@ -9,24 +9,25 @@ Mifare::Mifare(Ui::MainWindow *ui, Util *addr, QWidget *parent): QObject(parent)
keyAList = new QStringList();
keyBList = new QStringList();
dataList = new QStringList();
data_clearKey(); // fill with blank Qstring
data_clearData(); // fill with blank Qstring
data_clearKey(); // fill with blank QString
data_clearData(); // fill with blank QString
dataPattern = new QRegExp("([0-9a-fA-F]{2} ){15}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}");
chkKeyPattern = new QRegExp("\\|\\d{3}\\|.+\\|.+\\|");
nestedKeyPattern = new QRegExp("\\|\\d{3}\\|.+\\|.+\\|.+\\|.+\\|");
keyPattern_res = new QRegularExpression("\\|\\d{3}\\|.+?\\|.+?\\|.+?\\|.+?\\|");
keyPattern = new QRegularExpression("\\|\\d{3}\\|.+?\\|.+?\\|");
QString Mifare::info(bool isRequiringOutput)
if(util->getClientType() == Util::CLIENTTYPE_OFFICIAL || util->getClientType() == Util::CLIENTTYPE_ICEMAN)
QString result = util->execCMDWithOutput("hf 14a info", 500);
qDebug() << result << result.indexOf(QRegExp(ui->MF_RW_dataEdit->text()), 0);
result.replace("UID :", "|");
result.replace("ATQA :", "|");
result.replace("SAK :", "|");
result.replace("TYPE :", "|");
QStringList lis = result.split("|");
result.replace("UID :", "|||");
result.replace("ATQA :", "|||");
result.replace("SAK :", "|||");
result.replace("TYPE :", "|||");
QStringList lis = result.split("|||");
if(lis.length() > 4)
qDebug() << lis[1] + lis[2] + lis[3];
@ -42,9 +43,11 @@ QString Mifare::info(bool isRequiringOutput)
return "";
void Mifare::chk()
QRegularExpressionMatch reMatch;
QString result = util->execCMDWithOutput(
"hf mf chk *"
+ QString::number(cardType.type)
@ -53,21 +56,53 @@ void Mifare::chk()
qDebug() << result;
int offset = 0;
QString tmp, tmp2;
QString data;
if(util->getClientType() == Util::CLIENTTYPE_OFFICIAL)
for(int i = 0; i < cardType.sector_size; i++)
offset = chkKeyPattern->indexIn(result, offset);
// offset = result.indexOf(*chkKeyPattern, offset);
tmp = result.mid(offset, 39).toUpper();
offset += 39;
qDebug() << tmp << offset;
tmp2 = tmp.mid(7, 12).trimmed();
if(tmp2 != "?")
keyAList->replace(i, tmp2);
tmp2 = tmp.mid(24, 12).trimmed();
if(tmp2 != "?")
keyBList->replace(i, tmp2);
reMatch = keyPattern->match(result, offset);
offset = reMatch.capturedStart();
data = reMatch.captured().toUpper();
offset += data.length();
QStringList cells = data.remove(" ").split("|");
keyAList->replace(i, cells.at(2));
keyBList->replace(i, cells.at(3));
else if(util->getClientType() == Util::CLIENTTYPE_ICEMAN)
for(int i = 0; i < cardType.sector_size; i++)
reMatch = keyPattern_res->match(result, offset);
offset = reMatch.capturedStart();
data = reMatch.captured().toUpper();
offset += data.length();
QStringList cells = data.remove(" ").split("|");
if(cells.at(3) == "1")
keyAList->replace(i, cells.at(2));
if(cells.at(5) == "1")
keyBList->replace(i, cells.at(4));
@ -82,7 +117,7 @@ void Mifare::nested()
QString tmp;
for(int i = 0; i < cardType.sector_size; i++)
offset = nestedKeyPattern->indexIn(result, offset);
// offset = nestedKeyPattern->indexIn(result, offset);
// offset = result.indexOf(*nestedKeyPattern, offset);
tmp = result.mid(offset, 47).toUpper();
offset += 47;