshal(outputBorderMap, outputFillMap, outputFontMap map[int]int) (result string, err error) {
if cellXfs.Count > 0 {
result = fmt.Sprintf(`<cellXfs count="%d">`, cellXfs.Count)
for _, xf := range cellXfs.Xf {
var xxf string
xxf, err = xf.Marshal(outputBorderMap, outputFillMap, outputFontMap)
if err != nil {
result += xxf
result += `</cellXfs>`
// xlsxXf directly maps the xf element in the namespace
// http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main -
// currently I have not checked it for completeness - it does as much
// as I need.
type xlsxXf struct {
ApplyAlignment bool `xml:"applyAlignment,attr"`
ApplyBorder bool `xml:"applyBorder,attr"`
ApplyFont bool `xml:"applyFont,attr"`
ApplyFill bool `xml:"applyFill,attr"`
ApplyNumberFormat bool `xml:"applyNumberFormat,attr"`
ApplyProtection bool `xml:"applyProtection,attr"`
BorderId int `xml:"borderId,attr"`
FillId int `xml:"fillId,attr"`
FontId int `xml:"fontId,attr"`
NumFmtId int `xml:"numFmtId,attr"`
XfId *int `xml:"xfId,attr,omitempty"`
Alignment xlsxAlignment `xml:"alignment"`
func (xf *xlsxXf) Equals(other xlsxXf) bool {
return xf.ApplyAlignment == other.ApplyAlignment &&
xf.ApplyBorder == other.ApplyBorder &&
xf.ApplyFont == other.ApplyFont &&
xf.ApplyFill == other.ApplyFill &&
xf.ApplyProtection == other.ApplyProtection &&
xf.BorderId == other.BorderId &&
xf.FillId == other.FillId &&
xf.FontId == other.FontId &&
xf.NumFmtId == other.NumFmtId &&
(xf.XfId == other.XfId ||
((xf.XfId != nil && other.XfId != nil) &&
*xf.XfId == *other.XfId)) &&
func (xf *xlsxXf) Marshal(outputBorderMap, outputFillMap, outputFontMap map[int]int) (result string, err error) {
result = fmt.Sprintf(`<xf applyAlignment="%b" applyBorder="%b" applyFont="%b" applyFill="%b" applyNumberFormat="%b" applyProtection="%b" borderId="%d" fillId="%d" fontId="%d" numFmtId="%d"`, bool2Int(xf.ApplyAlignment), bool2Int(xf.ApplyBorder), bool2Int(xf.ApplyFont), bool2Int(xf.ApplyFill), bool2Int(xf.ApplyNumberFormat), bool2Int(xf.ApplyProtection), outputBorderMap[xf.BorderId], outputFillMap[xf.FillId], outputFontMap[xf.FontId], xf.NumFmtId)
if xf.XfId != nil {
result += fmt.Sprintf(` xfId="%d"`, *xf.XfId)
result += ">"
xAlignment, err := xf.Alignment.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return result, err
return result + xAlignment + "</xf>", nil
type xlsxAlignment struct {
Horizontal string `xml:"horizontal,attr"`
Indent int `xml:"indent,attr"`
ShrinkToFit bool `xml:"shrinkToFit,attr"`
TextRotation int `xml:"textRotation,attr"`
Vertical string `xml:"vertical,attr"`
WrapText bool `xml:"wrapText,attr"`
func (alignment *xlsxAlignment) Equals(other xlsxAlignment) bool {
return alignment.Horizontal == other.Horizontal &&
alignment.Indent == other.Indent &&
alignment.ShrinkToFit == other.ShrinkToFit &&
alignment.TextRotation == other.TextRotation &&
alignment.Vertical == other.Vertical &&
alignment.WrapText == other.WrapText
func (alignment *xlsxAlignment) Marshal() (result string, err error) {
if alignment.Horizontal == "" {
alignment.Horizontal = "general"
if alignment.Vertical == "" {
alignment.Vertical = "bottom"
return fmt.Sprintf(`<alignment horizontal="%s" indent="%d" shrinkToFit="%b" textRotation="%d" vertical="%s" wrapText="%b"/>`, alignment.Horizontal, alignment.Indent, bool2Int(alignment.ShrinkToFit), alignment.TextRotation, alignment.Vertical, bool2Int(alignment.WrapText)), nil
func bool2Int(b bool) int {
if b {
return 1
return 0