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5 years ago
package basic
import (
@dec: 1582
func JDECalc(Year, Month int, Day float64) float64 {
if Month == 1 || Month == 2 {
Month += 12
var tmpvarB int
tmpvar := fmt.Sprintf("%04d-%02d-%2d", Year, Month, int(math.Floor(Day)))
if strings.Compare(tmpvar, `1582-10-04`) != 1 {
tmpvarB = 0
} else {
tmpvarA := int(Year / 100)
tmpvarB = 2 - tmpvarA + int(tmpvarA/4)
return (math.Floor(365.25*(float64(Year)+4716.0)) + math.Floor(30.6001*float64(Month+1)) + Day + float64(tmpvarB) - 1524.5)
func GetNowJDE() (NowJDE float64) {
Time := float64(time.Now().Second())/3600.0/24.0 + float64(time.Now().Minute())/60.0/24.0 + float64(time.Now().Hour())/24.0
NowJDE = JDECalc(time.Now().Year(), int(time.Now().Month()), float64(time.Now().Day())+Time)
func dt_ext(y, jsd float64) float64 { // 二次曲线外推,用于数值外插
dy := (y - 1820) / 100.00
return -20 + jsd*dy*dy
func dt_cal(y float64) float64 { //传入年, 返回世界时UT与原子时力学时 TD之差, ΔT = TD - UT
dt_at := []float64{
-4000, 108371.7, -13036.80, 392.000, 0.0000,
-500, 17201.0, -627.82, 16.170, -0.3413,
-150, 12200.6, -346.41, 5.403, -0.1593,
150, 9113.8, -328.13, -1.647, 0.0377,
500, 5707.5, -391.41, 0.915, 0.3145,
900, 2203.4, -283.45, 13.034, -0.1778,
1300, 490.1, -57.35, 2.085, -0.0072,
1600, 120.0, -9.81, -1.532, 0.1403,
1700, 10.2, -0.91, 0.510, -0.0370,
1800, 13.4, -0.72, 0.202, -0.0193,
1830, 7.8, -1.81, 0.416, -0.0247,
1860, 8.3, -0.13, -0.406, 0.0292,
1880, -5.4, 0.32, -0.183, 0.0173,
1900, -2.3, 2.06, 0.169, -0.0135,
1920, 21.2, 1.69, -0.304, 0.0167,
1940, 24.2, 1.22, -0.064, 0.0031,
1960, 33.2, 0.51, 0.231, -0.0109,
1980, 51.0, 1.29, -0.026, 0.0032,
2000, 63.87, 0.1, 0, 0,
2005, 64.7, 0.4, 0, 0, //一次项记为x,则 10x=0.4秒/年*(2015-2005),解得x=0.4
2015, 69,
y0 := dt_at[len(dt_at)-2] //表中最后一年
t0 := dt_at[len(dt_at)-1] //表中最后一年的 deltatT
if y >= y0 {
jsd := float64(31) // sjd是y1年之后的加速度估计
// 瑞士星历表jsd=31, NASA网站jsd=32, skmap的jsd=29
if y > y0+100.00 {
5 years ago
return dt_ext(y, jsd)
v := dt_ext(y, jsd) //二次曲线外推
dv := dt_ext(y0, jsd) - t0 // ye年的二次外推与te的差
return (v - dv*(y0+100.00-y)/100.00)
5 years ago
d := dt_at
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(d); i += 5 {
if float64(y) < d[i+5] {
// 判断年所在的区间
t1 := (y - d[i]) / (d[i+5] - d[i]) * 10.00 //////// 三次插值, 保证精确性
5 years ago
t2 := t1 * t1
t3 := t2 * t1
res := d[i+1] + d[i+2]*t1 + d[i+3]*t2 + d[i+4]*t3
return (res)
func DeltaT(Date float64, IsJDE bool) (Result float64) { //传入年或儒略日,传出为秒
var Year float64
if IsJDE {
dates := JDE2Date(Date)
Year = float64(dates.Year()) + float64(dates.YearDay())/365.0
5 years ago
} else {
Year = Date
if Year < 2010 {
Result = dt_cal(Year)
if Year < 2100 && Year >= 2010 {
5 years ago
Result = dt_cal(Year) //-3.2-(Year-2017)*0.029915;
if Year >= 2100 && Year <= 2150 {
Result = -20 + 32*(((Year-1820.0)/100.0)*((Year-1820.0)/100.0)) - 0.5628*(2150-Year)
if Year > 2150 {
//Result= -20 + 32 * tmp*tmp;
Result = dt_cal(Year)
func TD2UT(JDE float64, UT2TD bool) float64 { // true 世界时转力学时CCfalse 力学时转世界时VV
Deltat := DeltaT(JDE, true)
if UT2TD {
return JDE + Deltat/3600/24
} else {
return JDE - Deltat/3600/24
* @name: JDE
func JDE2Date(JD float64) time.Time {
JD = JD + 0.5
Z := float64(int(JD))
F := JD - Z
var A, B, Years, Months, Days float64
if Z < 2299161.0 {
A = Z
} else {
alpha := math.Floor((Z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25)
A = Z + 1 + alpha - math.Floor(alpha/4)
B = A + 1524
C := math.Floor((B - 122.1) / 365.25)
D := math.Floor(365.25 * C)
E := math.Floor((B - D) / 30.6001)
Days = B - D - math.Floor(30.6001*E) + F
if E < 14 {
Months = E - 1
if E == 14 || E == 15 {
Months = E - 13
if Months > 2 {
Years = C - 4716
if Months == 1 || Months == 2 {
Years = C - 4715
tms := (Days - math.Floor(Days)) * 24 * 3600
Days = math.Floor(Days)
tz, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local")
dates := time.Date(int(Years), time.Month(int(Months)), int(Days), 0, 0, 0, 0, tz)
dates = time.Unix(dates.Unix()+int64(tms), int64((tms-math.Floor(tms))*1000000000))
return dates
func JDE2DateByZone(JD float64, tz *time.Location, byZone bool) time.Time {
JD = JD + 0.5
Z := float64(int(JD))
F := JD - Z
var A, B, Years, Months, Days float64
if Z < 2299161.0 {
A = Z
} else {
alpha := math.Floor((Z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25)
A = Z + 1 + alpha - math.Floor(alpha/4)
B = A + 1524
C := math.Floor((B - 122.1) / 365.25)
D := math.Floor(365.25 * C)
E := math.Floor((B - D) / 30.6001)
Days = B - D - math.Floor(30.6001*E) + F
if E < 14 {
Months = E - 1
if E == 14 || E == 15 {
Months = E - 13
if Months > 2 {
Years = C - 4716
if Months == 1 || Months == 2 {
Years = C - 4715
tms := (Days - math.Floor(Days)) * 24 * 3600
Days = math.Floor(Days)
if !byZone {
dates := time.Date(int(Years), time.Month(int(Months)), int(Days), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
return time.Unix(dates.Unix()+int64(tms), int64((tms-math.Floor(tms))*1000000000)).In(tz)
dates := time.Date(int(Years), time.Month(int(Months)), int(Days), 0, 0, 0, 0, tz)
return time.Unix(dates.Unix()+int64(tms), int64((tms-math.Floor(tms))*1000000000))
func GetLunar(year, month, day int, tz float64) (lmonth, lday int, leap bool, result string) {
5 years ago
jde := JDECalc(year, month, float64(day)) //计算当前JDE时间
if month == 11 || month == 12 { //判断当前日期属于前一年周期还是后一年周期
winterday := GetJQTime(year, 270) + tz //冬至日日期(世界时,北京时间)
Fday := TD2UT(CalcMoonS(float64(year)+11.0/12.0+5.0/30.0/12.0, 0), true) + tz //朔月(世界时,北京时间)
Yday := TD2UT(CalcMoonS(float64(year)+1.0, 0), true) + tz //下一朔月(世界时,北京时间)
5 years ago
if Fday-math.Floor(Fday) > 0.5 {
Fday = math.Floor(Fday) + 0.5
} else {
Fday = math.Floor(Fday) - 0.5
if Yday-math.Floor(Yday) > 0.5 {
Yday = math.Floor(Yday) + 0.5
} else {
Yday = math.Floor(Yday) - 0.5
if winterday >= Fday && winterday < Yday && jde <= Fday {
if winterday >= Yday && jde < Yday {
} else {
jieqi := GetOneYearJQ(year) //一年的节气
moon := GetOneYearMoon(float64(year)) //一年朔月日
winter1 := jieqi[1] //第一年冬至日
winter2 := jieqi[25] //第二年冬至日
for k, v := range moon {
if tz != 8.0/24 {
v = v - 8.0/24 + tz
5 years ago
if v-math.Floor(v) > 0.5 {
moon[k] = math.Floor(v) + 0.5
} else {
moon[k] = math.Floor(v) - 0.5
} //置闰月为0点
for k, v := range jieqi {
if tz != 8.0/24 {
v = v - 8.0/24 + tz
5 years ago
if v-math.Floor(v) > 0.5 {
jieqi[k] = math.Floor(v) + 0.5
} else {
jieqi[k] = math.Floor(v) - 0.5
} //置节气为0点
mooncount := 0 //年内朔望月计数
var min, max int = 20, 0 //最大最小计数
for i := 1; i < 16; i++ {
if moon[i] >= winter1 && moon[i] < winter2 {
if i <= min {
min = i
if i >= max {
max = i
leapmonth := 20
if mooncount == 13 { //存在闰月
j, i := 3, 1
for i = min; i <= max; i++ {
if !(moon[i] <= jieqi[j] && moon[i+1] > jieqi[j]) {
j += 2
leapmonth = i - min + 1
i := 0
for i = min - 1; i <= max; i++ {
if moon[i] > jde {
lmonth = i - min
var sleap bool = false
leap = false
if lmonth >= leapmonth {
sleap = true
if lmonth == leapmonth {
leap = true
if lmonth < 2 {
lmonth += 11
} else {
if sleap {
if lmonth <= 0 {
lmonth += 12
5 years ago
lday = int(jde-moon[i-1]) + 1
strmonth := []string{"十", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "冬", "腊"}
strday := []string{"初", "十", "廿", "三"}
if leap {
result += "闰"
if lmonth == 1 {
result += "正月"
} else {
result += strmonth[lmonth] + "月"
5 years ago
if lday == 20 {
result += "二十"
} else if lday == 10 {
result += "初十"
} else {
result += strday[lday/10] + strmonth[lday%10]
func GetSolar(year, month, day int, leap bool, tz float64) float64 {
5 years ago
if month < 11 {
jieqi := GetOneYearJQ(year) //一年的节气
moon := GetOneYearMoon(float64(year)) //一年朔月日
winter1 := jieqi[1] //第一年冬至日
winter2 := jieqi[25] //第二年冬至日
for k, v := range moon {
if tz != 8.0/24 {
v = v - 8.0/24 + tz
5 years ago
if v-math.Floor(v) > 0.5 {
moon[k] = math.Floor(v) + 0.5
} else {
moon[k] = math.Floor(v) - 0.5
} //置闰月为0点
for k, v := range jieqi {
if tz != 8.0/24 {
v = v - 8.0/24 + tz
5 years ago
if v-math.Floor(v) > 0.5 {
jieqi[k] = math.Floor(v) + 0.5
} else {
jieqi[k] = math.Floor(v) - 0.5
} //置节气为0点
mooncount := 0 //年内朔望月计数
var min, max int = 20, 0 //最大最小计数
for i := 1; i < 16; i++ {
if moon[i] >= winter1 && moon[i] < winter2 {
if i <= min {
min = i
if i >= max {
max = i
leapmonth := 20
if mooncount == 13 { //存在闰月
j, i := 3, 1
for i = min; i <= max; i++ {
if !(moon[i] <= jieqi[j] && moon[i+1] > jieqi[j]) {
j += 2
leapmonth = i - min + 1
5 years ago
if leap {
if month > 10 {
month -= 11
} else {
if month >= leapmonth && !leap {
5 years ago
jde := moon[min-1+month] + float64(day) - 1
return jde
// Date2JDE 日期转儒略日
func Date2JDE(date time.Time) float64 {
day := float64(date.Day()) + float64(date.Hour())/24.0 + float64(date.Minute())/24.0/60.0 + float64(date.Second())/24.0/3600.0 + float64(date.Nanosecond())/1000000000.0/3600.0/24.0
return JDECalc(date.Year(), int(date.Month()), day)