You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3505 lines
144 KiB

5 months ago
@set masver=2.6
@echo off
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Homepage: mass grave[.]dev
:: Email:
2 months ago
:: To activate Windows with K-M-S activation, run the script with "/K-Windows" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line
set _actwin=0
:: To activate all Office apps (including Project/Visio) with K-M-S activation, run the script with "/K-Office" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line
set _actoff=0
:: To activate only Project/Visio with K-M-S activation, run the script with "/K-ProjectVisio" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line
set _actprojvis=0
:: To activate all Windows/Office with K-M-S activation, run the script with "/K-WindowsOffice" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line
set _actwinoff=0
:: To disable changing Windows/Office edition if current edition doesn't support K-M-S activation, run the script with "/K-NoEditionChange" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line
set _NoEditionChange=0
:: To NOT auto-install renewal task with activation, run the script with "/K-NoRenewalTask" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line
set _norentsk=0
:: To uninstall K-M-S, run the script with "/K-Uninstall" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line. It'll take preference over any other parameter.
set _uni=0
:: Advanced options:
:: Don't use renewal task option if you are going to use a specific server name instead of public servers used in the script
:: To specify a server address for activation, run the script with "/K-Server-YOURKMSSERVERNAME" parameter or add it in below line after = sign
set _server=
:: To specify a port for activation, run the script with "/K-Port-YOURPORTNAME" parameter or add it in below line after = sign
set _port=
:: Debug Mode:
:: To run the script in debug mode, change 0 to any parameter above that you want to run, in below line
set "_debug=0"
:: Script will run in unattended mode if parameters are used OR value is changed in above lines FOR activation or uninstall.
2 months ago
:: Set Environment variables, it helps if they are misconfigured in the system
setlocal EnableExtensions
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
1 year ago
2 months ago
set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\System32"
set "Path=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\"
1 year ago
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\reg.exe" (
2 months ago
set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative"
set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%Path%"
1 year ago
2 months ago
set "ComSpec=%SysPath%\cmd.exe"
set "PSModulePath=%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;%SysPath%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules"
set "_cmdf=%~f0"
2 years ago
for %%# in (%*) do (
if /i "%%#"=="r1" set r1=1
if /i "%%#"=="r2" set r2=1
2 months ago
:: Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows
:: or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows
2 years ago
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined r1 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
2 years ago
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r1"
exit /b
:: Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows
2 years ago
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined r2 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
2 years ago
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r2"
exit /b
1 year ago
2 months ago
:: Debug code
if "%_debug%" EQU "0" (
set "nul1=1>nul"
set "nul2=2>nul"
set "nul6=2^>nul"
set "nul=>nul 2>&1"
goto :_debug
set "nul1="
set "nul2="
set "nul6="
set "nul="
@echo on
@prompt $G
@call :_debug "%_debug%" >"%~dp0_tmp.log" 2>&1
@cmd /u /c type "%~dp0_tmp.log">"%~dp0_Debug.log"
@del "%~dp0_tmp.log"
2 months ago
@echo off
@exit /b
1 year ago
set "blank="
12 months ago
set "mas=ht%blank%tps%blank%://"
1 year ago
:: Check if Null service is working, it's important for the batch script
sc query Null | find /i "RUNNING"
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
echo Null service is not running, script may crash...
2 months ago
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
1 year ago
2 months ago
ping -n 20
2 years ago
1 year ago
2 years ago
:: Check LF line ending
pushd "%~dp0"
1 year ago
>nul findstr /v "$" "%~nx0" && (
2 years ago
2 months ago
echo Error - Script either has LF line ending issue or an empty line at the end of the script is missing.
2 years ago
2 months ago
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
ping -n 20 >nul
2 years ago
exit /b
color 07
2 months ago
set KS=K%blank%MS
title Online %KS% Activation %masver%
set _args=
set _elev=
2 months ago
set _unattended=0
set _args=%*
if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=%
2 months ago
if defined _args for %%A in (%_args%) do (
if /i "%%A"=="-el" (set _elev=1)
if /i "%%A"=="/K-Windows" (set _actwin=1)
if /i "%%A"=="/K-Office" (set _actoff=1)
if /i "%%A"=="/K-ProjectVisio" (set _actprojvis=1)
if /i "%%A"=="/K-WindowsOffice" (set _actwinoff=1)
if /i "%%A"=="/K-NoEditionChange" (set _NoEditionChange=1)
if /i "%%A"=="/K-NoRenewalTask" (set _norentsk=1)
if /i "%%A"=="/K-Uninstall" (set _uni=1)
echo "%%A" | find /i "/K-Port-" >nul && (set "_port=%%A" & call set "_port=%%_port:~8%%")
echo "%%A" | find /i "/K-Server-" >nul && (set "_server=%%A" & call set "_server=%%_server:~10%%")
2 months ago
for %%A in (%_actwin% %_actoff% %_actprojvis% %_actwinoff% %_uni%) do (if "%%A"=="1" set _unattended=1)
2 months ago
call :dk_setvar
if %winbuild% LSS 7600 (
1 year ago
echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%].
echo Project is supported for Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 and their Server equivalent.
2 months ago
goto dk_done
:: Fix special characters limitation in path name
set "_work=%~dp0"
if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%"
set "_batf=%~f0"
set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%"
2 years ago
set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args%
2 months ago
set _PSarg=%_PSarg:'=''%
11 months ago
set "_ttemp=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
11 months ago
echo "!_batf!" | find /i "!_ttemp!" %nul1% && (
2 years ago
if /i not "!_work!"=="!_ttemp!" (
2 months ago
echo Script is launched from the temp folder,
echo Most likely you are running the script directly from the archive file.
2 months ago
echo Extract the archive file and launch the script from the extracted folder.
2 months ago
goto dk_done
:: Check PowerShell
REM :PowerShellTest: $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :PowerShellTest:
cmd /c "%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':PowerShellTest:\s*';iex ($f[1])"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% || (
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode""
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo Failed to run Powershell command but Powershell is working.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Check if your antivirus is blocking the script."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
2 months ago
) || (
echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
2 months ago
goto dk_done
2 years ago
:: Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop
11 months ago
%nul1% fltmc || (
2 months ago
if not defined _elev %psc% "start cmd.exe -arg '/c \"!_PSarg!\"' -verb runas" && exit /b
echo This script needs admin rights.
echo To do so, right click on this script and select 'Run as administrator'.
2 months ago
goto dk_done
2 years ago
2 months ago
:: Disable QuickEdit and launch from conhost.exe to avoid Terminal app
if %winbuild% GEQ 17763 (
set terminal=1
) else (
set terminal=
1 year ago
2 months ago
:: Check if script is running in Terminal app
1 year ago
2 months ago
set r1=$TB = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1).DefineDynamicModule(2, $False).DefineType(0);
set r2=%r1% [void]$TB.DefinePInvokeMethod('GetConsoleWindow', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @(), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128);
set r3=%r2% [void]$TB.DefinePInvokeMethod('SendMessageW', 'user32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128);
set d1=%r3% $hIcon = $TB.CreateType(); $hWnd = $hIcon::GetConsoleWindow();
set d2=%d1% echo $($hIcon::SendMessageW($hWnd, 127, 0, 0) -ne [IntPtr]::Zero);
if defined terminal (
%psc% "%d2%" %nul2% | find /i "True" %nul1% && set terminal=
if %_unattended%==1 goto :skipQE
for %%# in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" goto :skipQE)
if defined terminal (
set "launchcmd=start conhost.exe %psc%"
) else (
set "launchcmd=%psc%"
1 year ago
2 months ago
:: Disable QuickEdit in current session
set "d1=$t=[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1).DefineDynamicModule(2, $False).DefineType(0);"
set "d2=$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('GetStdHandle', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @([Int32]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128);"
set "d3=$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('SetConsoleMode', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [Boolean], @([IntPtr], [Int32]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128);"
set "d4=$k=$t.CreateType(); $b=$k::SetConsoleMode($k::GetStdHandle(-10), 0x0080);"
%launchcmd% "%d1% %d2% %d3% %d4% & cmd.exe '/c' '!_PSarg! -qedit'" && (exit /b) || (set terminal=1)
1 year ago
11 months ago
:: Check for updates
set -=
set old=
11 months ago
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -4 -n 1') do (
if not [%%#]==[] (echo "%%#" | find "127.69" %nul1% && (echo "%%#" | find "127.69.%masver%" %nul1% || set old=1))
11 months ago
if defined old (
echo ________________________________________________
2 months ago
echo Version %masver% of MAS is outdated.
11 months ago
echo ________________________________________________
2 months ago
if not %_unattended%==1 (
10 months ago
echo [1] Get Latest MAS
11 months ago
echo [0] Continue Anyway
2 months ago
call :dk_color %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,0] :"
11 months ago
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==2 rem
if !errorlevel!==1 (start ht%-%tps:// & start %mas% & exit /b)
2 months ago
if %_uni%==1 goto :ks_uninstall
2 years ago
2 months ago
2 years ago
2 months ago
if defined _server set _norentsk=1
if not defined _server set _port=
if %_unattended%==0 (
if not defined terminal mode 76, 30
title Online %KS% Activation %masver%
2 years ago
2 months ago
echo ______________________________________________________________
echo [1] Activate - Windows
echo [2] Activate - Office [All]
echo [3] Activate - Office [Project/Visio]
echo [4] Activate - All
echo _______________________________________________
if %_norentsk%==0 (
echo [5] Renewal Task With Activation [Yes]
) else (
call :dk_color2 %_White% " [5] Renewal Task With Activation " %_Yellow% "[No]"
if %_NoEditionChange%==0 (
echo [6] Change Edition If Needed [Yes]
) else (
call :dk_color2 %_White% " [6] Change Edition If Needed " %_Yellow% "[No]"
echo [7] Uninstall Online %KS%
echo _______________________________________________
if defined _server (
echo [8] Set %KS% Server/Port [%_server%] [%_port%]
) else (
echo [8] Set %KS% Server/Port
echo [9] Download Office
echo [0] %_exitmsg%
echo ______________________________________________________________
call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]"
choice /C:1234567890 /N
set _el=!errorlevel!
if !_el!==10 exit /b
if !_el!==9 start %mas%genuine-installation-media & goto :ks_menu
if !_el!==8 goto :ks_ip
if !_el!==7 cls & call :ks_uninstall & cls & goto :ks_menu
if !_el!==6 (if %_NoEditionChange%==0 (set _NoEditionChange=1) else (set _NoEditionChange=0)) & goto :ks_menu
if !_el!==5 (if %_norentsk%==0 (set _norentsk=1) else (set _norentsk=0)) & goto :ks_menu
if !_el!==4 cls & setlocal & set "_actwin=1" & set "_actoff=1" & set "_actprojvis=0" & call :ks_start & endlocal & cls & goto :ks_menu
if !_el!==3 cls & setlocal & set "_actwin=0" & set "_actoff=0" & set "_actprojvis=1" & call :ks_start & endlocal & cls & goto :ks_menu
if !_el!==2 cls & setlocal & set "_actwin=0" & set "_actoff=1" & set "_actprojvis=0" & call :ks_start & endlocal & cls & goto :ks_menu
if !_el!==1 cls & setlocal & set "_actwin=1" & set "_actoff=0" & set "_actprojvis=0" & call :ks_start & endlocal & cls & goto :ks_menu
goto :ks_menu
2 months ago
2 years ago
2 months ago
if not defined terminal (
mode 115, 32
if exist "%SysPath%\spp\store_test\" mode 135, 32
%psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=32;$B.Height=300;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}"
title Online %KS% Activation %masver%
echo Initializing...
call :dk_chkmal
2 months ago
if not exist %SysPath%\sppsvc.exe (
echo [%SysPath%\sppsvc.exe] file is missing. Aborting...
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
2 months ago
if %_actprojvis%==1 (set "_actoff=1")
if %_actwinoff%==1 (set "_actwin=1" & set "_actoff=1")
2 months ago
set spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct
set sps=SoftwareLicensingService
2 months ago
call :dk_ckeckwmic
call :dk_checksku
call :dk_product
call :dk_sppissue
2 years ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
set error=
call :dk_showosinfo
2 months ago
:: Check Internet connection
set _int=
for %%a in ( do if not defined _int (
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -n 1 %%a') do (if not [%%#]==[] set _int=1)
2 months ago
if not defined _int (
%psc% "If([Activator]::CreateInstance([Type]::GetTypeFromCLSID([Guid]'{DCB00C01-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B}')).IsConnectedToInternet){Exit 0}Else{Exit 1}"
if !errorlevel!==0 (set _int=1&set ping_f= But Ping Failed)
2 years ago
2 months ago
if defined _int (
echo Checking Internet Connection [Connected%ping_f%]
2 years ago
) else (
2 months ago
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Internet Connection [Not Connected]"
call :dk_color %Blue% "Internet is required for Online %KS% Activation."
2 years ago
2 months ago
echo Initiating Diagnostic Tests...
2 months ago
set "_serv=sppsvc Winmgmt"
2 months ago
:: Software Protection
:: Windows Management Instrumentation
call :dk_errorcheck
2 months ago
call :_taskclear-cache
call :_tasksetserv
2 months ago
if not %_actwin%==1 goto :ks_office
2 months ago
:: Process Windows
:: Check if system is permanently activated or not
2 months ago
echo Processing Windows...
call :dk_checkperm
if defined _perm (
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking OS Activation [Windows is already permanently activated]"
goto :ks_office
2 years ago
2 months ago
:: Check Evaluation version
2 years ago
2 months ago
set _eval=
set _evalserv=
2 months ago
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" set _eval=1
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*EvalEdition~*.mum" set _evalserv=1
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*EvalCorEdition~*.mum" set _eval=1 & set _evalserv=1
2 years ago
2 months ago
if defined _eval (
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul2% | find /i "Eval" %nul1% && (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Eval Edition [Evaluation Editions cannot be activated outside of evaluation period.]"
if defined _evalserv (
call :dk_color %Blue% "Go back to main menu and use [Change Edition] option."
1 year ago
) else (
2 months ago
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%evaluation-editions
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%evaluation-editions"
goto :ks_office
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Check if GVLK is already installed or not
call :k_channel
:: Detect Key
set key=
set pkey=
set altkey=
set changekey=
set altedition=
call :dk_actids 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if defined allapps call :ksdata winkey
if not defined key call :k_gvlk %nul%
if defined allapps if not defined key call :kms38fallback
if defined altkey (set key=%altkey%&set changekey=1)
set /a UBR=0
if %osSKU%==191 if defined altkey if defined altedition (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v UBR %nul6%') do if not errorlevel 1 set /a UBR=%%b
if %winbuild% LSS 22598 if !UBR! LSS 2788 (
call :dk_color %Blue% "Windows must to be updated to build 19044.2788 or higher for IotEnterpriseS %KS% activation."
2 months ago
2 months ago
if not defined key if defined notfoundaltactID (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Alternate Edition For %KS% [%altedition% Activation ID Not Found]"
2 months ago
2 months ago
if not defined key if not defined _gvlk (
echo [%winos% ^| %winbuild% ^| SKU:%osSKU%]
if not defined skunotfound (
echo This product does not support %KS% Activation.
2 months ago
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%unsupported_products_activation
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%unsupported_products_activation"
) else (
2 months ago
echo Required License files not found in %SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
2 months ago
goto :ks_office
2 months ago
:: Install key
2 months ago
if defined changekey (
call :dk_color %Blue% "[%altedition%] Edition product key will be used to enable %KS% activation."
2 months ago
if defined winsub (
call :dk_color %Blue% "Windows Subscription [SKU ID-%slcSKU%] found. Script will activate base edition [SKU ID-%regSKU%]."
2 months ago
set _partial=
if not defined key (
if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('wmic path %spp% where "ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' and PartialProductKey<>null AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL" Get PartialProductKey /value %nul6%') do set "_partial=%%#"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT PartialProductKey FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL').Get()).PartialProductKey | %% {echo ('PartialProductKey='+$_)}" %nul6%') do set "_partial=%%#"
call echo Checking Installed Product Key [Partial Key - %%_partial%%] [Volume:GVLK]
2 months ago
if defined key (
call :dk_inskey "[%key%]"
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
if not %_actoff%==1 goto :ks_activate
call :ks_setspp
:: Check unsupported office versions
set o14c2r=
set o16uwp=
set _68=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office
set _86=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office
%nul% reg query %_68%\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k && set o14c2r=Office 2010 C2R
%nul% reg query %_86%\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k && set o14c2r=Office 2010 C2R
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 %psc% "Get-AppxPackage -name "Microsoft.Office.Desktop"" | find /i "Office" %nul1% && set o16uwp=Office UWP
if not "%o14c2r%%o16uwp%"=="" (
2 months ago
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Unsupported Office Install [ %o14c2r%%o16uwp%]"
2 months ago
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 %psc% "Get-AppxPackage -name "Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub"" | find /i "Office" %nul1% && (
set ohub=1
2 months ago
:: Check supported office versions
call :ks_getpath
sc query ClickToRunSvc %nul%
set error1=%errorlevel%
2 months ago
if defined o16c2r if %error1% EQU 1060 (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking ClickToRun Service [Not found, Office 16.0 files found]"
set o16c2r=
set error=1
2 months ago
sc query OfficeSvc %nul%
set error2=%errorlevel%
if defined o15c2r if %error1% EQU 1060 if %error2% EQU 1060 (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking ClickToRun Service [Not found, Office 15.0 files found]"
set o15c2r=
set error=1
2 months ago
if "%o16c2r%%o15c2r%%o16msi%%o15msi%%o14msi%"=="" (
set error=1
if not "%o14c2r%%o16uwp%"=="" (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Supported Office Install [Not Found]"
) else (
2 months ago
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Office [Not Found]"
2 months ago
if defined ohub (
echo You have only Office dashboard app installed, you need to install full Office version.
2 months ago
call :dk_color %Blue% "Download and install Office from below URL and try again."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%genuine-installation-media
call :dk_color %_Yellow% "%mas%genuine-installation-media"
goto :ks_activate
2 months ago
set multioffice=
if not "%o16c2r%%o15c2r%%o16msi%%o15msi%%o14msi%"=="1" set multioffice=1
if not "%o14c2r%%o16uwp%"=="" set multioffice=1
if defined multioffice (
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking Multiple Office Install [Found. Recommended to install one version only]"
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Process Office 15.0 C2R
2 months ago
if not defined o15c2r goto :ks_starto16c2r
2 months ago
call :ks_reset
call :dk_actids 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663
2 months ago
set oVer=15
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg% /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do (set "_oRoot=%%b\root")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\Configuration /v Platform" %nul6%') do (set "_oArch=%%b")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\Configuration /v VersionToReport" %nul6%') do (set "_version=%%b")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %nul6%') do (set "_prids=%o15c2r_reg%\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" & set "_config=%o15c2r_reg%\Configuration")
if not defined _oArch for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\propertyBag /v Platform" %nul6%') do (set "_oArch=%%b")
if not defined _version for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\propertyBag /v version" %nul6%') do (set "_version=%%b")
if not defined _prids for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\propertyBag /v ProductReleaseId" %nul6%') do (set "_prids=%o15c2r_reg%\propertyBag /v ProductReleaseId" & set "_config=%o15c2r_reg%\propertyBag")
2 months ago
echo "%o15c2r_reg%" | find /i "Wow6432Node" %nul1% && (set _tok=10) || (set _tok=9)
for /f "tokens=%_tok% delims=\" %%a in ('reg query %o15c2r_reg%\ProductReleaseIDs\Active %nul6% ^| findstr /i "Retail Volume"') do (
echo "!_oIds!" | find /i " %%a " %nul1% || (set "_oIds= !_oIds! %%a ")
2 months ago
set "_oLPath=%_oRoot%\Licenses"
set "_oIntegrator=%_oRoot%\integration\integrator.exe"
2 months ago
echo Processing Office... [C2R ^| %_version% ^| %_oArch%]
2 months ago
if not defined _oIds (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Products [Product IDs not found. Aborting activation...]"
set error=1
goto :ks_starto16c2r
if "%_actprojvis%"=="0" call :oh_fixprids
2 months ago
call :ks_process
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Process Office 16.0 C2R
2 months ago
if not defined o16c2r goto :ks_startmsi
2 months ago
call :ks_reset
call :dk_actids 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663
2 months ago
set oVer=16
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg% /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do (set "_oRoot=%%b\root")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v Platform" %nul6%') do (set "_oArch=%%b")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v VersionToReport" %nul6%') do (set "_version=%%b")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v AudienceData" %nul6%') do (set "_AudienceData=^| %%b ")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %nul6%') do (set "_prids=%o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" & set "_config=%o16c2r_reg%\Configuration")
2 months ago
echo "%o16c2r_reg%" | find /i "Wow6432Node" %nul1% && (set _tok=9) || (set _tok=8)
for /f "tokens=%_tok% delims=\" %%a in ('reg query "%o16c2r_reg%\ProductReleaseIDs" /s /f ".16" /k %nul6% ^| findstr /i "Retail Volume"') do (
echo "!_oIds!" | find /i " %%a " %nul1% || (set "_oIds= !_oIds! %%a ")
2 months ago
set _oIds=%_oIds:.16=%
set _o16c2rIds=%_oIds%
set "_oLPath=%_oRoot%\Licenses16"
set "_oIntegrator=%_oRoot%\integration\integrator.exe"
echo Processing Office... [C2R ^| %_version% %_AudienceData%^| %_oArch%]
if not defined _oIds (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Products [Product IDs not found. Aborting activation...]"
set error=1
goto :ks_startmsi
2 months ago
if "%_actprojvis%"=="0" call :oh_fixprids
2 months ago
call :ks_process
if defined o14msi call :ks_setspp 14
if defined o14msi call :ks_processmsi 14 %o14msi_reg%
call :ks_setspp
if defined o15msi call :ks_processmsi 15 %o15msi_reg%
if defined o16msi call :ks_processmsi 16 %o16msi_reg%
call :oh_clearblock
if "%o16msi%%o15msi%"=="" if not "%o16c2r%%o15c2r%"=="" if "%keyerror%"=="0" if %_NoEditionChange%==0 call :oh_uninstkey
call :oh_licrefresh
:: Opt out of sending KMSclient activation data to Microsoft
if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 (
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform" /v NoGenTicket /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul%
if %winbuild% EQU 14393 reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform" /v NoAcquireGT /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul%
echo Turn off %KS% AVS Validation [Successful]
2 months ago
set "slp=SoftwareLicensingProduct"
set "ospp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct"
echo Activating Volume Products...
if %_actwin%==1 call :_taskgetids sppwid %slp% windows
if %_actoff%==1 call :_taskgetids sppoid %slp% office
if %_actoff%==1 call :_taskgetids osppid %ospp% office
if not defined sppwid if not defined sppoid if not defined osppid (
if not defined keyerror (
echo No installed Volume Windows / Office products found.
) else (
call :dk_color %Red% "Failed to get installed Volume Windows / Office products."
2 months ago
call :_taskgetserv
call :_taskregserv
2 months ago
call :_taskact
if not defined showfix if defined _tserror (call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" & set showfix=1)
if %_norentsk%==0 (
call :ks_renewal
) else (
call :ks_clearstuff %nul%
if not defined _server (
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" set "_C16R=1"
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath /reg:32" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" set "_C16R=1"
if defined _C16R (
REM mass grave[.]dev/office-license-is-not-genuine
set _server=
call :_taskregserv
echo Keeping the non-existent IP address as %KS% Server.
2 months ago
if not defined _C16R (
call :_taskclear-cache
echo Cleared %KS% Server from the registry.
2 months ago
if %_actwin%==1 for %%# in (407) do if %osSKU%==%%# (
call :dk_color %Red% "%winos% does not support activation on non-azure platforms."
2 months ago
:: Trigger reevaluation of SPP's Scheduled Tasks
call :dk_reeval %nul%
goto :dk_done
set _server=
echo Enter / Paste the %KS% Server address, or just press Enter to return:
set /p _server=
if not defined _server goto :ks_menu
set "_server=%_server: =%"
echo Enter / Paste the %KS% Port address, or just press Enter to use default:
set /p _port=
if not defined _port goto :ks_menu
set "_port=%_port: =%"
goto :ks_menu
set key=
set _oRoot=
set _oArch=
set _oIds=
set _oLPath=
set _actid=
set _prod=
set _lic=
set _arr=
set _prids=
set _config=
set _version=
set _License=
set _oBranding=
exit /b
2 months ago
set o16c2r=
set o15c2r=
set o16msi=
set o15msi=
set o14msi=
set _68=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office
set _86=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o16c2r=1&set o16c2r_reg=%_86%\ClickToRun)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o16c2r=1&set o16c2r_reg=%_68%\ClickToRun)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o15c2r=1&set o15c2r_reg=%_86%\15.0\ClickToRun)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o15c2r=1&set o15c2r_reg=%_68%\15.0\ClickToRun)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o16msi=1&set o16msi_reg=%_86%\16.0)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o16msi=1&set o16msi_reg=%_68%\16.0)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o15msi=1&set o15msi_reg=%_86%\15.0)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o15msi=1&set o15msi_reg=%_68%\15.0)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\14.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o14msi=1&set o14msi_reg=%_86%\14.0)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\14.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o14msi=1&set o14msi_reg=%_68%\14.0)
exit /b
2 months ago
:: Some Office Retail to Volume converter tools may edit the ProductReleaseIds to add VL products. This code restores it because it may affect features.
if not defined _prids (
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking ProductReleaseIds In Registry [Not Found]"
exit /b
2 months ago
set _pridsR=
set _pridsE=
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_prids%" %nul6%') do (set "_pridsR=%%b")
set _pridsR=%_pridsR:,= %
for %%# in (%_pridsR%) do (echo %%# | findstr /I "%_oIds%" %nul1% || set _pridsE=1)
for %%# in (%_oIds%) do (echo %%# | findstr /I "%_pridsR%" %nul1% || set _pridsE=1)
if not defined _pridsE exit /b
reg add %_prids% /t REG_SZ /d "" /f %nul1%
for %%# in (%_oIds%) do (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %_prids%') do if not "%%b"=="" (
reg add %_prids% /t REG_SZ /d "%%b,%%#" /f %nul1%
) else (
reg add %_prids% /t REG_SZ /d "%%#" /f %nul1%
exit /b
2 months ago
:: After retail to volume conversion, new product ID needs .OSPPReady key in registry, otherwise product info may not fully reflect
echo: %_config% | find /i "propertyBag" %nul1% && (
set "_osppt=REG_DWORD"
set "_osppready=%o15c2r_reg%"
) || (
set "_osppt=REG_SZ"
set "_osppready=%_config%"
2 months ago
reg add %_osppready% /f /v %_altoffid%.OSPPReady /t %_osppt% /d 1 %nul1%
:: Office builds before 16.0.10730.20102 need the Installed license product ID in ProductReleaseIds, otherwise product info may not fully reflect
if exist "%_oLPath%\Word2019VL_KMS_Client_AE*.xrm-ms" exit /b
reg query %_prids% | findstr /I "%_altoffid%" %nul1%
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %_prids%') do reg add %_prids% /t REG_SZ /d "%%b,%_altoffid%" /f %nul1%
exit /b
2 months ago
2 years ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
set spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct
set sps=SoftwareLicensingService
) else (
2 months ago
set spp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct
set sps=OfficeSoftwareProtectionService
2 months ago
if "%1"=="14" (
set spp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct
set sps=OfficeSoftwareProtectionService
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
for %%# in (%_oIds%) do (
set skipprocess=
if %_NoEditionChange%==1 if not defined _oBranding (
set foundprod=
call :ksdata chkprod %%#
if not defined foundprod (
2 months ago
set skipprocess=1
echo Skipping Because NoEditionChange Mode [%%#]
2 months ago
if "%_actprojvis%"=="1" if not defined skipprocess (
echo %%# | findstr /i "Project Visio" %nul% || (
set skipprocess=1
echo Skipping Because Project/Visio Mode [%%#]
2 months ago
if "%_actprojvis%"=="0" if not defined skipprocess echo %_oIds% | findstr /i "O365" %nul% && (
echo %%# | findstr /i "Project Visio" %nul% && (
set skipprocess=1
echo Skipping Because Mondo Is Available [%%#]
2 months ago
if not defined skipprocess (
set key=
set _actid=
set _preview=
set _License=%%#
set _altoffid=
2 months ago
echo %%# | find /i "2024" %nul% && (
if exist "!_oLPath!\ProPlus2024PreviewVL_*.xrm-ms" if not exist "!_oLPath!\ProPlus2024VL_*.xrm-ms" set _preview=-Preview
2 months ago
set _prod=%%#!_preview!
2 years ago
2 months ago
call :ksdata getinfo !_prod!
2 months ago
if defined _altoffid (
set _License=!_altoffid!
echo Converting Retail To Volume [!_prod! To !_altoffid!]
set _prod=!_altoffid!
call :ks_osppready
2 years ago
2 months ago
if not [!key!]==[] (
echo "!allapps!" | find /i "!_actid!" %nul1% || call :oh_installlic
call :dk_inskey "[!key!] [!_prod!]"
) else (
2 months ago
if not defined _oBranding (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Product In Script [Office %oVer%.0 !_prod! not found in script]"
call :dk_color %Blue% "Make sure you are using Latest MAS script."
) else (
2 months ago
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Product In Script [!_prod! MSI Retail is not supported]"
call :dk_color %Blue% "Uninstall this and Install C2R or MSI VL version of Office."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%genuine-installation-media
call :dk_color %_Yellow% "%mas%genuine-installation-media"
2 years ago
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Process Office MSI Version
2 months ago
call :ks_reset
2 months ago
if "%1"=="14" (
call :dk_actids 59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663
) else (
call :dk_actids 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663
2 months ago
set oVer=%1
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %2\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do (set "_oRoot=%%b")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %2\Common\ProductVersion /v LastProduct" %nul6%') do (set "_version=%%b")
if "%_oRoot:~-1%"=="\" set "_oRoot=%_oRoot:~0,-1%"
2 months ago
echo "%2" | find /i "Wow6432Node" %nul1% && set _oArch=x86
if not [%osarch%]==[x86] if not defined _oArch set _oArch=x64
if [%osarch%]==[x86] set _oArch=x86
2 months ago
set "_common=%CommonProgramFiles%"
if defined PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 set "_common=%CommonProgramW6432%"
set "_common2=%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%"
2 months ago
for /r "%_common%\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE%oVer%\" %%f in (BRANDING.XML) do if exist "%%f" set "_oBranding=%%f"
if not defined _oBranding for /r "%_common2%\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE%oVer%\" %%f in (BRANDING.XML) do if exist "%%f" set "_oBranding=%%f"
2 months ago
call :ksdata getmsiprod %2
call :ks_msiretaildata getmsiret %2
2 months ago
echo Processing Office... [MSI ^| %_version% ^| %_oArch%]
2 months ago
if not defined _oBranding (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking BRANDING.XML [Not Found. Aborting activation...]"
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
if not defined _oIds (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Products [Product IDs not found. Aborting activation...]"
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
call :ks_process
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
if not defined _oLPath exit /b
2 months ago
if %oVer%==16 (
"!_oIntegrator!" /I /License PRIDName=%_License%.16 PidKey=%key% %nul%
) else (
"!_oIntegrator!" /I /License PRIDName=%_License% PidKey=%key% %nul%
2 months ago
call :dk_actids 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663
echo "!allapps!" | find /i "!_actid!" %nul1% && exit /b
2 months ago
:: Fallback to manual method to install licenses incase integrator.exe is not working
2 months ago
set _License=%_License:XVolume=XC2RVL_%
2 months ago
set _License=%_License:O365EduCloudRetail=O365EduCloudEDUR_%
2 months ago
set _License=%_License:ProjectProRetail=ProjectProO365R_%
set _License=%_License:ProjectStdRetail=ProjectStdO365R_%
set _License=%_License:VisioProRetail=VisioProO365R_%
set _License=%_License:VisioStdRetail=VisioStdO365R_%
2 months ago
if defined _preview set _License=%_License:Volume=PreviewVL_%
2 months ago
set _License=%_License:Retail=R_%
set _License=%_License:Volume=VL_%
2 months ago
for %%# in ("!_oLPath!\client-issuance-*.xrm-ms") do (
if defined _arr (set "_arr=!_arr!;"!_oLPath!\%%~nx#"") else (set "_arr="!_oLPath!\%%~nx#"")
2 months ago
for %%# in ("!_oLPath!\%_License%*.xrm-ms") do (
if defined _arr (set "_arr=!_arr!;"!_oLPath!\%%~nx#"") else (set "_arr="!_oLPath!\%%~nx#"")
2 months ago
%psc% "$sls = Get-WmiObject %sps%; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); InstallLicenseArr '!_arr!'; InstallLicenseFile '"!_oLPath!\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms"'" %nul%
2 months ago
call :dk_actids 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663
echo "!allapps!" | find /i "!_actid!" %nul1% || (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Installing Missing License Files [Office %oVer%.0 %_prod%] [Failed]"
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Find remnants of Office vNext/shared/device license block and remove it because it stops other licenses from appearing
2 months ago
set _sidlist=
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "$p = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList'; Get-ChildItem $p | ForEach-Object { $pi = (Get-ItemProperty $('{0}\{1}' -f $p, $_.PSChildName)).ProfileImagePath; if ($pi -like $('{0}\Users\*' -f $Env:SystemDrive)) { Split-Path $_.PSPath -Leaf } }" %nul6%') do (if defined _sidlist (set _sidlist=!_sidlist! %%a) else (set _sidlist=%%a))
2 months ago
if not defined _sidlist (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking User Accounts SID [Not Found]"
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
set /a counter=0
for %%# in (%_sidlist%) do set /a counter+=1
2 months ago
if %counter% GTR 10 (
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking Total User Accounts [%counter%]"
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Load the unloaded useraccounts registry
2 months ago
set loadedsids=
set failedtoload=
set failedtounload=
for %%# in (%_sidlist%) do (
reg query HKU\%%#\Software %nul% || (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\%%#" /v ProfileImagePath" %nul6%') do (
reg load HKU\%%# "%%b\NTUSER.DAT" %nul%
reg query HKU\%%#\Software %nul% && (
call set "loadedsids=%%loadedsids%% %%#"
) || (
set failedtoload=1
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Clear the vNext/shared/device license blocks which may prevent ohook activation
2 months ago
rmdir /s /q "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" %nul%
2 months ago
for %%x in (15 16) do (
for %%# in (%_sidlist%) do (
reg delete HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Licensing /f %nul%
reg delete HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Identity /f %nul%
2 months ago
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\%%#" /v ProfileImagePath" %nul6%') do (
rmdir /s /q "%%b\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" %nul%
rmdir /s /q "%%b\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Licensing\" %nul%
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Licensing" /f %nul%
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Licensing" /f /reg:32 %nul%
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Licensing" /f %nul%
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Licensing" /f /reg:32 %nul%
2 months ago
:: Clear SharedComputerLicensing for office
2 months ago
if not defined scaIsNeeded (
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v SharedComputerLicensing /f %nul%
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v SharedComputerLicensing /f /reg:32 %nul%
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v SharedComputerLicensing /f %nul%
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v SharedComputerLicensing /f /reg:32 %nul%
2 months ago
:: Clear device-based-licensing
for /f %%# in ('reg query "%o16c2r_reg%\Configuration" /f *.DeviceBasedLicensing %nul6% ^| findstr REG_') do reg delete "%o16c2r_reg%\Configuration" /v %%# /f %nul%
2 months ago
:: Remove OEM registry key
2 months ago
for %%# in (15 16) do (
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%%#.0\Common\OEM" /f %nul%
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%%#.0\Common\OEM" /f /reg:32 %nul%
2 months ago
reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Policies\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" /f %nul%
2 months ago
echo Clearing Office License Blocks [Successfully Cleared From All %counter% Useraccounts]
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Some retail products attempt to validate the license and may show a banner "There was a problem checking this device's license status."
:: Resiliency registry entry can skip this check
2 months ago
if defined o16c2r if defined officeact (
reg load HKU\DEF_TEMP %SystemDrive%\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT %nul%
reg query HKU\DEF_TEMP %nul% || set failedtoload=1
reg add HKU\DEF_TEMP\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /v "TimeOfLastHeartbeatFailure" /t REG_SZ /d "2040-01-01T00:00:00Z" /f %nul%
reg unload HKU\DEF_TEMP %nul%
reg query HKU\DEF_TEMP %nul% && set failedtounload=1
2 months ago
for %%# in (%_sidlist%) do (
reg delete HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /f %nul%
reg add HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /v "TimeOfLastHeartbeatFailure" /t REG_SZ /d "2040-01-01T00:00:00Z" /f %nul%
echo Adding Reg Keys To Skip License Check [Successfully Added To All %counter% ^& Future New Useraccounts]
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Unload the loaded useraccounts registry
2 months ago
for %%# in (%loadedsids%) do (
reg unload HKU\%%# %nul%
reg query HKU\%%# %nul% && set failedtounload=1
2 months ago
if defined failedtoload (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Loading Unloaded accounts Registry [Failed For Some Useraccounts]"
call :dk_color %Blue% "Restart the system and try again."
2 months ago
if defined failedtounload (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Unloading loaded accounts Registry [Failed For Some Useraccounts]"
call :dk_color %Blue% "Restart the system and try again."
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Uninstall other / grace Keys
2 months ago
2 months ago
set upk_result=0
call :dk_actid 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663
2 months ago
if "%_actprojvis%"=="1" (
set _allactid=
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT ID, Description, LicenseFamily FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL' | Where-Object { $_.LicenseFamily -notmatch 'Project' -and $_.LicenseFamily -notmatch 'Visio' }).ID" %nul6%') do call set "_allactid=%%a !_allactid!"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT ID, Description, LicenseFamily FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL' | Where-Object { $_.Description -match 'KMSCLIENT' -and ($_.LicenseFamily -match 'Project' -or $_.LicenseFamily -match 'Visio') }).ID" %nul6%') do call set "_allactid=%%a !_allactid!"
) else (
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT ID FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663'' AND LicenseStatus=1 AND GracePeriodRemaining=0 AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').ID" %nul6%') do call set "_allactid=%%a !_allactid!"
2 months ago
for %%# in (%apps%) do (
echo "%_allactid%" | find /i "%%#" %nul1% || (
2 months ago
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path %spp% where ID='%%#' call UninstallProductKey %nul%
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "$null=([WMI]'%spp%=''%%#''').UninstallProductKey()" %nul%
2 months ago
if !errorlevel!==0 (
set upk_result=1
) else (
set error=1
set upk_result=2
2 months ago
if defined officeact if not %upk_result%==0 echo:
if %upk_result%==1 echo Uninstalling Other/Grace Keys [Successful]
if %upk_result%==2 call :dk_color %Red% "Uninstalling Other/Grace Keys [Failed]"
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Refresh Windows Insider Preview Licenses
:: It required in Insider versions otherwise office may not activate
2 months ago
2 months ago
if exist "%SysPath%\spp\store_test\2.0\tokens.dat" (
%psc% "Stop-Service sppsvc -force; $sls = Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingService; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); ReinstallLicenses" %nul%
if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 %psc% "$sls = Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingService; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); ReinstallLicenses" %nul%
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
if not defined terminal mode 91, 30
title Online %KS% Complete Uninstall %masver%
2 months ago
set "uline=__________________________________________________________________________________________"
2 months ago
set "_C16R="
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" 2^>nul') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" set "_C16R=1"
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath /reg:32" 2^>nul') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" set "_C16R=1"
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if defined _C16R (
call :dk_color %Gray% "Notice-"
echo To make sure Office programs do not show a non-genuine banner,
echo please run the activation option once, and don't uninstall afterward.
echo %uline%
2 months ago
set error_=
call :_taskclear-cache
call :ks_clearstuff
2 months ago
:: check KMS38 lock
2 months ago
%nul% reg query "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" && (
set error_=9
echo Failed to completely clear %KS% Cache.
reg query "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /s %nul2% | findstr /i "" %nul1% && echo KMS38 activation is locked.
) || (
echo Cleared %KS% Cache successfully.
2 months ago
if defined error_ (
if "%error_%"=="1" (
echo %uline%
echo Try Again / Restart the System
echo %uline%
) else (
echo %uline%
call :dk_color %Green% "Online %KS% has been successfully uninstalled."
echo %uline%
2 months ago
goto :dk_done
2 months ago
2 months ago
set "key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks"
2 months ago
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" %nul1% && (
echo Deleting [Task] Activation-Renewal
schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Renewal /f %nul%
2 months ago
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" %nul1% && (
echo Deleting [Task] Activation-Run_Once
schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Run_Once /f %nul%
2 months ago
If exist "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" (
echo Deleting [Folder] %ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\
rmdir /s /q "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" %nul%
2 months ago
:: Stuff from old MAS versions
2 months ago
schtasks /delete /tn Online_%KS%_Activation_Script-Renewal /f %nul%
schtasks /delete /tn Online_%KS%_Activation_Script-Run_Once /f %nul%
del /f /q "%ProgramData%\Online_%KS%_Activation.cmd" %nul%
rmdir /s /q "%ProgramData%\Activation-Renewal\" %nul%
rmdir /s /q "%ProgramData%\Online_%KS%_Activation\" %nul%
rmdir /s /q "%windir%\Online_%KS%_Activation_Script\" %nul%
reg delete "HKCR\DesktopBackground\shell\Activate Windows - Office" /f %nul%
2 months ago
:: Check if all is removed
2 months ago
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" %nul1% && (set error_=1)
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" %nul1% && (set error_=1)
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Online_%KS%_Activation_Script" %nul1% && (set error_=1)
If exist "%windir%\Online_%KS%_Activation_Script\" (set error_=1)
reg query "HKCR\DesktopBackground\shell\Activate Windows - Office" %nul% && (set error_=1)
if exist "%ProgramData%\Online_%KS%_Activation.cmd" (set error_=1)
if exist "%ProgramData%\Online_%KS%_Activation\" (set error_=1)
if exist "%ProgramData%\Activation-Renewal\" (set error_=1)
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" (set error_=1)
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
@echo off
2 months ago
:: Renew K-M-S activation with Online servers via scheduled task
2 months ago
:: Homepage: mass grave[.]dev
:: Email:
2 months ago
if not "%~1"=="Task" (
echo ====== Error ======
echo This file is supposed to be run only by the scheduled task.
echo Press any key to exit
pause >nul
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Set Environment variables, it helps if they are misconfigured in the system
2 months ago
setlocal EnableExtensions
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
2 months ago
2 months ago
set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\System32"
set "Path=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\"
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\reg.exe" (
set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative"
set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%Path%"
2 months ago
set "ComSpec=%SysPath%\cmd.exe"
set "PSModulePath=%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;%SysPath%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules"
2 months ago
>nul fltmc || exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
set _tserror=
set winbuild=1
set "nul=>nul 2>&1"
for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G
set psc=powershell.exe
2 months ago
set run_once=
set t_name=Renewal Task
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul && (
set run_once=1
set t_name=Run Once Task
2 months ago
set _wmic=0
for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if not "%%~$PATH:#"=="" (
wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value 2>nul | find /i "computersystem" 1>nul && set _wmic=1
2 months ago
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" call :_taskstart>>"%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\Logs.txt"
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
echo %date%, %time%
2 months ago
set /a loop=1
set /a max_loop=4
2 months ago
call :_tasksetserv
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Check Internet connection. Works even if ICMP echo is disabled.
2 months ago
for %%a in (%srvlist%) do (
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -n 1 %%a') do (
if not [%%#]==[] goto _taskIntConnected
2 months ago
nslookup 2>nul | find "" 1>nul
if [%errorlevel%]==[0] goto _taskIntConnected
2 months ago
if %loop%==%max_loop% (
set _tserror=1
goto _taskend
2 months ago
echo Error: Internet is not connected
echo Waiting 30 seconds
2 months ago
timeout /t 30 >nul
set /a loop=%loop%+1
goto _intrepeat
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
call :_taskclear-cache
2 months ago
:: Check WMI and sppsvc Errors
2 months ago
set applist=
net start sppsvc /y %nul%
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %slp% where (ApplicationID='%_wApp%') get ID /VALUE" 2^>nul')"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %slp% WHERE ApplicationID=''%_wApp%''').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" 2^>nul')"
%chkapp% do (if defined applist (call set "applist=!applist! %%a") else (call set "applist=%%a"))
2 months ago
if not defined applist (
set _tserror=1
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value 2>nul | find /i "computersystem" 1>nul
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "Get-CIMInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -Property CreationClassName" 2>nul | find /i "computersystem" 1>nul
if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (set e_wmispp=WMI, SPP) else (set e_wmispp=SPP)
echo Error: Not Respoding- !e_wmispp!
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Check installed volume products activation ID's
2 months ago
call :_taskgetids sppwid %slp% windows
call :_taskgetids sppoid %slp% office
call :_taskgetids osppid %ospp% office
2 months ago
2 months ago
echo Renewing K-M-S activation for all installed Volume products
2 months ago
if not defined sppwid if not defined sppoid if not defined osppid (
echo No installed Volume Windows / Office product found
echo Renewing K-M-S server
call :_taskgetserv
call :_taskregserv
goto :_skipact
2 months ago
2 months ago
call :_taskact
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
if defined run_once (
echo Deleting Scheduled Task Activation-Run_Once
schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Run_Once /f %nul%
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
echo Exiting
echo ______________________________________________________________________
2 months ago
if defined _tserror (exit /b 123456789) else (exit /b 0)
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
set prodname=
if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('"wmic path !_path! where ID='!_actid!' get LicenseFamily /VALUE" 2^>nul') do (call set "prodname=%%#")
if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT LicenseFamily FROM !_path! WHERE ID=''!_actid!''').Get()).LicenseFamily | %% {echo ('LicenseFamily='+$_)}" 2^>nul') do (call set "prodname=%%#")
for /f "tokens=1 delims=-_" %%a in ("%prodname%") do set "prodname=%%a"
2 months ago
set _taskskip=
if "%_actprojvis%"=="1" (
echo: %prodname% | find /i "Office" %nul% && (
echo: %prodname% | findstr /i "Project Visio" %nul% || (set _taskskip=1& exit /b)
2 months ago
if defined t_name Activating: %prodname%
2 months ago
set errorcode=12345
set /a act_attempt=0
2 months ago
2 months ago
if %act_attempt% GTR 4 exit /b
2 months ago
if not [%act_ok%]==[1] (
if not defined _server call :_taskgetserv
call :_taskregserv
2 months ago
if not !server_num! GTR %max_servers% (
2 months ago
if [%1]==[act_win] if %_kms38% EQU 1 (
set act_ok=1
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path !_path! where ID='!_actid!' call Activate %nul%
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "try {$null=(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM !_path! where ID=''!_actid!''').Get()).Activate(); exit 0} catch { exit $_.Exception.InnerException.HResult }"
2 months ago
call set errorcode=!errorlevel!
2 months ago
if !errorcode! EQU 0 (
set act_ok=1
exit /b
2 months ago
if [%1]==[act_win] if !errorcode! EQU -1073418187 if %winbuild% LSS 9200 (
set act_ok=1
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
set act_ok=0
set /a act_attempt+=1
if not defined _server goto _act2
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
if [%1]==[act_win] if not defined t_name (set prodname=%winos%)
2 months ago
if [%1]==[act_win] if %_kms38% EQU 1 (
if defined t_name (
echo %prodname% is already activated with KMS38.
) else (
call :dk_color %Green% "%prodname% is already activated with KMS38."
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
if %errorcode% EQU 12345 (
if defined t_name (
echo %prodname% activation failed due to restricted or no Internet.
) else (
call :dk_color %Red% "%prodname% activation failed due to restricted or no Internet."
set showfix=1
set _tserror=1
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
if %errorcode% EQU -1073418187 if [%1]==[act_win] if %winbuild% LSS 9200 (
if defined t_name (
echo %prodname% cannot be KMS-activated on this computer due to unqualified OEM BIOS [0xC004F035].
) else (
call :dk_color %Red% "%prodname% cannot be KMS-activated on this computer due to unqualified OEM BIOS [0xC004F035]."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%unsupported_products_activation
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%unsupported_products_activation"
set showfix=1
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
if %errorcode% EQU -1073418124 (
if defined t_name (
echo %prodname% activation failed due to Internet issue [0xC004F074].
) else (
call :dk_color %Red% "%prodname% activation failed due to Internet issue [0xC004F074]."
if not defined _tserror (
call :dk_color %Blue% "Make sure that system files are not blocked by firewall."
call :dk_color %Blue% "If the issue persists, try another Internet connection or VPN such as"
set showfix=1
set _tserror=1
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
set gpr=0
set gpr2=0
call :_taskgetgrace
set /a "gpr2=(%gpr%+1440-1)/1440"
2 months ago
if %errorcode% EQU 0 if %gpr% EQU 0 (
if defined t_name (
echo %prodname% activation succeeded, but Remaining Period failed to increase.
) else (
call :dk_color %Red% "%prodname% activation succeeded, but Remaining Period failed to increase."
set _tserror=1
exit /b
2 months ago
set _actpass=1
if %gpr% EQU 43200 if [%1]==[act_win] if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 set _actpass=0
if %gpr% EQU 64800 set _actpass=0
if %gpr% GTR 259200 if [%1]==[act_win] call :_taskchkEnterpriseG _actpass
if %gpr% EQU 259200 set _actpass=0
if %errorcode% EQU 0 if %_actpass% EQU 0 (
if defined t_name (
echo %prodname% is successfully activated for %gpr2% days.
) else (
2 months ago
call :dk_color %Green% "%prodname% is successfully activated for %gpr2% days."
2 months ago
exit /b
2 months ago
cmd /c exit /b %errorcode%
if defined t_name (
echo %prodname% has failed to activate [0x!=ExitCode!]. Remaining Period: %gpr2% days [%gpr% minutes].
) else (
call :dk_color %Red% "%prodname% has failed to activate [0x!=ExitCode!]. Remaining Period: %gpr2% days [%gpr% minutes]."
2 years ago
2 months ago
set _tserror=1
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Check KMS38 activation
2 years ago
2 months ago
set gpr=0
set _kms38=0
if defined sppwid if %winbuild% GEQ 14393 (
set _path=%slp%
set _actid=%sppwid%
call :_taskgetgrace
2 months ago
if %gpr% NEQ 0 if %gpr% GTR 259200 (
set _kms38=1
call :_taskchkEnterpriseG _kms38
2 years ago
:: Set specific K-M-S host to Local Host so that global K-M-S IP can not replace KMS38 activation but can be used with Office and other Windows Editions.
2 years ago
2 months ago
if %_kms38% EQU 1 (
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%sppwid%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d ""
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%sppwid%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688"
2 years ago
2 months ago
if defined sppwid (
set _path=%slp%
set _actid=%sppwid%
call :_act act_win
call :_actinfo act_win
2 years ago
) else (
2 months ago
if defined t_name echo Checking: Volume version of Windows is not installed
if defined sppoid (
set _path=%slp%
for %%# in (%sppoid%) do (
set _actid=%%#
call :_act
if not defined _taskskip call :_actinfo
2 years ago
2 months ago
if defined osppid (
set _path=%ospp%
for %%# in (%osppid%) do (
set _actid=%%#
call :_act
if not defined _taskskip call :_actinfo
if not defined sppoid if not defined osppid if defined t_name (
echo Checking: Volume version of Office is not installed
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
set %1=
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %2 where (Name like '%%%3%%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL) get ID /VALUE" 2^>nul')"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %2 WHERE Name like ''%%%3%%'' and Description like ''%%KMSCLIENT%%'' and PartialProductKey is not NULL AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" 2^>nul')"
%chkapp% do (if defined %1 (call set "%1=!%1! %%a") else (call set "%1=%%a"))
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
set gpr=0
if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('"wmic path !_path! where ID='!_actid!' get GracePeriodRemaining /VALUE" 2^>nul') do call set "gpr=%%#"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT GracePeriodRemaining FROM !_path! where ID=''!_actid!''').Get()).GracePeriodRemaining | %% {echo ('GracePeriodRemaining='+$_)}" 2^>nul') do call set "gpr=%%#"
exit /b
2 months ago
for %%# in (e0b2d383-d112-413f-8a80-97f373a5820c e38454fb-41a4-4f59-a5dc-25080e354730) do (if %sppwid%==%%# set %1=0)
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Clean existing K-M-S cache from the registry
2 months ago
2 months ago
set w=
for %%# in (SppE%w%xtComObj.exe sppsvc.exe) do (
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ima%w%ge File Execu%w%tion Options\%%#" /f %nul%
2 months ago
set "OPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform"
set "SPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform"
2 months ago
set "slp=SoftwareLicensingProduct"
set "ospp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct"
2 months ago
set "_wApp=55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f"
set "_oApp=0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663"
set "_oA14=59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663"
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /reg:32
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /reg:32
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /reg:32
if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 (
%nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f
%nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oA14%" /f
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
if defined _server (set KMS_IP=%_server%)
if not defined _port set _port=1688
2 months ago
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%"
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" /reg:32
2 months ago
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%_port%"
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%_port%" /reg:32
2 months ago
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%"
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%_port%"
2 years ago
2 months ago
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%"
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" /reg:32
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%_port%"
2 months ago
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%_port%" /reg:32
2 years ago
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Multi K-M-S servers integration and servers randomization
2 months ago
set srvlist=
set -=
2 months ago
set ""
set "srvlist=%srvlist%"
set "srvlist=%srvlist%"
2 years ago
2 months ago
set n=1
for %%a in (%srvlist%) do (set %%a=&set server!n!=%%a&set /a n+=1)
set max_servers=15
set /a server_num=0
exit /b
2 years ago
2 months ago
1 year ago
2 months ago
if %server_num% geq %max_servers% (set /a server_num+=1&set KMS_IP= /b)
set /a rand=%Random%%%(15+1-1)+1
if defined !server%rand%! goto :_taskgetserv
set KMS_IP=!server%rand%!
set !server%rand%!=1
2 months ago
:: Get IPv4 address of K-M-S server to use for the activation, works even if ICMP echo is disabled.
:: Microsoft and Antivirus's may flag the issue if public K-M-S server host name is directly used for the activation.
2 months ago
set /a server_num+=1
(for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%a in ('ping -4 -n 1 %KMS_IP% 2^>nul') do set "KMS_IP=%%a"
if [%KMS_IP%]==[!KMS_IP!] for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('pathping -4 -h 1 -n -p 1 -q 1 -w 1 %KMS_IP% 2^>nul') do set "KMS_IP=%%#"
if not [%KMS_IP%]==[!KMS_IP!] exit /b
goto :_taskgetserv
2 months ago
2 months ago
set error_=
1 year ago
set "_dest=%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal"
set "key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks"
2 months ago
call :ks_clearstuff %nul%
2 years ago
if defined error_ (
2 months ago
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Failed to remove previous Renewal Task. Restart system / Try again."
exit /b
if not exist "%_dest%\" md "%_dest%\" %nul%
1 year ago
set "_temp=%SystemRoot%\Temp\_taskwork_%Random%"
2 years ago
set nil=
if exist "%_temp%\.*" rmdir /s /q "%_temp%\" %nul%
md "%_temp%\" %nul%
2 months ago
call :ks_RenExport renewal "%_temp%\Renewal.xml" Unicode
if not defined _int (call :ks_RenExport run_once "%_temp%\Run_Once.xml" Unicode)
2 years ago
s%nil%cht%nil%asks /cre%nil%ate /tn "Activation-Renewal" /ru "SYS%nil%TEM" /xml "%_temp%\Renewal.xml" %nul%
2 months ago
if not defined _int (s%nil%cht%nil%asks /cre%nil%ate /tn "Activation-Run_Once" /ru "SYS%nil%TEM" /xml "%_temp%\Run_Once.xml" %nul%)
if exist "%_temp%\.*" rmdir /s /q "%_temp%\" %nul%
2 months ago
call :ks_createInfo.txt
%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split \":_extracttask\:.*`r`n\"; [io.file]::WriteAllText('%_dest%\Activation_task.cmd', '@REM MASver %masver%' + ' - Dummy%random%' + [Environment]::NewLine + $f[1].Trim(), [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII)"
2 years ago
2 years ago
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" >nul || (set error_=1)
2 months ago
if not defined _int reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul || (set error_=1)
2 years ago
If not exist "%_dest%\Activation_task.cmd" (set error_=1)
If not exist "%_dest%\Info.txt" (set error_=1)
if defined error_ (
2 years ago
schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Renewal /f %nul%
schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Run_Once /f %nul%
rmdir /s /q "%_dest%\" %nul%
2 months ago
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Failed to install Renewal Task. Restart system / Try again."
exit /b
2 years ago
2 months ago
if "%keyerror%"=="0" if not defined _tserror (
call :dk_color %Green% "Renewal Task for lifetime activation is successfully installed in %_dest%"
exit /b
2 months ago
echo Renewal Task for lifetime activation is successfully installed in %_dest%
exit /b
2 months ago
:: Extract the text from batch script without character and file encoding issue
2 months ago
2 months ago
%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split \":%~1\:.*`r`n\"; [io.file]::WriteAllText('%~2',$f[1].Trim(),[System.Text.Encoding]::%~3);"
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
echo The use of this script is to renew your Windows/Office license using online K-M-S.
2 years ago
echo If renewal/activation Scheduled tasks were created then following would exist,
echo - Scheduled tasks
echo Activation-Renewal [Renewal / Weekly]
echo Activation-Run_Once [Activation Task - deletes itself once activated]
echo The scheduled tasks runs only if the system is connected to the Internet.
echo - Files
1 year ago
echo C:\Program Files\Activation-Renewal\Activation_task.cmd
echo C:\Program Files\Activation-Renewal\Info.txt
echo C:\Program Files\Activation-Renewal\Logs.txt
2 years ago
echo ______________________________________________________________________________________________
2 months ago
echo This Script is a part of MAS project.
2 years ago
echo Homepage: mass grave[.]dev
2 months ago
echo Email:
2 years ago
exit /b
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.3" xmlns="">
<Source>Microsoft Corporation</Source>
2 years ago
2 years ago
<Description>Online K-M-S Activation-Renewal - Weekly Task</Description>
2 years ago
<Sunday />
<Principal id="LocalSystem">
<Actions Context="LocalSystem">
1 year ago
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.3" xmlns="">
<Source>Microsoft Corporation</Source>
2 years ago
2 years ago
<Description>Online K-M-S Activation Run Once - Run and Delete itself on first Internet Contact</Description>
2 years ago
<Principal id="LocalSystem">
<Actions Context="LocalSystem">
1 year ago
2 months ago
:: Set variables
2 months ago
2 months ago
set psc=powershell.exe
set winbuild=1
for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G
2 months ago
set _NCS=1
if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0
if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0)
2 months ago
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a"
set "Red="41;97m""
set "Gray="100;97m""
set "Green="42;97m""
set "Blue="44;97m""
set "_White="40;37m""
set "_Green="40;92m""
set "_Yellow="40;93m""
) else (
set "Red="Red" "white""
set "Gray="Darkgray" "white""
set "Green="DarkGreen" "white""
set "Blue="Blue" "white""
set "_White="Black" "Gray""
set "_Green="Black" "Green""
set "_Yellow="Black" "Yellow""
set "nceline=echo: &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo:"
set "eline=echo: &call :dk_color %Red% "==== ERROR ====" &echo:"
if %~z0 GEQ 200000 (
set "_exitmsg=Go back"
set "_fixmsg=Go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix Licensing option."
) else (
set "_exitmsg=Exit"
set "_fixmsg=In MAS folder, run Troubleshoot script and select Fix Licensing option."
exit /b
2 months ago
:: Show OS info
2 months ago
2 months ago
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set osarch=%%b
2 months ago
for /f "tokens=6-7 delims=[]. " %%i in ('ver') do if not "%%j"=="" (
set fullbuild=%%i.%%j
) else (
for /f "tokens=3" %%G in ('"reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v UBR" %nul6%') do if not errorlevel 1 set /a "UBR=%%G"
for /f "skip=2 tokens=3,4 delims=. " %%G in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v BuildLabEx') do (
if defined UBR (set "fullbuild=%%G.!UBR!") else (set "fullbuild=%%G.%%H")
2 months ago
echo Checking OS Info [%winos% ^| %fullbuild% ^| %osarch%]
exit /b
2 months ago
:: Check SKU value
call :dk_reflection
set osSKU=
set slcSKU=
set wmiSKU=
set regSKU=
set winsub=
if %winbuild% GEQ 14393 (set info=Kernel-BrandingInfo) else (set info=Kernel-ProductInfo)
set d1=%ref% [void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD', 'slc.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([String], [int].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3);
set d1=%d1% $Sku = 0; [void]$TypeBuilder.CreateType()::SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD('%info%', [ref]$Sku); $Sku
for /f "delims=" %%s in ('"%psc% %d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (set slcSKU=%%s)
set slcSKU=%slcSKU: =%
if "%slcSKU%"=="0" set slcSKU=
for /f "tokens=* delims=0123456789" %%a in ("%slcSKU%") do (if not "[%%a]"=="[]" set slcSKU=)
for /f "tokens=3 delims=." %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions" /v OSProductPfn %nul6%') do set "regSKU=%%a"
if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic Path Win32_OperatingSystem Get OperatingSystemSKU /format:LIST" %nul6%') do if not errorlevel 1 set "wmiSKU=%%a"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ('%psc% "([WMI]'Win32_OperatingSystem=@').OperatingSystemSKU" %nul6%') do if not errorlevel 1 set "wmiSKU=%%a"
if %winbuild% GEQ 15063 %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':winsubstatus\:.*';iex ($f[1])" %nul2% | find /i "Subscription_is_activated" %nul% && (
if defined regSKU if defined slcSKU if not "%regSKU%"=="%slcSKU%" (
set winsub=1
set osSKU=%regSKU%
2 years ago
2 months ago
if not defined osSKU set osSKU=%slcSKU%
if not defined osSKU set osSKU=%wmiSKU%
if not defined osSKU set osSKU=%regSKU%
exit /b
2 months ago
:: Get Windows Subscription status
2 months ago
$DM = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(6, 1).DefineDynamicModule(4).DefineType(2)
[void]$DM.DefinePInvokeMethod('ClipGetSubscriptionStatus', 'Clipc.dll', 22, 1, [Int32], @([IntPtr].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128)
$m = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]
$p = $m::AllocHGlobal(12)
$r = $DM.CreateType()::ClipGetSubscriptionStatus([ref]$p)
2 months ago
if ($r -eq 0) {
$enabled = $m::ReadInt32($p)
if ($enabled -ge 1) {
$state = $m::ReadInt32($p, 8)
if ($state -eq 1) {
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: Get Windows permanent activation status
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path %spp% where (LicenseStatus='1' and GracePeriodRemaining='0' and PartialProductKey is not NULL AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL) get Name /value %nul2% | findstr /i "Windows" %nul1% && set _perm=1||set _perm=
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Name FROM %spp% WHERE LicenseStatus=1 AND GracePeriodRemaining=0 AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL').Get()).Name | %% {echo ('Name='+$_)}" %nul2% | findstr /i "Windows" %nul1% && set _perm=1||set _perm=
exit /b
:: Refresh license status
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path %sps% where __CLASS='%sps%' call RefreshLicenseStatus %nul%
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "$null=(([WMICLASS]'%sps%').GetInstances()).RefreshLicenseStatus()" %nul%
exit /b
:: Install Key
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path %sps% where __CLASS='%sps%' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%key%" %nul%
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "try { $null=(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Version FROM %sps%').Get()).InstallProductKey('%key%'); exit 0 } catch { exit $_.Exception.InnerException.HResult }" %nul%
set keyerror=%errorlevel%
cmd /c exit /b %keyerror%
if %keyerror% NEQ 0 set "keyerror=[0x%=ExitCode%]"
if %keyerror% EQU 0 (
if %sps%==SoftwareLicensingService call :dk_refresh
echo Installing Generic Product Key %~1 [Successful]
) else (
call :dk_color %Red% "Installing Generic Product Key %~1 [Failed] %keyerror%"
if not defined error (
if defined altapplist call :dk_color %Red% "Activation ID not found for this key."
call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%"
set showfix=1
set error=1
2 months ago
exit /b
:: Get Windows installed key channel
set _gvlk=
if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('wmic path %spp% where "ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' and PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%'" Get Name /value %nul6%') do (echo %%# findstr /i "Windows" %nul1% && set _gvlk=1)
if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Name FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL and Description like ''%%KMSCLIENT%%''').Get()).Name | %% {echo ('Name='+$_)}" %nul6%') do (echo %%# findstr /i "Windows" %nul1% && set _gvlk=1)
exit /b
:: Get all products Activation IDs
set allapps=
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %spp% where (ApplicationID='%1') get ID /VALUE" %nul6%')"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''%1''').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" %nul6%')"
%chkapp% do (if defined allapps (call set "allapps=!allapps! %%a") else (call set "allapps=%%a"))
exit /b
:: Get installed products Activation IDs
set apps=
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %spp% where (ApplicationID='%1' and PartialProductKey is not null) get ID /VALUE" %nul6%')"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''%1'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" %nul6%')"
%chkapp% do (if defined apps (call set "apps=!apps! %%a") else (call set "apps=%%a"))
exit /b
:: Trigger reevaluation, it helps in updating SPP tasks
:: This key is left by the system in rearm process and sppsvc sometimes fails to delete it, it causes issues in working of the Scheduled Tasks of SPP
set "ruleskey=HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\PersistedSystemState"
reg delete "%ruleskey%" /v "State" /f %nul%
reg delete "%ruleskey%" /v "SuppressRulesEngine" /f %nul%
set r1=$TB = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1).DefineDynamicModule(2, $False).DefineType(0);
set r2=%r1% [void]$TB.DefinePInvokeMethod('SLpTriggerServiceWorker', 'sppc.dll', 22, 1, [Int32], @([UInt32], [IntPtr], [String], [UInt32]), 1, 3);
set d1=%r2% [void]$TB.CreateType()::SLpTriggerServiceWorker(0, 0, 'reeval', 0)
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null; %d1%"
exit /b
:: Install License files using Powershell/WMI instead of slmgr.vbs
function InstallLicenseFile($Lsc) {
try {
$null = $sls.InstallLicense([IO.File]::ReadAllText($Lsc))
} catch {
function InstallLicenseArr($Str) {
$a = $Str -split ';'
ForEach ($x in $a) {InstallLicenseFile "$x"}
function InstallLicenseDir($Loc) {
dir $Loc *.xrm-ms -af -s | select -expand FullName | % {InstallLicenseFile "$_"}
function ReinstallLicenses() {
$Oem = "$env:SysPath\oem"
$Spp = "$env:SysPath\spp\tokens"
InstallLicenseDir "$Spp"
If (Test-Path $Oem) {InstallLicenseDir "$Oem"}
:: Check wmic.exe
2 years ago
set _wmic=0
for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if not "%%~$PATH:#"=="" (
2 months ago
wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1% && set _wmic=1
2 years ago
2 months ago
exit /b
2 years ago
2 months ago
:: Show info for potential script stuck scenario
2 months ago
2 months ago
sc start sppsvc %nul%
set spperror=%errorlevel%
2 months ago
if %spperror% NEQ 1056 if %spperror% NEQ 0 (
echo sc start sppsvc [Error Code: %spperror%]
2 months ago
%psc% "$job = Start-Job { (Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Version }; if (-not (Wait-Job $job -Timeout 20)) {write-host 'sppsvc is not working correctly. Help - %mas%troubleshoot'}"
exit /b
2 months ago
:: Get Product name (WMI/REG methods are not reliable in all conditions, hence winbrand.dll method is used)
2 months ago
2 months ago
set d1=%ref% $meth = $TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('BrandingFormatString', 'winbrand.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [String], @([String]), 1, 3);
set d1=%d1% $meth.SetImplementationFlags(128); $TypeBuilder.CreateType()::BrandingFormatString('%%WINDOWS_LONG%%')
set winos=
for /f "delims=" %%s in ('"%psc% %d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (set winos=%%s)
echo "%winos%" | find /i "Windows" %nul1% || (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductName %nul6%') do set "winos=%%b"
if %winbuild% GEQ 22000 (
set winos=!winos:Windows 10=Windows 11!
2 months ago
if not defined winsub exit /b
2 months ago
:: Check base edition product name if Windows subscription license is found
for %%# in (pkeyhelper.dll) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" exit /b
set d1=%ref% [void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('GetEditionNameFromId', 'pkeyhelper.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([int], [IntPtr].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3);
set d1=%d1% $out = 0; [void]$TypeBuilder.CreateType()::GetEditionNameFromId(%regSKU%, [ref]$out);$s=[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($out); $s
for /f %%a in ('%psc% "%d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (
if %winbuild% GEQ 22000 (
set winos=Windows 11 %%a
) else (
set winos=Windows 10 %%a
2 months ago
exit /b
2 months ago
:: Common lines used in PowerShell reflection code
2 months ago
2 months ago
set ref=$AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1);
set ref=%ref% $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(2, $False);
set ref=%ref% $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType(0);
exit /b
2 months ago
:: Get Product Key from pkeyhelper.dll for future new editions
:: It works on Windows 10 1803 (17134) and later builds.
2 months ago
2 months ago
call :dk_reflection
2 months ago
set d1=%ref% [void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('SkuGetProductKeyForEdition', 'pkeyhelper.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([int], [String], [String].MakeByRefType(), [String].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3);
set d1=%d1% $out = ''; [void]$TypeBuilder.CreateType()::SkuGetProductKeyForEdition(%1, %2, [ref]$out, [ref]$null); $out
2 months ago
set pkey=
for /f %%a in ('%psc% "%d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (set pkey=%%a)
exit /b
2 months ago
:: Get channel name for the key which was extracted from pkeyhelper.dll
2 months ago
2 months ago
set k=%1
set m=[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]
set p=%SysPath%\spp\tokens\pkeyconfig\pkeyconfig.xrm-ms
2 months ago
set d1=%ref% [void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('PidGenX', 'pidgenx.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([String], [String], [String], [int], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]), 1, 3);
set d1=%d1% $r = [byte[]]::new(0x04F8); $r[0] = 0xF8; $r[1] = 0x04; $f = %m%::AllocHGlobal(0x04F8); %m%::Copy($r, 0, $f, 0x04F8);
set d1=%d1% [void]$TypeBuilder.CreateType()::PidGenX('%k%', '%p%', '00000', 0, 0, 0, $f); %m%::Copy($f, $r, 0, 0x04F8); %m%::FreeHGlobal($f); [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($r, 1016, 128)
set pkeychannel=
for /f %%a in ('%psc% "%d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (set pkeychannel=%%a)
exit /b
for %%# in (pkeyhelper.dll) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" exit /b
for %%# in (Volume:GVLK) do (
call :k_pkey %osSKU% '%%#'
if defined pkey call :k_pkeychannel !pkey!
if /i [!pkeychannel!]==[%%#] (
set key=!pkey!
exit /b
2 months ago
exit /b
2 months ago
:: Many users unknowingly download mal-ware by using activators found through Google search.
:: This code aims to notify users that their system has been affected by mal-ware.
set w=
set results=
2 months ago
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\KM%w%Spico" set pupfound1= KM%w%Spico
if exist "%SysPath%\Tasks\R@1n-KMS" set pupfound2= R@inKMS
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "AutoPico" %nul% && set pupfound1= KM%w%Spico
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "R@1n" %nul% && set pupfound2= R@inKMS
set pupfound=%pupfound1%%pupfound2%
2 months ago
set hcount=0
for %%# in ( do (
find /i "%%#" %SysPath%\drivers\etc\hosts %nul% && set /a hcount+=1)
if %hcount%==4 set "results=[AV URLs are blocked in hosts]"
2 months ago
set wucount=0
for %%# in (wuauserv) do (
set _corrupt=
for %%G in (DependOnService Description DisplayName ErrorControl ImagePath ObjectName Start Type) do if not defined _corrupt (
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%# /v %%G %nul% || (set _corrupt=1 & set /a wucount+=1)
if %wucount% GEQ 1 set "results=%results%[WU registry is corrupt]"
sc start sppsvc %nul%
echo "%errorlevel%" | findstr "577 225" %nul% && set "results=%results%[Likely File Infector]"
if not "%results%%pupfound%"=="" (
if defined pupfound call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking PUP Activators [Found%pupfound%]"
if defined results call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Probable Mal%w%ware Infection %results%"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%remove_mal%w%ware
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%remove_mal%w%ware"
exit /b
set showfix=
call :dk_chkmal
2 months ago
:: Check Sandboxing
sc query Null %nul% || (
set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Sandboxing [Found. Script may not work properly.]"
call :dk_color %Blue% "If you are using any third-party antivirus, check if it is blocking the script."
2 months ago
:: Check corrupt services
2 months ago
set serv_cor=
for %%# in (%_serv%) do (
set _corrupt=
sc start %%# %nul%
if !errorlevel! EQU 1060 set _corrupt=1
sc query %%# %nul% || set _corrupt=1
for %%G in (DependOnService Description DisplayName ErrorControl ImagePath ObjectName Start Type) do if not defined _corrupt (
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%# /v %%G %nul% || set _corrupt=1
if defined _corrupt (if defined serv_cor (set "serv_cor=!serv_cor! %%#") else (set "serv_cor=%%#"))
if defined serv_cor (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Corrupt Services [%serv_cor%]"
2 months ago
:: Check disabled services
2 months ago
set serv_ste=
for %%# in (%_serv%) do (
sc start %%# %nul%
if !errorlevel! EQU 1058 (if defined serv_ste (set "serv_ste=!serv_ste! %%#") else (set "serv_ste=%%#"))
2 months ago
:: Change disabled services startup type to default
set serv_csts=
set serv_cste=
if defined serv_ste (
for %%# in (%serv_ste%) do (
if /i %%#==ClipSVC (reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%#" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "3" /f %nul% & sc config %%# start= demand %nul%)
if /i %%#==wlidsvc sc config %%# start= demand %nul%
if /i %%#==sppsvc (reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%#" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "2" /f %nul% & sc config %%# start= delayed-auto %nul%)
if /i %%#==KeyIso sc config %%# start= demand %nul%
if /i %%#==LicenseManager sc config %%# start= demand %nul%
if /i %%#==Winmgmt sc config %%# start= auto %nul%
if !errorlevel!==0 (
if defined serv_csts (set "serv_csts=!serv_csts! %%#") else (set "serv_csts=%%#")
) else (
if defined serv_cste (set "serv_cste=!serv_cste! %%#") else (set "serv_cste=%%#")
2 months ago
if defined serv_csts call :dk_color %Gray% "Enabling Disabled Services [Successful] [%serv_csts%]"
2 months ago
if defined serv_cste (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Enabling Disabled Services [Failed] [%serv_cste%]"
2 months ago
:: Check if the services are able to run or not
:: Workarounds are added to get correct status and error code because sc query doesn't output correct results in some conditions
2 months ago
set serv_e=
for %%# in (%_serv%) do (
set errorcode=
set checkerror=
sc query %%# | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || (
%psc% "Start-Job { Start-Service %%# } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null"
set errorcode=!errorlevel!
sc query %%# | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || set checkerror=1
2 months ago
sc start %%# %nul%
if !errorlevel! NEQ 1056 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (set errorcode=!errorlevel!&set checkerror=1)
if defined checkerror if defined serv_e (set "serv_e=!serv_e!, %%#-!errorcode!") else (set "serv_e=%%#-!errorcode!")
2 months ago
if defined serv_e (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Starting Services [Failed] [%serv_e%]"
echo %serv_e% | findstr /i "ClipSVC-1058 sppsvc-1058" %nul% && (
call :dk_color %Blue% "Restart the system to fix this error."
set showfix=1
2 months ago
:: Various error checks
if defined safeboot_option (
set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking Boot Mode [%safeboot_option%] " %Blue% "[Safe mode found. Run in normal mode.]"
2 months ago
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\State" /v ImageState') do (set imagestate=%%B)
if /i not "%imagestate%"=="IMAGE_STATE_COMPLETE" (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Windows Setup State [%imagestate%]"
echo "%imagestate%" | find /i "RESEAL" %nul% && (
set showfix=1
call :dk_color %Blue% "You need to run it in normal mode in case you are running it in Audit Mode."
2 months ago
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinPE" /v InstRoot %nul% && (
set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking WinPE " %Blue% "[WinPE mode found. Run in normal mode.]"
2 months ago
set wpainfo=
set wpaerror=
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':wpatest\:.*';iex ($f[1])" %nul6%') do (set wpainfo=%%a)
echo "%wpainfo%" | find /i "Error Found" %nul% && (
set error=1
set wpaerror=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking WPA Registry Error [%wpainfo%]"
) || (
echo Checking WPA Registry Count [%wpainfo%]
2 months ago
if not defined officeact if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" (
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul2% | find /i "Eval" %nul1% || (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Eval Packages [Non-Eval Licenses are installed in Eval Windows]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%evaluation-editions
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%evaluation-editions"
set osedition=0
2 months ago
for /f "skip=2 tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul6%') do set "osedition=%%a"
2 months ago
:: Workaround for an issue in builds between 1607 and 1709 where ProfessionalEducation is shown as Professional
if not %osedition%==0 (
2 months ago
if "%osSKU%"=="164" set osedition=ProfessionalEducation
if "%osSKU%"=="165" set osedition=ProfessionalEducationN
2 months ago
if not defined officeact (
if %osedition%==0 (
2 months ago
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Edition Name [Not Found In Registry]"
) else (
2 months ago
if not exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%osedition%\%osedition%*.xrm-ms" if not exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\Security-SPP-Component-SKU-%osedition%\*-%osedition%-*.xrm-ms" (
set error=1
set skunotfound=1
2 months ago
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking License Files [Not Found] [%osedition%]"
2 months ago
if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*-%osedition%-*.mum" (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Package File [Not Found] [%osedition%]"
2 months ago
%psc% "try { $null=([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Get().Version; exit 0 } catch { exit $_.Exception.InnerException.HResult }" %nul%
set error_code=%errorlevel%
cmd /c exit /b %error_code%
if %error_code% NEQ 0 set "error_code=0x%=ExitCode%"
if %error_code% NEQ 0 (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SoftwareLicensingService [Not Working] %error_code%"
2 months ago
set wmifailed=
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1%
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -Property CreationClassName" %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1%
2 months ago
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 set wmifailed=1
echo "%error_code%" | findstr /i "0x800410 0x800440" %nul1% && set wmifailed=1& ::
if defined wmifailed (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking WMI [Not Working]"
2 months ago
if not defined showfix call :dk_color %Blue% "Go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix WMI option."
2 months ago
set showfix=1
if not defined officeact (
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 (
%nul% set /a "sum=%slcSKU%+%regSKU%+%wmiSKU%"
set /a "sum/=3"
if not "!sum!"=="%slcSKU%" (
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking SLC/WMI/REG SKU [Difference Found - SLC:%slcSKU% WMI:%wmiSKU% Reg:%regSKU%]"
) else (
%nul% set /a "sum=%slcSKU%+%wmiSKU%"
set /a "sum/=2"
if not "!sum!"=="%slcSKU%" (
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking SLC/WMI SKU [Difference Found - SLC:%slcSKU% WMI:%wmiSKU%]"
2 months ago
reg query "HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\PersistedTSReArmed" %nul% && (
set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking Rearm " %Blue% "[System Restart Is Required]"
2 months ago
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ClipSVC\Volatile\PersistedSystemState" %nul% && (
set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking ClipSVC " %Blue% "[System Restart Is Required]"
2 months ago
:: This "WLMS" service was included in previous Eval editions (which were activable) to automatically shut down the system every hour after the evaluation period expired and prevent SPPSVC from stopping.
2 months ago
if exist "%SysPath%\wlms\wlms.exe" (
sc query wlms | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% && (
echo Checking Eval WLMS Service [Found]
reg query "HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" %nul% || (
2 months ago
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking HKU\S-1-5-20 Reg [Not Found]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
2 months ago
for %%# in (SppEx%w%tComObj.exe sppsvc.exe) do (
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ima%w%ge File Execu%w%tion Options\%%#" %nul% && (if defined _sppint (set "_sppint=!_sppint!, %%#") else (set "_sppint=%%#"))
if defined _sppint (
echo Checking SPP Interference In IFEO [%_sppint%]
2 months ago
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "SkipRearm" %nul6%') do if /i %%b NEQ 0x0 (
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "SkipRearm" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f %nul%
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SkipRearm [Default 0 Value Not Found. Changing To 0]"
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null"
set error=1
2 months ago
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Plugins\Objects\msft:rm/algorithm/hwid/4.0" /f ba02fed39662 /d %nul% || (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Registry Key [Incorrect ModuleId Found]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%issues_due_to_gaming_spoofers
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Possibly Caused By Gaming Spoofers. Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%issues_due_to_gaming_spoofers"
set error=1
set showfix=1
2 months ago
set tokenstore=
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v TokenStore %nul6%') do call set "tokenstore=%%b"
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 set "tokenstore=%Systemdrive%\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SoftwareProtectionPlatform"
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if /i not "%tokenstore%"=="%SysPath%\spp\store" if /i not "%tokenstore%"=="%SysPath%\spp\store\2.0" if /i not "%tokenstore%"=="%SysPath%\spp\store_test\2.0" (
set toerr=1
set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking TokenStore Registry Key [Correct Path Not Found] [%tokenstore%]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
2 months ago
:: This code creates token folder only if it's missing and sets default permission for it
2 months ago
if not defined toerr if not exist "%tokenstore%\" (
mkdir "%tokenstore%" %nul%
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 set "d=$sddl = 'O:NSG:NSD:AI(A;OICIID;FA;;;SY)(A;OICIID;FA;;;BA)(A;OICIID;FA;;;NS)';"
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 set "d=$sddl = 'O:BAG:BAD:PAI(A;OICI;FA;;;SY)(A;OICI;FA;;;BA)(A;OICIIO;GR;;;BU)(A;;FR;;;BU)(A;OICI;FA;;;S-1-5-80-123231216-2592883651-3715271367-3753151631-4175906628)';"
set "d=!d! $AclObject = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity;"
set "d=!d! $AclObject.SetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm($sddl);"
set "d=!d! Set-Acl -Path %tokenstore% -AclObject $AclObject;"
%psc% "!d!" %nul%
if exist "%tokenstore%\" (
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking SPP Token Folder [Not Found. Created Now] [%tokenstore%\]"
) else (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Token Folder [Not Found. Failed To Create] [%tokenstore%\]"
set error=1
2 months ago
call :dk_actid 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if not defined apps (
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null; $sls = Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingService; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); ReinstallLicenses" %nul%
call :dk_actid 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if not defined apps (
set "_notfoundids=Key Not Installed / Act ID Not Found"
call :dk_actids 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if not defined allapps (
set "_notfoundids=Not found"
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Activation IDs [!_notfoundids!]"
2 months ago
if exist "%tokenstore%\" if not exist "%tokenstore%\tokens.dat" (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP tokens.dat [Not Found] [%tokenstore%\]"
2 months ago
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" (
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'SvcRestartTask' -TaskPath '\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\').State" %nul6%') do (set taskinfo=%%a)
echo !taskinfo! | find /i "Ready" %nul% || (
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "actionlist" /f %nul%
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcRestartTask" %nul% || set taskinfo=Removed
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SvcRestartTask Status [!taskinfo!]"
:: This code checks if SPP has permission access to tokens folder and required registry keys. It's often caused by gaming spoofers.
2 months ago
set permerror=
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
for %%# in (
2 months ago
"HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA+QueryValues, EnumerateSubKeys, WriteKey"
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform+SetValue"
) do for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=+" %%A in (%%#) do if not defined permerror (
%psc% "$acl = (Get-Acl '%%A' | fl | Out-String); if (-not ($acl -match 'NT SERVICE\\sppsvc Allow %%B') -or ($acl -match 'NT SERVICE\\sppsvc Deny')) {Exit 2}" %nul%
if !errorlevel!==2 set permerror=Error_Found
2 months ago
if not defined permerror (
reg query "HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" %nul% && (
set "pol=HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Policies"
reg query "!pol!" %nul% || reg add "!pol!" %nul%
%psc% "$acl = (Get-Acl 'Registry::!pol!' | fl | Out-String); if (-not ($acl -match 'NT AUTHORITY\\NETWORK SERVICE Allow FullControl' -or $acl -match 'NT SERVICE\\sppsvc Allow FullControl') -or ($acl -match 'Deny')) {Exit 3}" %nul%
if !errorlevel!==3 set "permerror=Error Found In S-1-5-20 SPP"
if defined permerror (
2 months ago
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Permissions [!permerror!]"
2 months ago
if not defined showfix call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%"
set showfix=1
2 months ago
:: If required services are not disabled or corrupted + if there is any error + SoftwareLicensingService errorlevel is not Zero + no fix was shown before
2 months ago
if not defined serv_cor if not defined serv_cste if defined error if /i not %error_code%==0 if not defined showfix (
if not defined permerror if defined wpaerror (call :dk_color %Blue% "Go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix WPA Registry option." & set showfix=1)
if not defined showfix (
set showfix=1
call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%"
if not defined permerror call :dk_color %Blue% "If activation still fails then run Fix WPA Registry option."
2 months ago
if not defined showfix if defined wpaerror (
set showfix=1
call :dk_color %Blue% "If activation fails then go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix WPA Registry option."
2 months ago
exit /b
2 months ago
:: This code checks for invalid registry keys in HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA. This issue may appear even on healthy systems
2 months ago
$wpaKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $env:COMPUTERNAME).OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\WPA")
$count = 0
foreach ($subkeyName in $wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames()) {
if ($subkeyName -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') {
$osVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version
$minBuildNumber = 14393
if ($osVersion.Build -ge $minBuildNumber) {
$subkeyHashTable = @{}
foreach ($subkeyName in $wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames()) {
if ($subkeyName -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') {
$keyNumber = $subkeyName -replace '.*-', ''
$subkeyHashTable[$keyNumber] = $true
for ($i=1; $i -le $count; $i++) {
if (-not $subkeyHashTable.ContainsKey("$i")) {
Write-Output "Total Keys $count. Error Found- $i key does not exist"
$wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') {
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) {
cmd /c "reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\$_" /ve /t REG_BINARY >nul 2>&1"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Host "Total Keys $count. Error Found- Binary Data is corrupt"
} else {
$subkey = $wpaKey.OpenSubKey($_)
$p = $subkey.GetValueNames()
if (($p | Where-Object { $subkey.GetValueKind($_) -eq [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::Binary }).Count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Total Keys $count. Error Found- Binary Data is corrupt"
2 months ago
2 months ago
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
2 months ago
echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[0m
) else (
2 months ago
%psc% write-host -back '%1' -fore '%2' '%3'
exit /b
2 months ago
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[%~3%~4%esc%[0m
) else (
2 months ago
%psc% write-host -back '%1' -fore '%2' '%3' -NoNewline; write-host -back '%4' -fore '%5' '%6'
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
if %_unattended%==1 timeout /t 2 & exit /b
2 months ago
if defined fixes (
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] To Open Troubleshoot Page " %Gray% " Press [0] To Ignore"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==1 (for %%# in (%fixes%) do (start %%#))
2 months ago
if defined terminal (
call :dk_color %_Yellow% "Press 0 key to %_exitmsg%..."
choice /c 0 /n
) else (
call :dk_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to %_exitmsg%..."
pause %nul1%
2 months ago
exit /b
2 months ago
2 months ago
:: 1st column = Office version number
:: 2nd column = Activation ID
:: 3rd column = Edition
:: 4th column = Other Edition IDs if they are part of the same primary product (For reference only)
:: Separator = "_"
2 months ago
2 months ago
for %%# in (
:: Office 2010
:: Office 2013
:: Office 365 - 15.0 version
:: Office 365 - 16.0 version
:: Office 2016
) do (
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do (
2 months ago
if %1==getmsiret if "%oVer%"=="%%A" (
for /f "tokens=*" %%x in ('findstr /i /c:"%%B" "%_oBranding%"') do set "prodId=%%x"
set prodId=!prodId:"/>=!
set prodId=!prodId:~-4!
if "%oVer%"=="14" (
REM Exception case for Visio because wrong primary product ID is mentioned in Branding.xml
echo %%C | find /i "Visio" %nul% && set prodId=0057
reg query "%2\Registration\{%%B}" /v ProductCode %nul2% | find /i "-!prodId!-" %nul% && (
reg query "%2\Common\InstalledPackages" %nul2% | find /i "-!prodId!-" %nul% && (
if defined _oIds (set _oIds=!_oIds! %%C) else (set _oIds=%%C)
2 months ago
exit /b
:: 1st column = Activation ID
:: 2nd column = GVLK / Free Office products keys
:: 3rd column = In case of Windows, its SKU ID. In case of Office, its Office version
:: 4th column = Edition ID
:: 5th column = In case of Windows, its Build Branch name incase same Edition ID is used in different OS versions with different key (For reference only)
:: In case of Office, its either a key type if its a free Office product or Retail product names that needs to be converted to the Edition ID mentioned in 4th column
:: In Office 2010, one highest VL edition from each primary product ID is selected, that's why Visio Prem key is mentioned but not for Visio Pro, Std
:: Separator = "_"
set f=
for %%# in (
:: Windows 10/11
:: Windows 2016/19/22/25 LTSC/SAC
:: Windows 8.1
:: Windows Server 2012 R2
:: Windows 8
:: Windows Server 2012
:: Windows 7
:: Windows Server 2008 R2
:: Office 2010
:: Office 2013
:: Office 2016
:: Office 2019
:: Office 2021
:: Office 2024
) do (
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do (
2 months ago
if %1==winkey if %osSKU%==%%C if not defined key (
echo "!allapps!" | find /i "%%A" %nul1% && set key=%%B
if %1==chkprod if "%oVer%"=="%%C" if not defined foundprod (
echo "%%D" | findstr /I "\<%2.*" %nul% && set foundprod=1
2 months ago
if %1==getinfo if not defined key if "%oVer%"=="%%C" (
if /i "%2"=="%%D" (
set key=%%B
set _actid=%%A
set _allactid=!_allactid! %%A
) else if not defined _oBranding if %_NoEditionChange%==0 (
echo: %%E | find /i "-%2-" %nul% && (
set key=%%B
set _altoffid=%%D
set _actid=%%A
set _allactid=!_allactid! %%A
2 months ago
if %1==getmsiprod if "%oVer%"=="%%C" (
for /f "tokens=*" %%x in ('findstr /i /c:"%%A" "%_oBranding%"') do set "prodId=%%x"
set prodId=!prodId:"/>=!
set prodId=!prodId:~-4!
if "%oVer%"=="14" (
REM Exception case for Visio because wrong primary product ID is mentioned in Branding.xml
echo %%D | find /i "Visio" %nul% && set prodId=0057
reg query "%2\Registration\{%%A}" /v ProductCode %nul2% | find /i "-!prodId!-" %nul% && (
reg query "%2\Common\InstalledPackages" %nul2% | find /i "-!prodId!-" %nul% && (
if defined _oIds (set _oIds=!_oIds! %%D) else (set _oIds=%%D)
2 months ago
exit /b
2 years ago
2 months ago
:: Below code is used to get alternate edition name and key if current edition doesn't support K-M-S activation
2 years ago
2 months ago
:: 1st column = Current SKU ID
:: 2nd column = Current Edition Name
:: 3rd column = Current Edition Activation ID
:: 4th column = Alternate Edition Activation ID
:: 5th column = Alternate Edition GVLK
:: 6th column = Alternate Edition Name
:: Separator = _
set notfoundaltactID=
if %_NoEditionChange%==1 exit /b
for %%# in (
) do (
for /f "tokens=1-6 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do if %osSKU%==%%A (
echo "!allapps!" | find /i "%%C" %nul1% && (
echo "!allapps!" | find /i "%%D" %nul1% && (
set altkey=%%E
set altedition=%%F
) || (
set altedition=%%F
set notfoundaltactID=1
exit /b
2 years ago
1 year ago
:: Leave empty line below