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package basic
import (
func Benchmark_MoonRiseBench(b *testing.B) {
jde := GetNowJDE()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
GetMoonRiseTime(jde, 105, 40, 8, 0, 10)
func Test_MoonDown(t *testing.T) {
jde := GetNowJDE()
for i := 30.0; i < 90.0; i += 0.3 {
fmt.Println(i, GetMoonDownTime(jde, 115, float64(i), 8, 1, 0))
func Test_MoonDiff(t *testing.T) {
n := JDECalc(2000, 1, 1)
var maxRa, maxDec, maxLo, maxBo float64
for i := float64(0); i < 365.2422*3; i++ {
tLo := HMoonApparentLo(n + i)
tBo := HMoonTrueBo(n + i)
tRa, tDec := HMoonTrueRaDec(n + i)
fRa, fDec := MoonTrueRaDec(n + i)
fLo := MoonApparentLo(n + i)
fBo := MoonTrueBo(n + i)
tmp := tools.Limit360(math.Abs(tRa - fRa))
if tmp > 300 {
tmp = 360 - tmp
if tmp > maxRa {
maxRa = tmp
tmp = tools.Limit360(math.Abs(tDec - fDec))
if tmp > 300 {
tmp = 360 - tmp
if tmp > maxDec {
maxDec = tmp
tmp = tools.Limit360(math.Abs(tLo - fLo))
if tmp > 300 {
tmp = 360 - tmp
if tmp > maxLo {
maxLo = tmp
tmp = tools.Limit360(math.Abs(tBo - fBo))
if tmp > 300 {
tmp = 360 - tmp
if tmp > maxBo {
maxBo = tmp
fmt.Printf("%.15f %.15f %.15f %.15f\n", maxRa*3600, maxDec*3600, maxLo*3600, maxBo*3600)
func Test_MoonRise(t *testing.T) {
//2.459984692085961e+06 113.58880556 87.36833333 8 0 0
//2.459984692085961e+06 113.58880556 87.36833333 8 0 0
//2.4599846948519214e+06 113.58880556 87.36833333 8 0 0
//cst := time.FixedZone("cst", 8*3600)
//jde := Date2JDE(time.Date(2023, 2, 9, 15, 59, 0, 0, cst))
fmt.Println(GetMoonRiseTime(2.4599846948519214e+06, 113.58880556, 87.36833333, 8, 0, 0))
for i := 30.0; i < 90.0; i += 0.3 {
fmt.Println(i, GetMoonRiseTime(2.459984692085961e+06, 117.76653567, float64(i), 8, 0, 0))
func Test_MoonS(t *testing.T) {
//fmt.Println(MoonHeight(2451547, 115, 32, 8))
a := time.Now().UnixNano()
b := GetMoonRiseTime(GetNowJDE(), 123, 40, 8, 0, 10)
fmt.Println(HMoonHeight(b, 115, 32, 8))
fmt.Println(time.Now().UnixNano() - a)
fmt.Println(time.Now().UnixNano() - a)
//fmt.Printf("%.14f", GetMoonRiseTime(2451547, 115, 32, 8, 0))
func TestMoonCu(t *testing.T) {
jde := math.Floor(GetNowJDE() - 20.0/24.0)
n := MoonCulminationTime(jde, 115, 23, 8)
fmt.Println(MoonTimeAngle(n, 115, 23, 8))
fmt.Println(MoonAngle(n, 115, 23, 8))
//ra, dec := HMoonApparentRaDec(jde, 115, 23, 8)
//fmt.Println(tools.Format(ra/15, 1), tools.Format(dec, 0))
//fmt.Println(JDE2Date(GetMoonTZTime(jde, 115, 23, 8)))
//fmt.Println(JDE2Date(GetMoonDownTime(jde+1, 115, 23, 8, 1, 0)))