MF_Attack_hardnestedDialogHardnested AttackKnown Block:Block:ABTarget Block:MF_Sim_simDialogSimulateuUID 4 or 7 bytes. If not specified, the UID 4B from emulator memory will be usednAutomatically exit simulation after <numreads> blocks have been read by reader. 0 = infiniteiInteractive, means that console will not be returned until simulation finishes or is abortedxCrack, performs the 'reader attack', nr/ar attack against a legitimate reader, fishes out the key(s)eset keys found from 'reader attack' to emulator memory (implies x and i)fget UIDs to use for 'reader attack' from file 'f <filename.txt>' (implies x and i)rGenerate random nonces instead of sequential nonces. Standard reader attack won't work with this option, only moebius attack worksMF_UID_parameterDialogSet ParameterUID:ATQA:SAK:MainWindowProxmark3GUIPath:RefreshConnectDisconnectMifare>><<FCard TypeMINI1K2K4KFileLoadSaveDataKeyAttackCard InfoCheck DefaultNestedHardnestedRead/WriteBlock:Key:Key Type:ABData:Normal(Require Password)Read BlockWrite BlockRead AllWrite AllDumpRestoreChinese Magic Card(Without Password)Lock UFUID CardAbout UID CardSet ParameterWipeSimulateLoad from data aboveClearSniffList Sniff DataRawCommandHistory:ClearHistorySendClearOutputInfoPlz choose a port firstConnectedNot ConnectedBinary Data Files(*.bin *.dump);;Text Data Files(*.txt *.eml);;All Files(*.*)Failed to openWhen Changeing card type, the data and keys in this app will be cleard.Continue?Plz select the font of data widget and key widgetData must consists of 32 Hex symbols(Whitespace is allowed)Key must consists of 12 Hex symbols(Whitespace is allowed)Plz select the data file:Plz select the key file:Binary Key Files(*.bin *.dump);;Binary Data Files(*.bin *.dump);;All Files(*.*)Plz select the location to save data file:Binary Data Files(*.bin *.dump);;Text Data Files(*.txt *.eml)Failed to save toPlz select the location to save key file:Binary Key Files(*.bin *.dump) Normally, the Block 0 of a typical Mifare card, which contains the UID, is locked during the manufacture. Users cannot write anything to Block 0 or set a new UID to a normal Mifare card. Chinese Magic Cards(aka UID Cards) are some special cards whose Block 0 are writeable. And you can change UID by writing to it.There are two versions of Chinese Magic Cards, the Gen1 and the Gen2. Gen1: also called UID card in China. It responses to some backdoor commands so you can access any blocks without password. The Proxmark3 has a bunch of related commands(csetblk, cgetblk, ...) to deal with this type of card, and my GUI also support these commands. Gen2: doesn't response to the backdoor commands, which means that a reader cannot detect whether it is a Chinese Magic Card or not by sending backdoor commands.There are some types of Chinese Magic Card Gen2. CUID Card: the Block 0 is writeable, you can write to this block repeatedly by normal wrbl command. (hf mf wrbl 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF <the data you want to write>) FUID Card: you can only write to Block 0 once. After that, it seems like a typical Mifare card(Block 0 cannot be written to). (some readers might try changing the Block 0, which could detect the CUID Card. In that case, you should use FUID card.) UFUID Card: It behaves like a CUID card(or UID card? I'm not sure) before you send some special command to lock it. Once it is locked, you cannot change its Block 0(just like a typical Mifare card). Seemingly, these Chinese Magic Cards are more easily to be compromised by Nested Attack(it takes little time to get an unknown key).Plz select the trace file:Trace Files(*.trc);;All Files(*.*)Plz select the location to save trace file:Trace Files(*.trc)IdleSecBlkKeyAKeyBHW Version:PM3:State:RunningMifareSuccess!InfoFailed!Failed to read card.